Double-Crossed In The Fight for White Rights
After making a few comments on the White Man March, Kyle will discuss the issue of infiltrators and subversive tactics, with a major focus on Frazier Glenn Miller/Cross. Tom in CT and Dave Mansfield may stop by to expose this event as a complete hoax. Callers welcome.
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This is what you get when you watch MSNBC for one hour in the middle of the day. TV on. It’s the final minutes of Andrew Mitchell’s show. “Hillary Clinton on Immigration” Hillary is seated on a STAGE with her daughter Chelsea opposite her. They are apparently taking a ‘question’ from the audience. A ‘white’ girl with a big nose, who probably does not share the traditional religious views of most white westerners, is speaking. “I have never said this before, but I am an UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT” after an uncomfortable silence…the audience applauds…she goes on “I came here when I was five years old (she starts to ‘cry‘ and continues) and my life was so hard…” CUT TO…Hillary, Hillary speaks… “That was so brave…Thank you… Read more »
The timeline in the order they appeared…The links I talked about on the show…
Excerpts from nodisinfo. “Yet, it is far more dangerous than it appears. White racism (or any other kind of racism) is an insidious. It is like a parasitic worm, which eats its host alive. Even so, by legitimizing such racism, by promoting it and publicizing it, this acts as a protections against the Jews. That’s because anyone who really reveals them for what they are is virtually immediately disregarded as a hate-monger and far worse.” “This clearly demonstrates that the white nationalist movement, including its most virulent and violent entities, is a mere propaganda tool of Zionist Jews.” http://nodisinfo.com/vanguard/ Heads they win, tails you lose. Revealing is protecting. White universalism is our strength. Dissemination of disinformation is just another squirt of Jewish octopus ink. The… Read more »
Lets talk about Media Fakery and Brainstorm for a moment… Everything about the Media is fake Sitcoms are fake Movies are fake Commercials are fake Is how the Media portrays whites real or fake? Is how the Media portrays jews real or fake? Is how the Media portrays blacks real or fake? Is how the Media portrays multiculturalism real or fake? Does the News Media present the events of the day, the issues of the day, the issues that are of vital importance to the country in a real way or a fake way? Fake meaning, Is it accurate? Is it genuine? Is it honest? Do they create a perception? Do they then say that perception is reality? Why is reality not reality? Is the… Read more »
So you want to get rid of infiltrators and you give a platform for loonies who say that ZOG goes out of its way to *not* kill innocent victims, but rather puts on stage productions involving the explicit conspiracy of dozens or hundreds of participants?
Sigh. . .
“…loonies who say that ZOG goes out of its way to *not* kill innocent victims…” –Zard
Making hay by stuffing straw into the mouth of a scarecrow, then bending him over your soapbox, and pounding away for all you are worth, until your needle is lost with a sigh of relief in the haystack, is more of a spectacle, than it is persuasive. Where is your paroxysmal Oh, the humanity video for these quotidian ho-hum atrocities?
It all comes back to the benefit/risk formula. Simply put the larger the benefit and the lower the risk, the more probable it is that plan is what they chose to go through with. Knowing the Jews and how they operate, saving innocent lives immediately counts as an -, whilst screwing over everyone(including those that are working for them) is a +. Knowing that I’d say the most likely scenarios here(not including the mainstream version) are as follows: A. Miller took that drug(someone please fill in the name) that makes someone highly suggestible and likely to do as ordered. Or he was manipulated through his alcoholism, or with the idea he could ‘redeem himself by going out guns blazing.’ With this agenda there are NO… Read more »
Awesome show guys. Thanks for all you do. It is appreciated.
I have a question. What is going on with Mike Sledge?
Kyle said something not-so-nice about a person named “Mike”. Was that Mike Sledge?
I’m just asking because I have no idea what’s going on.
Alexander, watch this video (or listen, rather): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0sZ-gxbxnw. The first 2min 37sec is Sledge about a year ago talking about the Celtic Rebel and tactics employed by individuals to discredit others. The rest is Mike using those same tactics to attack Kyle and people who associate with Renegade in general. He hijacked the network a couple/few weeks back and spent the whole day using the stream to talk shit on Kyle and others. He scheduled a blogtalk show when the women were supposed to go on and not only were they unable to do their show, but he spent the beginning of his hijacked show talking shit on them. He now has a blogtalk show were all he does is talk shit on Kyle, Renegade,… Read more »
How does someone change their entire world view due to having an argument with another person???
The guy is crazy or actively working for the other side either way he should not be listened too.
I don’t think it’s as simplistic as that. It’s likely he never really cared about the movement to begin with,not like we do, and doesn’t/didn’t attach any urgency at all to the fact that we are being systematically exterminated. His motive for getting involved may have just been his ego or a desire to socialize and perhaps have people look up to him, an urge we all get from time to time as social animals.
He’s quite obviously an asshole,though, and his actions prove why he doesn’t receive that positive attention already.
During the course of a few months, Mike changed his proclaimed spiritual beliefs three times, all three of his positions being stated in very unapologetic and one might say “aggressive” terms, and those positions “just happened” to coincide with the general tenor of the current Renegade crew and vocal audience. Most people don’t believe things very deeply, and I suspect Mike is one of the normal people who have found reason to be in this eccentric sphere comprised mostly of people who take ideology seriously.
That’s pretty much what I was trying to say as well. You said it much better than me,though.
