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6 years ago

Much truth, as ever … I rermember you well from the “Oracle days” … Keep up the good work … Best wishes always … William …

Reply to  whdevo
6 years ago

If it is (as I see that you have deemed to so repeatedly have posted) forbidden to comment as I listen, then I would apologise … However, I would ask you, my harsh critic: “When, then, does, “live” -as I listen-, genuine (perhaps, even “emotive”), appreciative reaction become “spamming”????!!!!! My (at least, in my mind) “supportive” comments, I feel, would seem to have been, most pejoratively misconstrued … I would apologise for not having understood the “ethos” of this communication avenue, and assure that I shall be more circumspect, in the future, before (if again) posting … Sincerely … William … P.S. It is with some high degree of indignance that I would respond: “I WAS NOT “SPAMMING”!! .. I was more “enthusiastically agreeing” (at… Read more »

6 years ago

The Australians remember it … (Or was it “Wilfred Owen? … No, it was “Eric Bogle”!) … it was true neverthless …

6 years ago

I paraphrase, but I believe that he said -of WWII-: “This war is not about Hitler, not about National socialism, but it is about the elimination of the German nation and the German ethic”… William …

6 years ago

Charlie, it is good to have heard you again, and I respect (in the least “sycophantic” way) your persistence … William …

6 years ago

1:27:30 (or, therabouts) he was, indeed -at least as Ihave come to understand- a “Little Bastard” … William …

6 years ago

I would suggest that anyone with serious interest in the truth of this imposter look into his “finances” …. Who financed him, when he made a total arse of his “affairs” ???!!! …

6 years ago

A question ..: “Who was it that wanted to “gas” the Kurds, but was not in possession of the weaponry required to deliver it (Oh, and, No, it was not the Iraquis, nor was it the Turks ,,, nor was it …. etc.) … ???… William …

6 years ago

“W”, also, have to read, and be aware of, the full title of “daewin’s book was: It was, as I rmember: “On The Origin of Species ( or, on thePpreservation or preferred Races) Personally, I cry for my people …

william jones
6 years ago

you produced any stuff on sir oswald mosley

5 years ago

[…] 02. Churchill’s Criminal Career Continues (6-21-18) […]

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