The Solar Storm: The War for Our World (5-29-16)


The guest from the first hour requested his audio be removed for a variety of reasons. The audio now starts in the second hour, as Kyle speaks to Stefan from Thule Productions about the more esoteric, spiritual, and speculative side to our struggle.

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8 years ago

great show again kyle, with all this talk of the warring gods i cant help shake the gut feeling that us humans are all being played and that both sides are controlled by the same non human intelligence whos ultimate goal seems the total subjugation of us all on every level, if these gods are to be released i only hope they are not demonic in nature. this problem is compounded by the advent of quantum computing as is appears that these devices access this same dimension that these so called gods inhabit.

Reply to  jewbanker
8 years ago

Agreed. Warring gods stories are often metaphors or descriptions of ancient battles – between people. It’s natural for us to feel connected to our ancestors, but they aren’t Gods. The non-human intelligence which came from aldebaran, became the jews. They created what we now call cern and haarp which are capable of making AI holographic “beings”, and these are what many of the UFO and alien / angel sightings are. Some UFOs are real, but they’re military ships from here, not from out in space. There were real draconian / aldebaran / anunnaki, whatever people prefer to call them, jew spirit beings here until God and Mother Earth removed them – this is part of what 2012 was really about. Abductions could still be performed… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

Thanks Kyle, Christopher and Stefan – good interviews. I think most cities are now lost to white people. We can start our fight-back in more rural areas.
We need young people to recapture their ethnic soul through language, music, stories and listening to their elders! Reject all this jewish filth!
The ultimate irony is, these 100s of different black, brown, yellow tribes stepping on our land, keep their ways and customers – zero assimilation there!
I think something major is about to happen ( crash/ war.) I hope our gods inspire white people to awaken and rise up – let’s kick some Loki ass!!

8 years ago

Hey Renegade,

The jews have mastered ways of harnessing the energy emitted though anger. they actually enjoy watching the goyim get angry. it makes them stronger. european cities are screwed. we need to get back to a simple way of living.

Jason B.

Reply to  Jason
8 years ago

We must simply redirect our anger: to the kikejew.

Reply to  Jason
8 years ago

really? do you have any links on how the jew do this? because if they convince us not to ever get angry then how do we motivate our folk to rise up and overthrow this global jewish oppression. a serial killer loves what they do as does a pervert loves perversion so love must be a “bad” emotion never to be felt or expressed too right? how about defeatism?

8 years ago

It’s a shame the segment with Stefan had to be so rushed. I feel he is ideologically and spiritually something of a kindred spirit, and Woden’s Folk in England would have much to discuss with him.

8 years ago

Great show. Loving the spiritual aspects of it. It wouldnt surprise me in the least if the jews are using a bastardised form of the spiritual things that we have.

8 years ago

Very good show, thanks to all involved. I would have liked to hear both of your guests for 2 hours each, so will be finding your previous show with Stefan, another honourable German. I agree with the biological virus weapons, but suggest they have be around for 100 years at least. Vaccines for German children bought about jew doctors being expelled from city states over 100 years ago and Dr Mary’s monkey viruses 50 – 60 years ago poisoning my generation.

8 years ago

Are crop circles ever on MSM? Like the crop circle reference as I believe we will be liberated by these forces as we are currently being destroyed and damned by the ever present mind viruses at play for over 2000 years. I do not believe any savior nonsense here, our gods are our ancestors, our saviors we see in the mirror each morning, we have alot of what we need within, we have to do the fighting, we need the gods for the knowledge and the enlightenment and we need renegade and the like to bring us together to share and to triumph.
Please stay away from doctors, injections and cell phones.

8 years ago

Does anyone know how to get in contact with Kyle Hunt?
It is regarding situation in Ireland.

Reply to  JamesBrennan
8 years ago

james, try the contact button on the main page on the left hand side 🙂

8 years ago

Kyle asked about the publicity Phoenix Rising got. Their first action made international news and all the Irish broadsheets and red tabs including a Wall St ezine, official EU news site, Israeli embassy fb page and israeli blogs. Their other strikes have made national and some international websites making international and all national newspapers and 1 TV and radio shows and their equivalent web pages.

