Solar Storm: Stonewalled by Supremacist Semites & Sodomites (6-23-19)

Kyle talks about a whole range of issues: war games with Iran, Netanyahu lying the US into war in 2002, jewish supremacists in Israel, reactionary jew, the John Cusack incident, racial reparations, “gay rights” and the mafia, who owns the west, the US being #1 in trafficking, and much more!

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Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

“I want me some R ‘n R too, massa jew-suprem. I ‘s a right to Renegade Reparations, yes siree. You done me sooo, sooo wrong. Like da man Labi Siffre xplain, something inside so strong – called facts and truth, hmm hm, praze da Lorde!”

PS Great show. Simple. Logical. Truth. NOW ACT ON IT!!!

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