The Solar Storm: Reyvolt & Spero – Summer of Chaos (7-10-16)

Kyle speaks to Robert Reyvolt of Incendiary Radio in the first hour and Nick Spero of Circus Maximus in the second hour. Topics include: the recent shootings, the roboticized police state, the summer of chaos, agitation, black lives only mattering when Whites can somehow be blamed, and much more.

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8 years ago

I don’t know where else to post this but it is tied in with the BLM movement terrorizing one of the few independent and openly anti-liberal freelance videographers. The Youtube user “Laughingatliberals” was arrested and is being charged by the Portland scumbag DA for pulling his gun in self defense when a feral nigger was coming after him. Here’s one video. L@L’s video is in the DAs hands so we won’t get to see it if they delete it or “lose it”, or do some thing else to hide his evidence of being threatened. This video was clearly edited to chop out earlier segments that might have included additional threats to the videographers safety. It starts seconds before he pulls the gun. Download this video… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

This reminds me of the lone chap at the Sacramento event. They really do look like dead zombies; aggressive negroids and libtard sjws. Well done for getting this vid out.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

There’s more videos out now. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS BEEN EDITED TO OMIT THE TIME FRAME LEADING UP TO HIM PULLING THE GUN!!!! What does that tell us?? This guy isn’t 100% “red-pilled” from what I can tell but I’ve communicated with him on youtube and pointed out all the jews in his videos, which I don’t think he knew about before hand. He thumbed up numerous comments by me identifying jews and communists so if he isn’t jew-wise I think he’s in the process of learning. He has snuck into meetings with these communists and managed to get video with no problem some times, and other times the jew leaders recognize him (they must have a dossier on him). I read other… Read more »

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

That video makes black lives matter seem reasonable and the ‘white’ guy who is probably jewish, but maybe not, look paranoid and unpredictable. I think the whole thing is a propaganda piece.

Reply to  Pajo
8 years ago

With the timing it could be, but then it would be more effective to simply use some one who is brainwashed or raised from infancy to perform a mass shooting. Senseless killings elicit stronger emotions than actions which many are construing as entirely defensive. Go look up his youtube channel, “laughingatliberals”. The communist left absolutely hate this guy.

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

Sure man, I’ll check out his channel, thanks.

Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

Thank the gods we have clear-thinking men and women here on Renegade and in the chatroom.
I agree, let the blacks and sjws take on the police alone; be clever folks. Hopefully, it will awaken the average white cop to their own manipulation.
The (((Daily Mail))) is doing a story on the BLM poster boy Deray, complaining about being arrested and put in an ISIS orange boilersuit – interesting.
PS The DM also have their ‘Rosa Parks’ iconic photo moment..arrhhh. A 28yr old angelic black nurse standing up to the nasty waycist brutal police at Baton Rouge. Not a tattoo, weave, large rear booty, or no lip sucking in sight – hhmm hhmm yoo go gurl!!

simply said
8 years ago

Cops murdering people is not a defensible action and the people who have been repeatedly murdered by cop deserve for their senseless deaths to be protested. People are NOT gunning down the police. You are exaggerating and inflating your words to incite your own biased opinions. Dallas, a staged event with one suspicious shooter murdered by cop robot (according to the official story) does not equal “police are gunning down the police”. You are following the Israeli mindset of Palestinians being less than human and failing to equating the same mentality to America’s blacks and the cop actions. Israel training our police forces along the lines of the military where every citizen is an enemy is bringing the murders by cop to unreal portions. The… Read more »

simply said
8 years ago

The Jewish Democrat billionaires are controlling everything thru their phony NGO’s working behind the scenes.

Circus Maximus
Reply to  simply said
8 years ago

Try not to fall for the Left/Right dialectic. The “Right” also have NGO’s working behind the scenes and out in the open simultaneously with the “Left” to undermine Americans and people all over the world.

Here is a website that “monitors” the so-called “Right” NGO’s

Go to the Menu option in the right corner & click on Profiles. This gives you the option to select: Individuals, Government, Funders, Organizations, Media & Businesses.

8 years ago

Yes krav maga is an israeli fighting technique. I can teach it to you. What you do is you snipe someone, preferably an unarmed child, through the head at 400ft and then cry about how you are being victimised and oppressed by them, bring up having “survived” a made-up tragedy in your life, then proceed to slur that person for the next 20 days in your local newspaper, and then make their family pay reparations to you fro the rest of their lives, after bulldozing down their house and displacing them.

8 years ago

That is a major point. I think we shouldn’t get involved in their protests. It would vastly improve White national media PR image, since this is the battlefield. Hell, you could go one step further and have $2 fried chicken stalls and watermelon stands for the BLM clump! For some subversion, you could do tweets on the day that there is a nike air jordan sale somewhere and see what happens

Maybe hand out free coffee and donuts to the cops (special free offer for the authorities only day to play to their sensibilities). We can me cheeky too for our cause.

Reply to  Skylgarir
8 years ago

That nike air jordan idea is a GOOD one. Maybe save some of these for around the Trump conventions. F Trump, but if some of the feral animals could be tricked into leaving the area for free gibs then the potential number who would get into conflict is reduced. This who “Make America Rage again” and Republican/Trump rally are absolutely intended as a flash point. Any thing to help defuse it would screw over the jews.

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

Yes. We can use the monkey mind against itself by playing to their triggers.

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

It would be hilarious to see a televised BLM rally implode into chaos about a NAJ offer. If we fight back on that level we can take an active position in kicking at their foundations. No reason why we shouldn’t. If its war then war so it be. But we do have the “privileged” advantage of not being so easily susceptible to such devices. It could work well.

Lawrence Forthright
8 years ago

Red Ice Radio As CIA/FBI Front: Red Ice reaches upwards of 400 000 views on some shows according to Lana. These numbers have huge potential to influence and shape the minds of White people. As many have noticed who were/are Red Ice fans, this site has become increasingly Alt-Right over the past few years, becoming obvious sycophants and boot-lickers of Dickie Spencer, Angelo John Gage, the Right Stuff Radio, Andrew Anglin, David Duke and others (As I have mentioned in the past, these individuals are CIA/FBI operatives being used to control opposition to the Globalist/Internationalist agenda). If one Googles Spencer, Duke or Heinmbach; they will come up via SPLC or Wikipedia with a mention of White Supremacist or something similar. Google Henrik Palmgren and one… Read more »

8 years ago

Holy shit, get this video. White privilege… Bullshit, black privilege is the order of the day

8 years ago

Here is an excellent breakdown of slow motion of the videos from the BLM assault and mobbing of Laugingatliberals reporter. It also includes background video showing L@L being assaulted by a communist, having his arm broken in 3 places, and his camera equipment stolen. Furthermore there is commentary on the videos by 4 anonymous cops. L@L is a political prisoner. The communist who broke his arm and stole his equipment WAS NEVER PROSECUTED by the DA even with that video evidence of the assault. And now the DA of the same county has L@L arrested and being labelled a flight risk to put his bond at a ridiculous $250,000. This is open warfare on anti-communist political activists! Please spread the below link far and wide… Read more »

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

CORRECTION: The link above misstates that it was Strickland who was assaulted and had a broken arm the year before. It was actually another pro-2nd amendment individual who is also associated with the Laughingatliberals website. Please pass on this correction so we don’t look like liars or idiots (as I already do for posting it with out catching the mix up).

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