Their Central Bank action was also done as an art installation, described in their statement here:

Irish broadsheets

Irish-American News site, photo & comments now deleted:

Wall st ezine and Israeli embassy scrubbed it off their sites, but screenshots exist. This is Zionist blog:

8 years ago
8 years ago

Part 3: This is video of the Central Bank action (with nightstrike footage)
Their statement contained in details section of the video describes the state of affairs of Ireland and the Jewish and other manipulators behind the destruction. It answers most of the questions asked in the interview regarding that.
Anglo Bank Dublin (nightstrike footage)

8 years ago

Part 4: The Iron Bridge Strike (Population Replacement Factory):
This was done outside the Dublin Convention Centre the night before a citizenship ceremony was due to grant nearly 4,000 invaders Irish citizenship. It was seen nationally and by all media and state officials attending as invaders.

National news website

National radio:

8 years ago

Part 5: N7 Motorway arterial route into and out of Dublin city. Featured in outraged multicult TV current affairs and chat show

78,700 views on national news website

10s of 1000s of people would have seen it on this major motorway into and out of Dublin City.

8 years ago

Part6: The centre of the city centre of Dublin (1. Jewish Supremacists control western banking. 2. The Irish a minority in Ireland in 30yrs) This was done in the very busy centre of the city centre, exposure of the message to the public was massive, to both natives and again 10s of 1000s of tourists, workers etc. Gardai were seen questioning taxi ranks etc. All the above are a fraction of what was done, most in the heart of Dublin city in and around the very risky busy centre. With regular patrols of Gardaí, security guards, immigrant taxis, immmigrants all willing to report such activity. The cost if caught is high, one graffitist got 2 yrs for some small scale non-political graffiti. For all… Read more »

8 years ago

Phoenix Rising have made comprehensive declarations and proclamations against the Jewish supremacist and EU occupying powers and their Irish puppets which have violated Irish sovereignty, they can be read here:


(Regarding Multicultural Desecration and Destruction of the Irish Blood and Soil.)
With issuance of the 2015 end-of-year truthgraf exposing where the blame and guilt lie:

UnSovereign Nation Once Again: The only Irish people in the state 100 years later to the very day, to have done an illegal activity against the state, defying it and the oppressive new globalisation tyranny it stands for.

8 years ago

Part 4: The Iron Bridge Strike (Population Replacement Factory): This was done outside the Dublin Convention Centre the night before a citizenship ceremony was due to grant nearly 4,000 invaders Irish citizenship. It was seen nationally and by all media and state officials attending as well as immigration-invaders. National news website National radio: Part 5: N7 Motorway arterial route into and out of Dublin city. Featured in outraged national TV broadcaster current affairs and chat show 78,700 views on national news website 10s of 1000s of people would have seen it on this major motorway into and out of Dublin City. Part 7: Phoenix Rising have made comprehensive declarations and proclamations against the Jewish supremacist and EU occupying powers and their… Read more »

Just published. EU\'s new hate speech laws.
8 years ago
Ingrid B
8 years ago

Someone very close to me developed a psychosis from hanging out with a former “friend” who was messing with a ouija board. At that time I read of an incident which occurred in a small South American village, where all the children around the ages 12 to 15 developed psychological problems from messing with ouija boards, the adults in the village were sure they were possessed, and were practicing exorcism.. Stefan is very convincing with regard to other world beings who will come to our aid. I would like to remind everyone that non-whites are also, for the most part, victims of the evil which is permeating the planet. They, too, have been manipulated, and abused, and have suffered unimaginable losses, and suffering. Everyone should… Read more »

Robert Heimdal
8 years ago

Sorry for being a bit of a wart here but, has it occurred to anyone that all this alien stuff going on could mean that the Elites (in conjunction with all the alphabet soup organizations) are getting ready to pull a big psy-op of epic proportions on us for some reason? Just asking.

Reply to  Robert Heimdal
8 years ago

Robert, in my view, you are absolutely correct.

8 years ago

I really enjoyed this show, the 2nd hour particularly. An interesting factoid here, Thule is actually pronounced TOO-lie. I know this because my father was a pilot in the USCG who flew transports in and out of the NATO airbase there in Iceland.

8 years ago

I like Stephan Timm, watch his youtube channel. But I don’t know about this return of the Imperial Germans business. This is pretty much the same thing people in the UFO community have been saying for decades, not to mention all the messiah cults throughout history and Christianity. The only difference for him is that the aliens are Hitler and the Germans returning to save us. I don’t think he’s lying, but people that are channeling or communicating with discarnate entities are always getting apocalyptic messages. The Gnostics, Christians, Essenes, John Dee, alien contactees, Book of Revelations etc…

8 years ago

Who was interviewed in part 1 and what was it about?

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