The Solar Storm w/ Kyle 7-13-14

Lana Red Ice

Alternative Solutions for European Problems

Kyle is joined by Lana Lokteff from Red Ice Creations for a discussion of her experiences growing up, the factors that helped shape her worldview, her work with Radio 3Fourteen, how she thinks Europe can be rescued from foreign domination, and what her ideal society would look like.

Biography: Lana was born of Russian American ancestry. Ever since she can remember, she has been interested in the mysterious and the unexplainable. Because of her interest in metaphysical concepts, Lana majored in physics and minored in philosophy hoping to find the bridge between the two worlds, only to become disappointed by the accepted curriculum. Lana left school to pursue an artistic path in music, film and writing. Today, she is the hostess of Radio 3Fourteen and Contributor to Red Ice Creations. Currently, she is manufacturing an organic clothing line for men and women called Lana’s Llama that will be available online this fall.


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10 years ago

Lana is top notch. Plus she has great taste when it comes to tshirts.

10 years ago

When trying to reach “all” those White People on the profound truth of this War on Whites — Please don’t fall into the divisive use of “Lables” for groups — as in “lefty”. Running them off b4 they discover the reality you present only lessens our numbers. In the case of those Whites who consider themselves Liberal, few are aware and actively supporting their own demise. Thanks!

10 years ago

Awesome show! Perfect way to wind down the weekend

10 years ago

Lana is a very interesting young woman, I really enjoyed this interview. Kyle, you are constantly improving as a host. You are an inspiration, keep up the great work!

10 years ago


Plus Henrik coming on soon too!

Alexander (from Flanders)
10 years ago

Funny… I was listening to the interview Lana did with Horus just 2 or 3 days ago.

Can’t wait to listen to this one.

Kelly from Oz
10 years ago

Just about to listen – heard Kyle on Red Ice yesterday and Horus the other week – cant wait Lana and Heinrich have been doing awesome stuff lately getting the word out, so good that this meeting of like minds and hearts is finally taking place 😀

10 years ago

Great comment, Phil!

10 years ago

Absolutely superb show Kyle. Lana could command legions of white men. Please unban eddiiewilson from the chat? Observer was unwise to ban a fellow veteran.

10 years ago

Good show, I think what is needed to move forward to get sleeping Whites to awaken is a symbol & flag that Whites can make at home at low cost symbolizing ,(by whoever fly’s the flag ) That, 1. They know there is a White genocide taking place on the planet & they want to stop it from happening. 2. They support efforts to separate from the causes that are causing the White genocide & extinction to happen. I think Horus’s symbols are good but they are not simple enough for people to make at home & just refer to the meme , which is great! But, I think another symbol / flag is needed for the specific simple statements 1 & 2 above. The… Read more »

10 years ago

Stickers and shirts need to be made. A symbol is needed more than ever. Whites that are aware need a way to see others who are. Whites are kept back from speaking loudly for obvious reasons. So many sites so many opinions which makes it hard to direct newbies whom you dont want to scare off.
Kyle you have the ability and platform so create a symbol.. Please consider it.

10 years ago

Good interview. It’s good to see so many elements coming together. Especially some of your more Folkish ones. A lot of potential and momentum is growing. It’s a promising time to be alive.

10 years ago

First timer. Good interview. Loved the “thanks, Jews” commercial.

10 years ago

Great show, covered a lot of topics.

…”atheism has become a sort of a relgion”… – very true, and with a radical faction as well, as always through out history, properly backed by science!

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