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8 years ago

Cracking show as always. Although I have heard that nukes can’t work, at least the way they are show to us to work. I have thought about it and it does seem somewhat strange to me, given that they make no secret of how it works available to EVERYONE. Hmmmmm. I dont doubt that the ancients may have found a certain way to make nukes, but have a look at this explanation I found about the nuclear weapon fear conspiracy, this engineer explains how we are told they work and how they can’t work according to how we are shown.

Reply to  Skylgaryr
8 years ago

Very excellent link there – you are on the right track.

Reply to  Skylgaryr
8 years ago

Nuke revisionism started in the Liberty Forum in 2004, here (huge page – very hard core stuff):

Reply to  elbuggo
8 years ago

Thanks, I will have a look at that.

Reply to  Skylrgaryr
8 years ago

See also:
Rerevisionist (Rae West) channel on youtube.
Watch Jessie Waugh’s video, which debunks the 1950s atomic bomb “tests.”

Ingrid B
8 years ago

Hope your Mum is feeling better Charles. She is lucky to have you..

On the subject of christians. A number of years ago, I was asked by a little dumpy, “christian” colleague if I`d read my bible lately. I told her that, in my opinion, it was a fairy tale. She incited a ten year witch hunt against me, both at work, and privately, as she lived near us as well, and this witch hunt affected, not only myself, but my child, and my pets. This woman re-inforced my opinion of most so-called christians, though I have known some very nice followers of the christian faith..

Interesting stuff about the underwater cities..

Reply to  Ingrid B
8 years ago

The Hidden Evil by Mark Rich.
GodIsOurProtector (channel)
About gangstalkers and vigilantes.

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