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In Gratitude
3 years ago

Just as the Tribe- owned media refuses to allow articles positing information which educates the public regarding the multitude of serious diseases associated with homosexual behaviors, -they also refuse to educate the public of the harm done, regarding the artificial vaginas, created by invasive and radical surgeries. “Neovaginas” are created using existing penile and scrotal tissue and/or a sigmoid colon (the last section of the human colon) graft. There is criticism that intestinal vaginoplasty can lead to excess mucus in the vagina and mucus with an unpleasant smell. Patients “may” need to manually dilate their neovagina for the rest of their lives. Website compiled by transgenders regretting this invasive surgery. You won’t be seeing these regretful transgenders on TeeVee. These surgeries are taking… Read more »

Gay-Opt Inspector
Reply to  In Gratitude
3 years ago

“Unpleasant smell” and “Need to dilate their neovagina” So, basically their neovagina is like a second butthole…nice.

Reply to  In Gratitude
3 years ago

These trannies aren’t actually making vaginal discharge. it’s just puss from an open wound. Vaginal discharge would imply one has an actual vagina which is cleaning itself.

Last edited 3 years ago by renegade
In Gratitude
Reply to  Sinead
3 years ago

Exactly, especially the “neovaginas” made out of the sigmoid colon. One comment on the website sited, mentioned how the tissue went necrotic.That’s like something out of a horror movie. Do they just remove it and repeat procedure? Also, what will years of ingesting synthetic hormones do to the human body over time? Even women taking BC pills and post menopausal estrogen are warned about the connection of synthetic estrogen and serious blood clots/strokes. What happens to females after years of ingesting testosterone, and males taking estorgen? That can’t be healthy. These important issues are ignored, just like the myriad of serious diseases connected with homosexual behaviors are ignored.

Reply to  In Gratitude
3 years ago

I can’t believe that anyone could be so divorced from reality as to think that this is an option.

Linda Gallimore
3 years ago

The ever present productions on TV, films and the internet about the Luciferian Transhumanist Agenda has become quite a money maker for Hollywood and it serves as a constant propaganda tool to control human consciousness through fear.The constant stream of characters associated with Lucifer/Satan just keeps growing!

Reply to  RobertHeimdal
3 years ago

Covid is a fraud, not real fake bullshit so how could progesterone improve outcomes? Why would you go to a hospital for a cold or flu? A week to 10 days its gone, if you stay home in bed get plenty of rest and eat right you get well sooner~ If you eat right all the time you never get a cold or the flu more than once, which would be about 8 months into changing from an unhealthy diet, due to your body needing to push out the crap build up~

Reply to  WhiteMan
3 years ago

Its the flu. Notice how not one of the media filth hydrants have mentioned flu for the last 2 years now.

3 years ago

I feel like this is one of those situations where if you become a tranny it’s kinda on you. Like that’s literally no ones fault but your own

Reply to  renegade
3 years ago

It’s just on a whole other level though, it’s like saying seeing someone smoke crack on tv and that makes you wanna smoke crack, it’s still the shows fault. Things that are to those extremes only show how weak minded and degenerate one is and what youre willing to degrade yourself into doing. Transexuals have a mental illness its called gender dysphoria, are you going to say people with schizophrenia or dementia are also victims or is it rlly just their genetics and how theyre brains work and regress however sad it may be

Reply to  renegade
3 years ago

Yes but the blame cant solely be on chemicals that most people are exposed to at one point or another nowadays. Youre gonna blame wanting to cut your dick off on endocrine disruptors? Something you guys touch on alot is child abuse. What youre saying about trannies is the same as saying child abusers are “victims” of popular culture which generally especially with hollywood turns a blind eye to child abuse. It doesnt make sense, some people are just sick period a man who says he is a woman so he can go into womens bathrooms is a sick person.and you cant blame the media for his sickness because he is vile and disgusting that is the end of it. The only reason i commented… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
3 years ago

Lmao i dont wanna talk about trannies anymore so im just gonna say my only point i was trying to make to make it clear was this compassion you have towards transgenders could be better allocated to people who can actually help the cause, not useless fucks that dont give a shit about you. Wasnt deflecting at all, literally just saying some people are scum and just because they arent in positions of power doesnt mean they’re automatically victims and worth sitting around complaining about (yet simultaneously sympathizing with them(??) when we could be trying to actually come up with solutions to the genocide and oppression we’re faced with. I appreciate what youre trying to do in the grand scheme of things with these shows… Read more »

Reply to  Bruce
3 years ago

Yeah, let’s ignore child abuse. Sounds like a great plan Bruce!

