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Tabasco Pepper
4 years ago

The song is “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zeppelin from the “Led Zeppelin II” album released in 1969. Their “In Through The Out Door” album was released in 1979.

Near the tail end of that very graphic song (sorry about those two puns…along with the pun in the song title), Robert Plant sings, “shake for me girl, I wanna be your back door man”.

Those disgusting sheenies have certainly been inventing so many different ways to try to lead the “goyim” into early graves. Thanks for another great “sound the alarm bell” show!

generic white token
Reply to  Tabasco Pepper
4 years ago

A lot of RnR Stars where military brats based out of Laura Canyon Ca.

Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

Disgusting topic, but vital information for our impressionable youth, and sleeping parents.
It comes as no surprise to learn that the homosexual lifestyle groups, the abrahamic religions, and the secret society groups, were all created and funded by the jewish supremacists. Vast profits, cattle control and of course White genocide, are the goals.

P.S. Thanks Kyle. Protect your children by keeping them away from jewish-controlled gov’t educational centres, especially in their teenage years. ‘You’ have to be the educator.

Last edited 4 years ago by Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

The preservatives in meat are the main cause of cancer. Sodium and Potassium nitrates are the most common for pork. But for other processed meats, the list is endless. For alcohol, there’s sulfites in wine to increase shelf-life and prevent bacterial growth. Just so happens to cause asthma in babies of pregnant women consuming it. Most of our drink + food is laced with chemicals that cause cancer.

joe higgins
4 years ago

the nature and consequences of faggotry

generic white token
Reply to  joe higgins
4 years ago

Fag = slang also used for cigarettes

In Gratitude
4 years ago

During the “sexual revolution” which began in the 1960’s, physicians in San Francisco took notice of a group of specific diseases associated with anal sex. The group of diseases were dubbed, “gay bowel syndrome”. A well-kept secret in the “gay” community are the effects of proctitus, chronic inflammation of the colon. Proctitis is painful and uncomfortable and creates a constant urge to defecate. A well-hidden fact about the “gay” lifestyle? Many of them wear diapers. Here is a detailed article regarding the now politically incorrect term known as “gay bowel syndrome”and an excerpt from a homosexual’s blog entitled, “Learning the Diaper-boy Lifestyle”. Is this information being included in our public school’s sex education curriculum? Pretty sick stuff, literally. How about having your colin turn… Read more »

Tom Spanne
Reply to  In Gratitude
4 years ago

I am a retired San Francisco Fire Captain and former Paramedic. I was given a tour of the San Francisco General Hospital Surgical Museum which was part of the G. I. Lab. Unimaginable objects were displayed: Rodents and dildos were commonplace. The award went to a 10 pound zucchini wrapped in a nylon stocking which was smeared with Vaseline, feces, blood and semen. Honorable mention went to a pair of flashlight batteries wrapped in aluminum foil. A homeless person evidential inserted this as a “butt warmer“ on one chilly night, only to have it heat up and perforate his colon. The patient was found dead in a doorway.

In Gratitude
Reply to  Tom Spanne
4 years ago

Thank-you Tom, for adding your personal insight. I imagine at one time SF was a lovely place to live. Homosexuals are also involved in a behavior known as “fisting” wherein they actually engage in slowly pushing their hand & then entire fist through the anus into the colon. How can this behavior be anything but painfully dangerous to one’s bowel and can only be related to serious mental disease.

Serpents reign
4 years ago

Homosexuality and lesbianism is a very self-destructive lifestyle and it constantly promotes itself in the media like it’s something to celebrate it is absolutely ridiculous that we live in a society that looks up looks up to this degeneracy I read somewhere that the average homosexual man will die 20 to 30 years earlier than heterosexual men do you really want to throw away that much of your life it seems pretty sad they also have a huge drug addiction rate and alcoholism rate lesbians have a huge domestic violence rate and they can be violent towards men and to each other transgender people at least transgendered women commit suicide at around 41% of the time so this is not normal why does our society… Read more »

Hans Uber
Reply to  Serpents reign
4 years ago

Bot comment.

Hans Uber
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Plus the only capital letter is right at the beginning. Interesting because bots are definitely more advanced than this at places like Reddit. Probably either a rank amateur douchebag or a douchebag who wants to make it obvious. Either way a pathetic douchebag.

Serpents reign
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

I just wanted to babble and see what it would do. I forgot this is not faceberg.

Serpents reign
Reply to  Hans Uber
4 years ago

I apologize my comment wasn’t really adjusted I just wanted to vents out my feelings

Tom Spanne
4 years ago

Winston Churchill exclaimed “Rum and buggery has run the British Navy for centuries.”

In Gratitude
4 years ago

In today’s climate of promoting all things “gay” a naive, young person could form the idea that the anus is just another vagina. In my research regarding the link between the most commonly contracted STD in homosexuals, incurable genital warts aka condylomata acuminata, caused by the HPV virus, and anal/colin cancer were published before the mainstream media began aggressively promoting all things gay. The article, written by a physician, begins: “Anal cancer in gay men has the appearance of being the next major health crisis within the gay community. This disease has been discussed for years within the medical community of the USA but up to this point has received very little press in either the queer or popular press.” (mainstream media). It is… Read more »

4 years ago

I enjoyed your show. You speak real but such hidden information that we need to know for our survival. Informative, rational and fact-based. Thanks.

4 years ago

I worked as a model in the 1980’s only to find out now that the so-called female”top” models were male, were men. Transsexuals. Men with long hair, makeup and dresses on. They made millions. Me? I gave up after a while. All trannies: Cheryl Tiegs, Ella McPherson, Cindy Crawford, etc. They ALL were men. They were around 5 ft 11 to 6 ft and I was only 5ft 8in. I was quite capable. I knew there were some trans in the shows. Now all trans. Makes me sick how I was subverted like that. Enough is enough.

In Gratitude
Reply to  KHetherington
4 years ago

I had to respond to your comment K. Back in the 90’s I began noticing how all the major female celebrities appeared so similar, and they had a sickly look about them.Their skin appeared…rough with heavy caked makepup to cover it. After the Michelle Obama scandal, the truth about hidden trannies passing in public just burst forth. They have been promoting trannies to the public for decades, and now they are openly promoting them. Some of these trannies are from illuminati familes such as Angelica Houston, cryto Jews. I mostly keep this info to myself as people have been so programmed, they think you’re nuts if you speak about it. So thanks for your comment! It’s like one researcher stated, they can hide it much… Read more »

In Gratitude
4 years ago

I forgot to post this link. Please watch this video, just give it 5 minutes. I think you will be astounded.

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