Turning The Tide Against The Enemy
Kyle deals with some relevant issues, including infiltration and subversion, reactionary radicalism, and raising White consciousness to a higher level. Callers are more than welcome, but trolls will be slain in short order.
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So good to hear some English accents coming into this “scene”,
I grew up with hair that was red enough to “set me apart” : “Shit head, Toffee Head, Duracell, Carrot Top,” etc.
Mick Hucknall, the singer, was mocked mercilessly when he claimed that the ‘discrimination’ against gingers was comparable to what nigs supposedly “suffered”.
However, for ginger White kids, there was no “Ginger and Beautiful” campaign, no ” Say it Loud, Im Red and Im proud”.
I HATED my hair, my freckles, my pale skin, when I was young.
And of course, all the media images were of swarthy, dak-haired models.
Still, the anger drove me somewhat.
Hello fellas, Im a White Man, 45yrs young, from Notts, living in Brighton. “Dont they teach you this at school?” No need, its on TV, Radio and Newspapers 24/7. Channel 4 news tonight, out of nowhere: “Drawing Life” is a series of drawings by jewish children at the Terezin concentration camp, unaware that…gas chambers..holocaust…Auschwitz..Bergen-Belsen…..Here’s a hawk-faced old Yenta called Zdenka Fantlova..15,000 children sent to Auschwitz..sent left, or sent right…left meant you went to zer gas chambers…thousands of corpses…Yenta is now weeping..she still has the ring of so and so… “Jocelyn has been commissioned by the Jewish Music Institute to create a new musical work. Drawing Life is inspired by poems and drawings from the book ‘I Never Saw Another Butterfly’, created by child inmates held… Read more »
Thank you for educating our brothers and sisters about the reality of infant genital mutilation. This medical ritual was fastened upon us by the usual suspects and by the White weenies that collaborated with them. The practice infuriates me like no other. I urge anyone who agreed to allow a doctor to do this to forgive yourself, because you didn’t know any better, but please educate yourself now and work to prevent it being done to others in your family. I know an anti-circ activist….Jewish, as some of the most dedicated ones are, to give credit where credit is due…and will ask for a link to a video i can post here that can be shown to doubters. Thanks also, Kyle, for mentioning the STOP… Read more »
Great show Kyle. Keep it up! Regarding the end of the show on circumcision: You’ll never have your uncut foreskin back, but you can apparently restore your foreskin to a great degree by stretching. Came across this site a while ago, it seems like it’s effective but requires patience and dedication. People say you can restore sensation– some people seem really satisfied, and before/after pictures show tremendous progress. The site is a supportive community also. Good to let off steam with people who aren’t so brainwashed by jew mutilators, like I bring up the practice to my friend and she says “removing the foreskin is like removing an extra thumb.” It’s closer to just removing the thumb altogether I said. It’s just unbelievable people can… Read more »
Has there been a Renegade Broadcast episode discussing the pre-Christian values and themes in “The Ring of the Nibelung?” On the White Genocide topic, I’m aware of proposed strategies to stop it, including: Northwest Migration, advocated by people such as author Harold Covington; red state secession; and continued white flight into enclaves, which has been the practiced strategy for avoiding, but not stopping, diversity since the 1950s. One of the most difficult and perhaps impossible tasks that Renegade Broadcasting is undertaking with the Stop White Genocide Campaign and White Man March is to convince liberal white people who act as a fifth column and view racial diversity and multiculturalism as wonderful, to either wake up or stop acting in a manner detrimental to whites in… Read more »
Another Brit, from the midlands here.
To GTRman, just regarding jocelyn pook, another brit, married to a yugoslavian chap ,Dragan Aleksic ,the reason i’d heard of her is Kubrick used some of her musical score “Masked Ball” for the movie “Eyes wide shut”.
Thanks for pulling the plug on christinsanity.
This video was recommended to me for any parents who aren’t already firmly opposed to our society’s medical ritual of infant genital mutilation of males (see my comment above that’s been awaiting moderation).
I won’t watch it myself because it will spoil my day, but I trust it provides what’s needed:
Mother of Sheist, I spoke too soon. You returned to your sin like a dog to its vomit.
@ William: I understand that that stretching procedure will restore the glans to its normal mucosal state…the guys I’ve heard of who’ve done it reported a great increase in sensation. Of course when I was younger, I wouldn’t have thought that there could possibly be any increase in sensation, but now that I’m elderly it’s easily imaginable. If there ever was a practice that shows how humans can be persuaded to adopt ANYthing as a practice, no matter how absurd and how injurious it is, that mutilation as it’s done on Whites is it. It probably served a survival value for Jews (by increasing their feeling of group identity), as did of course their foisting it on us. I knew a Jew who told me… Read more »
Or did Kyle sign off with a prayer? 🙂
I don’t know. I haven’t finished the show. I had to take a break when the christian came back to give Kyle a reach-around.