Mike looked into his childrens’ beady, black little eyes, and knew what he had to do: He’s securing a future for his jew children.
I had no idea…
So he has been using Kyle and Renegade all this time? I just don’t understand it. He certaintly had me fooled.
I don’t know for sure, I’m just speculating. I don’t know the guy, and I just found Renegade myself a few months before all this happened. What I do know is that you can’t ask for very much credit if you never do any work,you can’t ask people to take your word if you don’t tell the truth or are frequently inaccurate, and you can’t ask people to stick up for you if you never stick your neck out for them. You can’t expect to be seen as brave if you turn tail and run from every fight,nor honorable if you are in the habit of betraying your comrades,nor can you expect to be seen as loyal when you refuse to do what is needed… Read more »
I’m being serious here, but its very much the same as the celtic rebel did, he suddenly switched from talking about the jew issue in the space of one week. I recall one of the last times he spoke about it was on the cusp of him parting ways [allegedly] with mike and kyle et al, it was at the beginnings of this ‘movement’ we know today that has manifested through WMM, renegade, and the whole pantheon. He said that it was some form of a trap that he had identified , that it was ‘dangerous’. Then he began talking about getting ‘back to life’ [going to the bar? maybe, or brazil, he liked that place]. So anyway, that old rebel, he used to regularly… Read more »
I didn’t read any of the above comments. What I gather from listening is that the above broadcast was to spread awareness about white rights? If I think of it from a tribal perspective I can sincerely relate. It seems fair, its a new way of perceiving reality. I guess you need to take away the past and forget supposed history. Historically white people have gone into foreign lands and invaded them, displaced their culture, customs, lands, languages, and changed it to a uniform language which most of the world speaks today. People today still hold that grudge. I guess that’s the underlying bias. Otherwise you are sussed. That’s a Southern Hemisphere slang for “Everything is going to be okay”. Also, I guess when you… Read more »
“Historically white people have gone into foreign lands and invaded them, displaced their culture, customs, lands, languages, and changed it to a uniform language which most of the world speaks today. People today still hold that grudge.” They didn’t though,not by and large. That is the Marxist reinterpretation of what White people did. If you think about it critically, it doesn’t even make sense. It’s like a Hollywood villain,it’s so over the top. Let’s examine it point-by-point, “gone into foreign lands and invaded them”. You could say that, if you accept that White people are mustache-twirling psychos as a precondition. Another way you could say that is that White people were exploring the world,had no idea who was where,or what was what, and simply wanted… Read more »
I beg to differ. “Sussed” is a colloquialism in use where im from, and it does not mean “everythings going to be ok”, as i suspect YOU WELL KNOW judging by what you stated there. What you mean is that white people have been ‘worked out’ [sussed, coming from Suspect], that the white agenda: the relentless white march of destruction and assimilation through history and across the globe has now been fully identified and understood by the rest of the worlds people [non whites, jews, the repressed] who are now acting upon this knowledge and turning the tables , whites are just getting their comeuppance,right?, the pendulum has swung the other way , empires rise and fall [and so do races?] and now we are… Read more »
Alright, I’m listening to the youtube thing right now. WTF?????
That is some sick stuff. What the hell is he doing? He sounds like he is gone over the top crazy. He is outright attacking Kyle for some reason (was there a disagreement of some sort before this?).
And to think I was one of the people always asking if Mike Sledge would come back on after he had a breakdown…
I just don’t understand the whole thing. I honestly don’t get it.
Good to see Polly’s comment was deleted – not one of that person’s comments here have ever had any merit whatsoever. But while we’re on the subject, something a little lighthearted – A black guy walks into a pet store looking for a faithful companion. He comes across a nice-looking parrot that seems very friendly. The black guy tells the pet store owner, “I wanna buy this parrot from you.” The store owner looked nervous and said, “I will sell you this parrot, but I must warn you that it is very racist.” The black guy buys the parrot and storms out of the pet store offended. The next morning, the black guy wakes up and goes up to the parrot’s cage to feed it… Read more »
I don’t track the news much, but in general terms I’ve gleaned that a random and very inaccurate shooter had been terrorizing the K.C. area for about a month prior the Glenn Miller event and was apprehended shortly after Miller’s arrest. While there were numerous witnesses to the shootings who would have been able to identify the shooter as Black, not public mention of this fact made even though a reward for his arrest had been offered. Only after Miller was arrested and had all the media attention focused on him was the news broken of a Black suspect who had committed over a dozen shootings in the six weeks surrounding the Miller arrest. I could be wrong about this stuff. Has anyone else noticed… Read more »
In case my previous comment is unclear, my question is this:
Does the evidence support a hypothesis that the Miller event could have been inserted into the midst of a larger public relations disaster in order to divert attention away from the larger picture?
Yes, very good observation.
Will Dave title his movie Emotion’s Eleven, or The Kansas City Holocaust?
I said this on Stormfront, I’ll repost: There is no possible way this fool isn’t owned by the Jew. He only killed whites, he’s a faggot and a traitor to boot. Once they condemn him they’ll probably pretend to execute him and then let him live with a new identity. I also find it interesting that this occurred only about a month after White Man March. White Man March generated a lot of positive feedback for our movement, when people started figuring out that we weren’t going around sig heiling and beating up blacks. We gave the Jew a nice scare… and now they want to make sure everyone hates us again. It’s such a perfect scenario for the Jew it’s impossible to be coincidence:… Read more »