The Solar Storm: Gahary & Thorn (7-5-15)


Dave Gahary is the web editor for American Free Press and Victor Thorn is an accomplished author who recently edited America’s Racial Powder Keg. Kyle speaks to Dave and Victor about the recent corporate and federal attack against the Southern people, the larger war on Whites, the promotion of sexual degeneracy (#LoveWins) and pedophilia, the epidemic of black on white violence, mass immigration into our lands, and much more.

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9 years ago

Interesting interview. The guest really danced around the issue of “the Editorial Staff at AFP” deciding to take the position that Sandy Hook was a real event. Who made that decision? What was the persons name? And this guy still voluntarily works for AFP? Gee – I wonder why that is…. Hmmm. Then he mentions his cozy association with Fetzer, Piper, and Halbig. For those of you who don’t know who and what these clowns are – Fetzer is actually an expert in epistemology. Just the sort of person that the jews would select to lead the “Scholars For 911 Truth” to ensure that the organization never goes near the Media Deception issue concerning 911. Piper? He said Sandy Hook was “real”. LOL Halbig? A… Read more »

9 years ago

I can’t help myself. The balls are all on the tee here and have to smack them. I hit balls. I do not suck them like Fetzer/MCP/Halbig. Fetzer? This guy is good at breaking the spell of the hoaxes and stuff. I mean, wait, I think he uh…Oh yeah. He sucks. He spins you around in circles for years. Is he dead yet? This guy fought EVERY piece of evidence in the “911 truth movement” until each piece of evidence became SELF EVIDENT. THEN…It was his baby and HE CAME UP WITH IT. (Eat it JIMBO) MCP? Geez. RIP. Bye. Or something. Bye. Halbig? Poor guy’s family got holocausted in the holocaust and just before he left he almost got holocausted and good god…… Read more »

9 years ago


Thank God Jimmy Fetzenhouse was all over this South Carolina thing.

Be sure to tune in next week when he talks about not dying and that he teaches a class about something.

Next week is a new witness that saw holograms on 911.

Isn’t it great that Fetzenhouse cares so much about ‘us’.

He is right on time.

He just was not on time when Gerard Holmgren was breaking the spell about no planes being used in the Media event that is 911 AKA the Media destruction of the World Trade Center. In 2005. Yeah. That early.

He was just like…five minutes late…

But he is gonna make up for it guys…

9 years ago

Sadly, many people here simply do not understand how Deception works. In addition to not having a grounding in Deception Science – many of you have exposed your total ignorance of Critical Thinking and how Rhetorical Ploys and Fallacies are used to confound the Idiocracy (you). Firstly, I will address this Jewish Rhetorical Ploy of claiming that we are saying that “Everything is Fake”. Making that accusation is an attempt at using “Probability” as an “Inductive Argument”. Probability in Argument can be discussed in terms of “Proportion”, “Frequency” and “Rational Expectation”. Certainly, in a “Non-Deception” environment – one could expect that most of the “News” might be based upon actual occurrences. Here is the problem: We already KNOW that we are operating in a “Deception… Read more »

9 years ago

Wait a minute…

Just because my wife had 30 affairs…

She admitted to them…Wait no she didn’t…

But I did accuse her…And she got mad…

Okay she kind of admitted to one or two…But it was my fault…

Your saying that…This time she actually did it AGAIN? On purpose?

In closing. My wife has just divorced me. Taken all my shit. Taken the kids. And in court she said I beat her.

What is it with this wife of mine? Ex wife.

She said she loved me. Was she lying? I don’t buy it.

I must have done something.

Eddie Wilson
9 years ago

Great show Kyle. I think people are starting to wake up now. Stay the course.

9 years ago

Obviously the Infiltrators and Operatives don’t want us talking about Deception Science and how it’s used in Media to create “Engineered Narratives” useful for steering the Idiocracy. Shill Org’s like AFP are definitely pushing the Race Conflict angle and to some extent the Jew angle because – well, even retards know those two things are a big problem. WHAT THEY WON’T DO: is take a rational approach to the fact that this regime is using age-old Deception techniques against us and presenting them as “National News”. Their handlers have given them strict orders to delegitimize any rational discussion of Organized Deception Operations in a News setting. Remember: Ethnic Conflict benefits the regime power structure greatly because it keeps the focus off of them. The LAST… Read more »

9 years ago


You say they’re all shills because they “don’t want us to realize that the media is deceiving us,” but isn’t it more logical to say that people like you are shills that are trying to convince the rest of us that the jews aren’t bloodthirsty killers who would jump at the first chance to murder gentile children?

Was Simon of Trent a crisis actor too?

9 years ago

Good show guys. It should be noted that although AFP originally took a strong “anti-Sandy Hook hoax” stance, over time they have published articles by writers questioning the official narrative.

