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Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

Did anyone mention ‘The Solution’?

‘Gottfried Feder and The Fight Against Interest Slavery’ (June 26, 2016) Renegade Tribune

Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

‘Join The #ExposeBillGates Day Of Action – The Time To Stand Against This Technocratic Tyranny Is Now’ (June 8, 2020) by The Last American Vagabond

Disclaimer: Not a great fan of these people, take what you find useful from it. – Sorry again for the spam-news –

Reply to  Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

Charlie it was so cool calling in and thanking you for all you have done for me. You really are awsome you helped change my life my mind is free and my spirit. It took me forever to find your site I watch alot of old YouTube’s of your pod cast I see alot have been removed.

4 years ago

Charlie gives blacks a little too much credit, most of them are too stupid to figure out they’re being manipulated or they just don’t give a shit. Most blacks hate whites and Jews. They’ll take that Soros money and love the chance to create havoc and get away with it. Whites need to start fighting back and organizing against the Jew. No matter how they try to stop us

Reply to  TeutonicResistance
4 years ago

Yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwnnnnnnnn…… 1. Silly LARPy name ✅ 2. Says “most blacks” are too stupid or don’t give a shit ✅ 3. Says “most blacks” hate whites ✅ 4. Small “w” for whites but capital “J” for jews ✅ 5. Tells us “Whites need to start fighting back blah blah…” ✅ Instead of the Hasbarat/DS copy ‘n’ paste how about leaving that for whatever LARPy chatrooms you spend too long in & you just tell us what YOU’VE been doing to “fight back”? Make sure to show us with a bitchute video so you can prove that you’re not just some lame ass pencil-necked troll sitting in his room at Mommy & Daddy’s place! 😉 I’m getting a bit bored now with all these first-time commenters making… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Fuck you! I’m not a first time commenter and all you are is a fucking sorry ass troll with nothing intelligent to contribute

Reply to  TeutonicResistance
4 years ago

@TeutonicResistance – Whites need to do something about the Government. I didn’t see you say that in your post though. Sure, the jew. But at the end of the day we deal with the Government problem, or we get White Genocide’ed. Step#1 is putting blame where it belongs. You’re right about jews, because they run the Government along with their overpaid bitches (many nonjews involved as well). But we have to be very specific. The Government is what Whites must deal with. If you’re gonna try to tell people how to fix stuff, you must direct them to the enemy of the White race, who’s behind it all. And that would be the Government, regardless of who’s running it. The problem I see is you… Read more »

Reply to  Ulf
4 years ago

Replacing the unlawful (not “illegitimate”, be careful) government who operate under maritime or admiralty law with the original Natural Law system & eliminating all their contracted unlawful elements who enforce their unlawful BS PLUS reinstating the Bill of Rights as the only ratified law of the land is only step one. ALL of the corporate scum who have pushed this unlawfulness on the people MUST then be dealt with if you never want to see the world go down their tyrannical BS path again. That means scum right up to the top MUST be persued, arrested, tried in Natural Law courts AND put to death for their crimes, preferably publicly but at the least very slowly & painfully as correct punishment for all the pain… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Btw, by “Natural Law” I actually meant Common Law. The 2 should be interchangeable though 😉

Reply to  Mary
3 years ago

I love this comment so much. You’re spot on, thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Last edited 3 years ago by Astronautalis
4 years ago

Neoliberalism is what we are experiencing now. Similar to what happened in Venezuela 1999

Reply to  Kathryn
4 years ago

@Kathryn – No, you’re wrong. We’re experiencing the fact we have no White Government, only a Terrorist ZOG Government. They White Genocideus, this is part of their Genocidal Anti-White agenda. Republican/democrat/conservative/liberal/neocon/neoliberal: It’s all ZOG politicks and we must purge all of it from our society. I’ll keep it simple though, the Government is what we’re experiencing. You’re telling me the Government is just neoliberal? It’s Trump the republican conservative in there now & he’s allowing it all. These terms (liberal, conservative) are all for the actwhore show which is “our” Government. Ultimately what we’re experiencing is what the Government wants us to experience. So just keep it simple, & say that the Government is responsible for all of this, instead of getting yourself (and others)… Read more »