I can see from the comments that the subject of circumcision is looming. On this topic I have only one thing to say:
I’d rather give a jew my foreskin, than jewsus my balls.
TYT Cenk
Sabbatai Zevi, the Donme, The Young Turks were Jews responsible for the Armenian genocide. I don’t want to add a post to an Islamic site as I am no fan of that religion and think he has erroneous info on there in part about several other subjects. BUT this is a good short article and the guy has some really good books on there such as Born at Versailles by Leon Degrelle.
This is who those pompous asses at TYT are!
Here the articles are below. I don’t think we should do this but I always wondered what if a group of Aryans pretended to be Jews to infiltrate them?!
It’s shows like this that make me stick around. Too many radio-shows just go over generic news from a disinterested viewpoint. Topics such as circumcision really hit close to home. Showing people how they were mutilated as babies by Jewish doctors hits them much harder than talking about such and such law being passed, or acting shocked when Hollywood is even more degenerate than the day before.
And am I the only one surprised that Chris didn’t call in?
If I wasn’t stuck living with my parents I’d be a frequent caller.
@ Kevin: My circ-activist friend says to guys who don’t get it, “A doctor cut off part of your dick and tossed it in the trash can.”
Frequent reaction: “He did not.”
But the first statement isn’t one that a guy hearing it can un-hear.
Jimmy, I suddenly wonder what “The Old Rugged Cross” sounds like on bagpipes! Ha!
I love those old hymns. I cannot get enough of them. It must be wonderful to be a Christian (of the old sort) and believe them as well as feel them.
I hope I’ve made my peace with Christianity…I wore myself out hating it when I was younger. And what’s around today mostly doesn’t deserve the name.
All that remains for me is the wonderful music, and a warm fuzzy feeling that I have to be wary of.
I’m just describing myself, not prescribing for you or anyone else of course. I truly would like to hear “Old Rugged Cross” on the pipes, but I suspect I’m not going to! 🙂
@HD that feeling is called conviction and it gets warmer and fuzzier when you get closer and righter.
Henry: I’ll never be at peace with an institution that’s killing my race. I have some patience for people who can’t figure that out, but it’s in ever decreasing supply with the passage of time. Two thousand years may be a blink of the eye in the evolution of a race, but this is beginning to look more like a diabetic coma induced by chronic consumption of a spiritual carbohydrate. These morons actually believe that putting their faith in jewish lies is going to qualify them for eternal life. I’ve heard some crazy whacked out stuff in my day, but this meme is lethal. I used to think it was harmless until I realized that it supplants the only real form of life which transcends… Read more »
Good podcast, Kyle. Your talk on circumcision really hit home. I would like to kill that damn doctor that circumcised me when I was one day old. When my son was born I refused to have him mutilated. The negative influence of the Jews even gets us when we are one day old and screws us up for the rest of our lives.
Jim, is that really you? You sure you wouldn’t rather talk it out with the doctor? Never forget that the children are the prime targets of the Jew. If you haven’t already, listen to the show I did on my own childhood. http://glaciersmarch.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/my-first-radio-show/ The abuse I suffered has left me unable to feel certain emotions, and hate is on the list. From telling me that every argument I got in as a child was due to my ‘instigation’ and ‘hatred’ to telling me I was too aggressive to be allowed to be around the other children. I was isolated and publicly humiliated on a weekly if not daily basis. In such a situation you learn to hide any emotions that could get you in trouble… Read more »
“Circumcision is just the tip…” Hah Hah Ha. [: Too easy. :]
of the iceBERG. 😉 Yeah, somewhat intentional those two.
The jesus myth was a trick on n*ggers. There was no Fall because there was nothing to Fall from. There is no Redemption because there was no Fall. There is no Judgement because there wasn’t the first two. The historical evidence for jewsus’ existence is no more convincing than that for Hitler’s gas chambers or Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and it was fabricated by the same group, for the same reasons: Psychological warfare. Jesus was The Trojan Horse. The Third World inhabited its belly and they’ve already disgorged in sufficient numbers to affect our racial doom. When they reach critical mass and we have no choice but to kill or be killed, let us not neglect the agents of their entry. Una salus victis… Read more »
@ Jimmy: But in other eras, hasn’t Christianity served our race well? E.g. under its banner Spain was retaken from the Moors, and the New World of the Americas was won. Judging only from Christianity, I assume that religions are rather plastic things that can be bent toward whatever attitudes their adherents hold in any particular era. We can say that Christianity always contained the seeds of racial destruction, and I guess that’s true to a greater extent than it would be of some other religions, but if all religions are plastic to some extent (just my hypothesis) then they can all be said to contain the seeds of destruction of their adherents to some extent. Humans are going to be religious IMO…even with the… Read more »
Awhile back on web before it was taken down—a ARYAN NATIONS Phineas Priest webside had best article I ever read about circumsition. There is one White Racist named Pastor James P. Wickstrom who promotes it. Maybe someone should ask him why he promotes it. Wickstrom says its a White Nordic Israelite sign of Abrhamnic Covemant.
