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Allison MacPherson
6 years ago

It just went blank, damn. I look forward very much to Charles podcasts, and then blank. I hope he can give it a go tomorrow. Is he on twice a week now or just once? Thanks.

6 years ago

The Oak Tree: You know, London residents put up with a Muslim Mayor, and with Police Protection while a couple of Horses were running frantically in circles around the Oak Tree, the Muslim Mayor embarked on a Ceremonious Cutting this Old Oak Tree down ! You know what That symbolically means right ? Do any of you know ? I do ..

Allison MacPherson, it’s on twice a week.

Reply to  Paul Davey
6 years ago

Savitri Devi describes in vivid detail how individual National Socialists were subjected to “de-Nazification” by Germany’s democratic “liberators”: murder, torture, starvation, show-trials, imprisonment, and execution for the higher echelons; petty indignities and recantations extorted under the threat of imprisonment, hunger, and the denial of livelihood for ordinary party members. She also chronicles the systematic plunder of Germany by the Allies: the clear-cutting of ancient forests, the dismantling of factories, the theft of natural resources. The destruction of Germany’s splendid forests is something even more tragic than the dismantling of her factories. However precious might be highly perfected machines, living trees are still more so. And they— the outcome of Nature’s patient fecundity, not of man’s skill— cannot be replaced in a couple of years even… Read more »

Reply to  Liv
6 years ago

Thank you so much! I didn’t know this. Can’t even tell what I feel or think after reading that. All this pure evil they did and do to our soul.

Reply to  Liv
6 years ago

Means to Sever one from their roots, the Oak is Native to our lands. Thanks Liv, that is truly a great piece !

Reply to  Liv
6 years ago

Thanks for taking the time Liv and sharing. I live in a small unknown town in Oregon, where every day, one truck at least, if not four or five, will drive through with sometimes only a section of one very very old tree, sometimes several large trees – as many as can fit. I have driven all across this state, and more often than not, if you look just beyond the small stand of trees lining the roads, you will see clear cut… just as you described.. for as far as you can see. Very often, these clear cut, tree less stands come right up to the road, as if to taunt the locals, or anyone else who might care. It is a common practice… Read more »

Reply to  Amber
6 years ago

Amber, at least I know one thing, that could cheer you up:

And then there’s this quote I came across at that website: “To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are.” – Sherlock Holmes from “The Greek Interpreter”, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1894

In Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance

6 years ago

A good 35 minutes and was on track to be a great program.

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