Reply to  Ulf
4 years ago

What I’m saying is instead of persons trying to say this is communism or facism or socialism if you look at the definition of neoliberalism that is what zog is doing to break us down. Totally not denying zog. I don’t understand the two party zog or if its just made to fet us to trust one over the other but both go hand in hand with the same ultimate goal. I am ok with being wrong and thank you for the conversation!!

Reply to  Ulf
4 years ago

Yes, fuck Neoliberalism or any other jewish “ism”. But Ulf, the “government” really is just an authoritarian model by which the ruling class controls populations of people & extorts wealth from them. It is just full of employees/contractors doing their job UNLAWFULLY for their bosses (because it is done so under their fake “law” not our Natural Law). It is the ruling class, business roundtables, etc who really “run everything” & live off that extracted wealth. They could do away with what you see as “government” at the drop of a hat anytime & replace it with another authoritarian model they’ve used in the past or some new one they dreamed up for the future. “Taking over government” isn’t going to fix the problem in… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Every form of government is authoritarian in practice, without government there would be anarchy not unlike what mankind endured in primordial times. What is needed is not a democratic system that has never proven to work, there need to be philosopher kings consisting of the most qualified people to rule in the best interests of the people. All forms of Liberalism, including the Liberalism of the Enlightenment influenced by Thomas Hobbes among other French and Englishmen, is inevitably corrupted by high finance. Adolf Hitler expressed similar grivances in Mein Kampf. Without philosopher kings we are stuck with a choice between being ruled by money obsessed merchants or clergy. Under anarchy there would be nothing stopping roaming gangs from terrorizing and exploiting others: I feel… Read more »

Reply to  Taurus
4 years ago

I knew someone would come in with the anarchy angle as I left my comment open to that. I certainly wasn’t advocating “anarchy” in the more modern interpretation of it – the type that’s pushed by drugged out “feral” hippies & punks who failed at life in general & have no idea what real anarchy in city streets might be like. BUT thinking anarchy is a just a one-dimensional beast where it would be “not unlike what mankind endured in primordial times” & where “there would be nothing stopping roaming gangs from terrorizing and exploiting others” is rather narrow-minded. We pretty much have that now (or the extreme opposite) even with ALL the modern surveillance tech & corporate enforcers known as “police”! Anarchy simply means… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

In other words you don’t like centralized authority? What about agrarian societies organized into clans that are more or less economically self-sufficient? Anarchy is the absence of a ruler or public administrators. Most of pre-Christian Europe lived in a system of clans whose leaders comprised a high council and a chieftain chosen, all chosen on the basis of their merit than inherited “nobility” in a monarchical system. Even so, being chosen on the basis of one’s own merit is no different than Plato’s concept of Philosopher Kings chosen on the basis of their merit and virtue, not by a royal line of succession or an aristocracy. In something like National Socialism meritocracy (within the framework of ethnic nationalism) becomes more prevalent with no wealthy bankers,… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

I can see you took what I said out of context. And what’s with the tight censorship on this website? How is someone’s misunderstanding or difference in opinion equivalent to being a troll or liar? Why should it not be discussed and how does a refusal to not discuss it not tarnish your image and authenticity? I don’t see a problem with constructive criticism, only when it becomes virtriol does it become a problem. If people here are truly independent thinkers, they shouldn’t centre around a mob mentality in agreeing with everything the site administrators say and think, whilst penalizing anyone who disagrees in any way, shape or form. No that does not make me a jew, Communist, internet troll, nor any other kind of… Read more »