Linda Gallimore
Reply to  Bruce
3 years ago

There’s an organized system that’s been put into place for taking the children.These children are mutilated/castrated and forced to live a gender/sex that is different from the one they were born with, so they can be made tools of the NWO that they use.This is what these transgendered people are used for.

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda Gallimore
3 years ago

It is disgusting however that it’s so out there in movies and such and that kids end up being exposed to it so i can see your point with that

In Gratitude
3 years ago

A Milwaukee County Children’s Court judge was charged this past March 10th, with seven counts of possessing child pornography that showed the sexual abuse of young boys. He and his “husband” have 2 adopted children. Judge Brett Blomme was also a former president for the Cream City Foundation — an LGBTQ advocacy group in Wisconsin that advertised  Drag Queen Story Hour events in public libraries. Now how many of these Drag Queen performers in public libraries have been outed as child molesters? I should have created a file.

Reply to  In Gratitude
3 years ago

Today you can bet most jews are faggots, its a mental illness from inbreeding is my view on it~

Reply to  WhiteMan
3 years ago

Its pretty obvious that they are a race of bum fumbling, shit obsessed faggots. They are also afraid of sex which is why they have their customs so anti woman, only holding them to any value because the bloodline is traced through the mother, which makes biological racial sense. But otherwise also child raping faggots.

No Pedos Allowed
3 years ago

I just heard from a friend that the Siegeman guy (which you exposed on Renegade not too long ago) spammed someone with c**** porn. My guess is anyone that promotes James Mason/Siege being aware of his charges are either pedos or ZOGbots. Or both. Pedos in our movement should be blacklisted instead of tolerated.

Robert Heimdal
3 years ago

Time to start talking about (((tranny))) privilege?
Senate Confirms Transgender Biden Nominee Rachel Levine as Assistant Health Secretary (March 24, 2021) | (((Breibart)))

3 years ago

What a lovely name! Genital Kova?

3 years ago

The depopulation agenda was pushed in the sixties with such books as the Population Bomb. The idea that the world was overpopulated was sold to young White college kids who got sucked in at the same time the sexual revolution was being promoted.

It was also said that rich people had to go so as to feed the more deserving out there in diversity world. “He advocated for an “unprecedented redistribution of wealth” in order to mitigate the problem of overconsumption of resources by the world’s wealthy, ”

China, India and Africa are still over-populated while the population in White Nations is disappearing. And there are more super-wealthy at the top pushing the agenda.

Reply to  Sencha
3 years ago

And the (((wealthy))) destroy once beautiful, wholesome architecture and natural landscapes, seen in nineteenth and early 20th century paintings and photographs; in exchange for cheap, ugly architecture. Now I know that sometimes there are some suspicious users who stay on Twitter, despite their un-kosher perspectives. It does have users who post side-by-side comparisons of then vs. now locations. Roger Scruton who passed away earlier last year and “conveniently” before the outbreak of the Cofib Plandemic, narrated a BBC documentary once called “Why Beauty Matters”. This has been blocked by Youtube under copy right violations. The video can be found on Bitchute, Vimeo and other video streaming sites. There he talks about the destruction of superior architecture in favor of something cheap and ugly, he also… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Jake
Reply to  Jake
3 years ago

That picture on the left is from the Prussian capital Koenigsberg. The silent gradual war has been to destroy Prussia who’s remains are latter day Germany, but once spanned the globe. All history has been the destruction of Prussia and the fragmentation of her land. All inventions and technological developments are German /Prussian in origin.