9 years ago

Negontropic comment from a couple days ago… “Hardly any of the really important “false-flag” events of the past 20 years have been “real.” As I already stated: the reason for this is PRAGMATIC and not MORAL. Given the stranglehold the elite Jews have on the world’s media, it is FAR easier to shoot a movie of a massacre than to actually commit the massacre. It is also FAR easier to point to whoever they want to point as the “bad guy” and “terrorist” this way and make anyone THEY choose to be the victims. Only when it is easier to massacre people (and deal with their REAL grieving family and friends) than to accomplish the VERY SAME PSYCHOLOGICAL RESULTS by shooting a friggin movie, creating… Read more »

9 years ago

Pat & Dave – you two are loser quacks that are barely literate. Stop embarrassing yourselves.

chris taylor
9 years ago

negentropic, “Focusing on “Jews” 24 hours a day might make for a really macho and steam-releasing party for your ego but it is a noisy and simplistic tactic devoid of well thought-out strategy. All you will accomplish by that is get labeled anti-semitic, racist, white-supremacist and actually MINIMIZE your effectiveness and handicap it within the WN and non-WN-anti-Judaic circle jerk.” So, he goes on to name all points of jewish control, then goes on to tell you don’t focus on the jews. Also, putting “jews” in quotes like he did, as if this jewish power that he just stated but won’t name, doesn’t exist or the power is called jews by meat-head ego driven macho men, giving the impression that IF YOU NAME this group… Read more »

Itzda Joos
9 years ago

“the short answer to his always long nonsense<
it's the jews stupid."

Spot on!
Back to basics.
Keep it simple.
It's the best way to get business done.

Over-thinking things and typing out huge long comments everywhere (full-time commenters?) is just running intellectual circles around themselves if it isn't simply employment. Nobody that's anybody really reads that shit anyway and even more certainly they don't spend all their time on the internet like these guys so obviously do. 'Nuff said…

9 years ago

“Don” – who every you are…

Just know that Dave and I are laughing at you and the rest of the Infiltrators here.

Guess what idiot?

People are siding with us – and want to know more about Deception and how it’s used as “NEWS”.

You can go back to AFP now “Don” – and consort with the homosexual “Persian” there. LOL

9 years ago

Sorry your not convinced Black. I mean Don.

9 years ago

You know? In the context of THIS debate. I agree with Dubya. LOL

You are either with us OR you are with the Terrorizers.


the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

OR (my edit)

the use of (media) to (perceived) violence and (real) intimidation (through media) in the (media + political) pursuit of (media + social) political aims.

9 years ago

Chris… “Don’t focus on jews” Lets imagine for a second…You say this…Here is your response you get…. “Oh. Okay. I love TV/Movies/Newspapers/Mags…Um. So the jews do all that for us? Wow. Great.” Facts are facts? According to the PC idiocracy… “Facts are whatever I FEEL they are…The TV/movies/Newspapers/Mags tell me I should FEEL this way…I beLIEve my facts…In fact…You are evil…because I have facts…I beLIEve them” You are making stuff up… “it’s the jooz stupid” They do what? Why should I care? I am just hanging out here. If jooz do stuff. Great! I sure like the jooz you know? Boy. They sure are talented. What specifically are they doing? How does this affect me? Gotta go and watch TV now. Its normal. I live… Read more »

9 years ago

“Shill Org’s like AFP are definitely pushing the Race Conflict angle and to some extent the Jew angle because – well, even retards know those two things are a big problem.”

Shill Org? Who do you work for? ADL, SPLC, ZOG, etc.?

9 years ago

Don said:

“Pat & Dave – you two are loser quacks that are barely literate. Stop embarrassing yourselves.”

LOL. That those clowns are!

9 years ago

Yeah, we’re really embarrassing ourselves – and we’re “barely literate”. LOL Yeah – that’s why when ever we speak truth the Infiltrators start their whining. You Infiltrators amuse us -and you expose yourselves at the same time. Many thanks. Everyone here knows how badly you losers and butt-pirates want us to stop discussing the Science of Deception and how to unravel it. We know. Everybody knows. Everybody knows that the Alt Media is FULL of Infiltrators. Everybody knows that it’s not just Time Magazine that has “Agency People” in key management positions. Or is it “just” Time Magazine? LOL Yeah, I said that AFP is a shill organization. Same shitbags that claimed Sandy Hook was “real”. The dearly departed “Pirate” said so and the “Persian”… Read more »

9 years ago

Hey “Phil”,

AFP said Jim Traficant “flipped his tractor” just before announcing his Presidential run – and that it was an “accident”. AFP said nobody targeted Traficant.

Phil, maybe you can help me out here by explaining to the “folks” exactly what the nature of the relationship was between the butt-pirate Michael Cillins Piirate and Mark “The Israeli Pretending To Be Libyan” Glen.

And when you’re dong with that – go ahead and tell us about Dave Gay-Hairy’s homosexual love affair with the Pirate. How did he die again? LOL

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