Reply to  Hanson
4 years ago

Some people newer to this site reading your last comment might wonder where you’re coming from all of a sudden Hanson. This thread looks like a straightforward discussion & there was no “tight censorship” here at all. In fact Renegade is one of the least censored sites on the internet where these topics are discussed. Why would you inject that here out of the blue like that if it wasn’t just to steer things off in the direction that attacking trolls usually take things ie. muh censorship & just attempting to smear Renegade? We’ve seen commenters like yourself come & go many times over the years popping up with new names & at first joining in discussions but then very quickly turning on the site… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

I can see why you may assume people you don’t know, can’t see or can’t hear over the internet can be paid trolls, I’m just not that kind of guy and you have no way of ever knowing that over the internet. I expect you have come across many trolls online who want to push people’s buttons and attempt to cause confusion, I really don’t think their efforts have worked very well on here or toward most people who have awoken to White Nationalism and the jewish problem. I do have a problem with rudeness and what I view as slander, no matter if done on purpose or it it’s just a misunderstanding. I am holding onto angst I haven’t let go of and seen… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

“You’re saying nothing of substance. You’re just kvetching.” There you go again with your habitual hypocrisy and empty insults. This is due to your general lack of self awareness that has a long history of running far too deep in White Nationalist circles after Matthias Koehl assassinated Rockwell. You’ve deleted my comment in reply to what someone said about Robert Sepehr and another one in the article that falsely claims NS Germany wasn’t a dictatorship when it clearly was. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, like a gun the quality of the government’s actions are determined by who’s running it rather than the existence of government inherently being a problem. You censor plenty of comments for merely disagreeing with them rather than whether or… Read more »

Reply to  Hanson
4 years ago

Hanson said – “maybe then you would… learn your place…”

Spoken like a true authoritarian asshole! And yes, whether you like this description or not, like a true kike also!

Hanson said – “…you’re already mentally unbalanced…”

Well done! You once again just proved your complete lack of sincerity & credibility with that & other hypocrisies. More words do not a more intelligent man make! Please don’t waste your time replying with yet more kvetching. Goodbye.

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

You also censored a comment I made in reply to what someone said about Robert Sepehr.

Reply to  Ulf
4 years ago

Neo liberalism is a jewish perversion of original liberalism from the enlightenment. Most people in White nations have a liberal worldview that has its roots in the type of liberalism championed by Americans since its creation before spreading to Europe and eventually elsewhere. Cultural marxism is another perversion of original liberalism. Idiots that don’t do their research often think of socialism exclusively as “communism” and welfare cheques, subsidized health care = “communism” and other weird nonsense. If you take what National Socialists and other staunch opponents of marxist bolshevism said when criticizing capitalism. Idiot libertarians and other radical individualists confuse marxian socialism with the socialism of Hitler and others when their definition of socialism greatly differedd from what marxists and social democrats think it is.… Read more »

4 years ago

Why is Charlie referring to black terrorists who are murdering, looting, and attacking White people as “antifa”?

Reply to  Confused
4 years ago

Why confused? I listened to the show & it didn’t sound confusing to me. Sure that old git Brian moaning on every show now about “censorship” is getting old & pathetic but maybe you need to listen again (or maybe never again if all you do is negative criticism). I think it’s clear to most people that blm & antifa are 2 apparently separate communist groups working for the same end & being paid by the same overlords. Most of the looters who carried out the riots were most likely the usual opportunistic black thugs who couldn’t care less about politics although many are easily riled up by political stirrers. However, I’ve also seen a few white faces amongst those rioting & I also see… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Ok so Charlie apologized on the following show for a slip of the tongue where he called the guy getting the girl to kneel down “white” instead of black so that’s that cleared up.

4 years ago

Where is the show from 6/9/20?

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Thanks for directing me to this show.

Bobby mcclelland 813
4 years ago

How about a republic if we can keep it ? Nomore billionaires put a cap on that 50 million $ is plenty

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