Reply to  Skalgarir
3 years ago

The jews like to degrade and destroy priceless art, architecture, you name it. They like to destroy beauty and replace it with ugliness, whichever is beyond their ability is a reminder their belief of being a “chosen people” is an absurd fantasy. They always wanted to destroy all Aryans and take their place to be worshipped like gods.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eric
Reply to  Skalgarir
3 years ago

You can reverse internet search the screenshot to this twitter post:

The painting of Königsberg Castle you see in the painting to the left can be found off in the distance to the right (click to see the full picture).

Last edited 3 years ago by Eric
Reply to  Sencha
3 years ago
3 years ago

Mis-pronounism is illegal. Who would have thunk it!!!?.. WATCH YOUR PRONOUNS!!!

Reply to  Skalgarir
3 years ago

That College Prof won his case about those bullshit pronouns, he doesn’t have to call the guy she or her or or it~ I prefer the word it for those sickshits~

Reply to  WhiteMan
3 years ago

The thing is it worries me that it has to be a legal case for this bullshit to get passed. Well, Im glad, that is some good news at least, but the lengths we have to go to negate the nonsense is unreal.

Reveal the Jew
3 years ago

You people can talk all you want, but know one thing, is that the Jew is way more spiritual creature than you’d think that you are dealing with someone who is just evil in nature, you are dead wrong! Being evil is nothing compared to being highly spiritual, Jews know this and that’s how Jews dominate. The spirit is alive and existent and “Evil” is just a word. Evil as a word of nature is what you do when you get angry, while spirituality is a dogma and when borders have to be crossed no law of morality can stop it. So talking about how one of these days you will put a stop to the Jew, you better think before you make a move… Read more »

The Word
Reply to  Reveal the Jew
3 years ago

Yet for some reason the main tactic of the jew is deception. One would think that if the jew is so spiritual it wouldn’t need to deceive! I think we both KNOW that the jew will yet again be revealed to the masses as the problem that it is as it has been all through time & yet again it will be defeated & put in its rightful place as a mere parasite. This is just Nature in action & the way of all things…

Reply to  Reveal the Jew
3 years ago

Bullshit~ the synagogue of satan are satan worshipers, have no control over me~ They may scare you but they sure the fk dont’ scare me~

Reply to  renegade
3 years ago

Biblical reference, Christianity’s job was to civilize us then desecrated us unrecognizable with savagery.

Reply to  WhiteMan
3 years ago

Satan is derived from a similarly sounding Sanskrit word meaning “enlighten” or “knowledge”. For most of its history, the church before and after the schism and reformation claimed any religion that wasn’t jewish or christian was “Satanic”. Luciferianism over the past three or four centuries is near identitical to the jew’s Kabbalah, another one of their appropriations and distortion of eastern beliefs and practices. Sometimes practices such as the Kundalini originate from the ancient Aryans of India and Central Asia, they were most certainly White. The jews want to be white, they are not. So they desire to destroy anyone greater than themselves, yet I suppose they want to preserve some Nordic genes in an attempt to use them for eugenics purposes. They want to… Read more »

White Mage
Reply to  Jake
3 years ago

What you’ve said is definitely true. What’s your take on the original Lucifer? I know some argue he is is the equivalent of Prometheus, while others argue that he’s closer to Apollo (then there’s mention of Phosphorus/Eosphoros in Greek Mythology, who is also called Lucifer. What’s your take on that?).

Feel free to reach out to me via email at if you’d like to chat more privately.

Reply to  Reveal the Jew
3 years ago

You have that absolutely backwards – the jew has NO spirituality. This is one of the core reasons as to why the jew is naturally evil, psychopathic and degenerate.

Robert Heimdal
3 years ago

Because (((democracy))) and the LGBT community need more money-spending for their “protection”:
NATO Pushes For Creation Of “Democratic Resilience Center” (30.03.2021) | SouthFront

3 years ago

So what would happen if a neo-vagina was impregnated by vintage-sperm? Or is there also neo-sperm for those who swing the “other way” and have a neo-penis? You have to larf though. A neo-vagina is no more a vagina than a man is a woman, for wearing a wig and eye shadow. The materialistic simulacra really is a sick comedy.

3 years ago

Anyone remember the movie “the crying game”?

Reply to  Skalgarir
3 years ago

I Remember That Movie

3 years ago
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