“jewsus’ existence…was fabricated by the same group, for the same reasons: Psychological warfare.”
I’ve heard that there’s apparently reasonable doubt that Jesus existed, but I never thought to ask: if that’s so, under what historical circumstances and for what immediate purpose was the story invented, and who exactly invented it and how did they manage to spread it.
Those details of the view that he didn’t actually exist would be interesting to know. I’m sure they’re elaborated somewhere, but I guess I’m not so interested as to go look it up.
@ John Thomas: “John Thomas” was the name that Lady Chatterly’s lover gave to his penis in their pillow talk…did you do that on purpose? 🙂
“@ Jimmy: But in other eras, hasn’t Christianity served our race well?”
Booze probably served the alcoholic well at some point in his life, too.
Are you going to donate your liver to him?
“Those details of the view that he didn’t actually exist would be interesting to know. I’m sure they’re elaborated somewhere, but I guess I’m not so interested as to go look it up.”
About hair color.I heard on Fox News a report about DNA Testing for sports. Then the lady makes a comment that your more likelñy to be a CEO if you got black hair and dark eyes. Years back Frank Weltner who had Jew Watch website had an article about how Elvis Presley dies his Auburn hair dyed Black to fit the role better. Also Elvis Presleys Mother was Jewish occording to research of Frank Weltner. Also in Ancient times if you had Red Hair you are a Witch or Warlock. Then there is a Doctor in Atlanta who says Louis Beam had Indian Blood and Byran Reo says Richard Butler had Indian Blood. You are right it is crazy. But let me say this—maybe their… Read more »
Henry: Never heard of a Dick being named John Thomas… Maybe Hellen and Choas website is right about Anglo Saxons-.-many of them having Mongolian blood from eons ago…the rapes of White Women by the Mongolians. This would explain why the leadership of West is so anti white and gives everything to China…
Kyle are you of the opinion that most if not all religions are essentially ethnic based man made belief systems created by ambitious people for the purpose of dominating their societies and gaining economic and political power for their own elite clique? Do you also believe that there are no extraterrestrial beings or dieties that attempted to make contact with and instruct humanity? Your answers to these questions would clarify your point of veiw.
Yes to the first question and no to the second.
So you do believe extraterrestrial intervention in the affairs of humanity is at least theoretically possible in the past and may be in the future.
“Diversity” = White Genocide I assume that message that will be on a large group of the banners on March 15 was shortened for considerations of expense, size, etc., which seems to me a good decision based on a conversation I just had with Jimmy Marr about the much greater difficulties in creating a banner the size of his own that has the phrasing we ordinarily prefer, Diversity is a code word for White Genocide. I just want to remind readers that always when you can, e.g. in conversation or in posted comments, these phrasings with “code word” are the best: Diversity is a code word for White Genocide Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white Using the term “code word” focuses on the intent… Read more »
Kyle, just a note on the brit UKIP party and its leader nigel farage : i dont trust him at all, even now he is talking about pacts with the tories at the next election, as they all know it will be low voter turnout, probably another ‘hung parliament’ [someone should hang]. To me, UKIP are the best of the bad bunch, i would turn out to vote….but just to spoil my ballot. This chap farage is already fraternising with the enemy…one small whiff of power and the king kosher is in there sniffing around like a diseased rat up a sewer pipe, see here:
Kyle, fucking good. You are an inspiration !
Let’s attack Halal and Kosher slaughter
Let’s attack circumcision
It is not about stopping immigration. It is about reversing it.
It has been done before.
What do we do about half-castes ?
I do not want them around.
I’m only at the 1 hour mark of the show, and I’m loving it. Kyle rocks!
Bringing some news from England…. regarding the daily mail once again exposing the cultural marxist agendas and players, this one is regarding powerful lobby groups pushing homosexuality, fake feminism and multiculturalism, at the helm is politico jewess harriet harman [Harm Man] who has been forced to address her connections with PIE [pedophile info exchange] who are pushing for lowering the age for child sex and legalising child porn!
Link 1: familiarise yourself with the story
Link 2..Meet Harriet
Link 3.. About Harriets PIE
Link 4…the pedo cover up
This is your best show so far, Kyle! Eternal honour to the Weapons-SS, young volunteers all over Europe, who fought courageously against communist hydra!
Middle ground is always the best position and you can even enjoy that you can piss off extreme christians and pagans at the same time! Extremism of all kinds leads always to alienation from “normal people” and dead end paths. I am glad that you finally reached to that conclusion.