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free your mind
8 years ago

I’m so glad you’re back Charles! Take care brother. Thanks Kyle.

Reply to  free your mind
8 years ago

Yep, just stick to what you do best – bleating all day about christardanity – and leave the REAL stuff to the big boys. That way you can keep your retarded (in the true sense of the word) little following of ex-Mami’s conspirotard crackheads happy and in line LOL!

8 years ago

The Jew, Paul captured the doctrine of Jesus. Follow it closely and he completely changed the narrative. Paul is quoted over and over again throughout the Christian religion of all sects.

Killer of Trolls
8 years ago

This show was funny as hell. I think Panera should pick up that dung fired bread

Steve L
8 years ago

‘Talking donkeys, poop bread, bloody sacrifices, oil anointing, lying on your side for the better part of a year, and more.’

Anyone ever heard of mythology ? I can’t help thinking that Charlie and others insist in seeing this literally simply so it gives them something to rant about. They’d be lost and disappointed if that was taken away from them.

8 years ago

Only thing I’d change about your presentation is call it Baloney in the BABBLE because that’s what it is.

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