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10 years ago

i don’t want to be extreme but this show is not doing renegade any favors, the jokes are pretty base, Nick is really funny on the round table but this is more like an under mid 20’s version of Truth Militia. The show was a massive disappointment

Reply to  Jose
10 years ago

And what kind of favors are YOU doing for Renegade, “Jose”??? I, myself, donated around $300 in total to the roadshow and banner drive. Nick and I never promised some sort of professional show. This was our second one here… What did you do? What’s your name in the chat room? Is your real name Jose? How much money and time have you donated to this network? Do you have a radio show we can all check out? Do you honestly have a SPIC name or just too afraid to reveal your true identity???

Reply to  BRIANfromORION
10 years ago

” BRIANfromORION” LAUNCHES NONSENSICAL WAR ON ” Jose” ( anglin) of La Raza/ Daily Shitter …

Please Donate so he can globetrott for teen pussy…

Reply to  Jose
10 years ago

Nothing like a racialist who calls himself “Jose”. Go back to the L.A. freeway exit where you came from and get back to your shopping cart full of oranges, beaner.

Reply to  Jose
10 years ago

Truth Be Known, i agree with jose! …misguided temerity, at times it was all i could do to have my head in my hands in despair , it seems like the humour alternated between Beavis and Butthead and Dale Alvin Gribble [dag] from ‘king of the hill’ [ this one ] .
This is the future of the Jackals den if it can degenerate any further:

Come on chaps , fellas, geezers..its but constructive criticism, i treat with levity, i congratulate you for Doing Something, for donating your time and money, just something didnt translate with this one. Really all i took from it was that iphones are just upgraded pearl necklaces …wait…did someone say pearl necklace???

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

You are obviously Damon. Relating real life people to characters from cartoon shows… can you make it anymore obvious? And I don’t visit “urban dictionary”. I never even heard of such a sexual act. You sick fuck.

Reply to  BRIANfromORION
10 years ago

BfO, i swear by oden, im not damon, im not some jew with a troll account either. Ask kyle who has access to the email addresses. I was just giving my account of what i thought after listening to the shoah. Honestly, im not attacking you with a high powered shrimp gun loaded with shell fish toxin which i keep in the false heel of my cia brogues. I think you chaps are excellent usually from what ive listened to and seen of your contributions, just my 2 cents, this isnt attack mode or passive agressive bullshit, i respect you fellows and what you have to say for the most part, otherwise i wouldnt listen! im not insane! …at least by the definition of insanity… Read more »

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

Well sorry for getting angry. And in all honesty – I never heard of the urban dictionary’s version of “pearl necklace”. It’s funny but pretty gross. I may be young here but I like to think of myself as more mature than that. I simply equated iPhones (cell phones in general) to the “the new pearl necklaces” because people get killed over them (mostly by “minorities”). I’m sure some women have been killed for their jewelry in the past (by negroes) just as our people are getting killed today for their cell phones. Maybe I should have said “gold necklaces” but I’m sure some kike already invented a sexual act called such…

10 years ago

Good show guys!
Not profesional in deed,but funny and entertaining!
Thanks Nick and Brian!

10 years ago

“I-phones are the new pearl necklaces”.

10 years ago
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