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8 years ago

I remember reading NS literature on Aryans. They said that the original Aryan has vanished but remnants of it lives in the current Aryan races and through Lebensborn and other means, they wanted to revitalize the genes.
They did a similar breeding program with ancient European cows btw.

Reply to  Letz
8 years ago

Nazi-Cows with strong self-preserving instincts cause havoc.

NS German government tried to preserve and retro-breed extinct species and settle them in Ukrainian jungle (area is now off limits due to alleged Tschernobyl radiation).

Oh these evil Nazis liberating animals from their docile domesticed state of being.

8 years ago

When did it become ok for radio hosts to denigrate other researchers by calling them names without even reading their material? So disgusting. Since Charlie G. talked over me when I called in, and then hung up on me, here is what I wanted to say: Every point about Sandy Hook that CG discusses has been debunked by serious credible researchers. Every. Single. Point. Here are some links to prove my statement: Deanna Spingola has invited Jim Fetzer and Sofia Smallstorm (Shafquat) to be a guest on her program to discuss Sandy Hook, and both have declined. Deanna has told me that she would welcome Charles G. on her program to discuss Sandy Hook, and would gladly accept his invitation to… Read more »

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

So Nikos Mom let’s see if we have your story straight:

1. CG hung up on you; not you on him
2. (((Official Sandy Hoax Story))) believers are outside of the American consensus SH view, and thus are poisekuted victims of hate
3. Shills for the (((Official Sandy Hoax Story))) like Delphi-Deanna & you have clear consciences & shouldn’t be pitied by honest truth researchers

^ Flip the Script & Project much, Nikos Mom?? 😉

Reply to  PatColo
8 years ago

PatColo: please stop accusing Deanna Spingola and others of pushing the “Official story”. Nothing could be further from the truth. What Deanna has exposed in her book (which you will never read), and elsewhere is a psyop too complex for you and Charles G. to understand, Sad.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Nicosmom: Delphi-Deanna has repeatedly made the same vague & broad-brush ‘I don’t support the (((Official Sandy Hoax Story)))’ claim, which you’ve parroted above. So I repeatedly asked Delphi-Deanna to cite which specific elements of said SH story she disbelieves… and her repeated “response” was consistent: DEAFENING SILENCE. See:

…Instead she’d ignore the question & resume waving around her (((Official Sandy Hoax Report))) as though it were the unimpeachable holy talmud itself. And she built her/your laughably convoluted SH CT around those pretend (((SH Facts))).

So nicosmom, wrt the claim that Delphi supports the (((Official Sandy Hoax Story))), are you able to substantiate your “Nothing could be further from the truth” counter claim, better than Delphi-Deanna herself?? 🙂

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

“I pity those who are accusing the Sandy Hook parents of the worst crime imaginable: faking their children’s brutal murder.”

Anyone suing the big names of “Conspiracy Theorists” for “Defamation” yet ? Nope, didn’t think so ..

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

That’s not what Roj asked. The lawsuit against the gun manufacturer (which is guaranteed to fail) isn’t the same as a lawsuit against alternative researchers, who could tear the sham apart in court. The fact that you just posted that shit just shows what a fucking snake/ kike you are.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

They are suing the gun company not the people who call out their bullshit. This is just another talmudic lawsuit to demonize gun owners and so filthy jews like pozner can cash in even more

Max Power
Reply to  Roj Blake
8 years ago

“Nope, didn’t think so ..”

Except you’re entirely wrong. Lenny Pozner has sued Wolfgang Halbig. Halbig is doing everything in his power to avoid the suit.

Max Power
Reply to  Roj Blake
8 years ago

Pozner vs. Halbig:

Halbig is desperately trying to get the case dismissed because he has no chance.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

On your phone call you mentioned Sandy Hook residents all couldn’t be involved, but it isn’t difficult for certain intelligence agencies – foreign or domestic – to buy up houses and create communities of intel operatives. We know the women that produced that book about kids killing each other (Hunger Games – similar in name to the hoaxed Hungerford Massacre in England in 1987 which got assault weapons banned in the UK) lives in that town, so she is an obvious intelligence operative there. There are reports of many of the local houses being transfered in ownership on the Christmas day prior to the event, which shouldn’t happen. They were also transfered without any mortgages – all of them were paid off in full. The… Read more »

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago
Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Debunk why the houses around SH were transfered on Xmas day. That $0 could also imply many houses are intel owned. CT is intel state.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Just the fact you would say “he hung up on me” when it’s pretty clear that YOU Were The One Who Hung Up on him proves you’re a liar. The rest of your statement is probably bullshit too

Reply to  Paula
8 years ago

Paula, my line went dead. I was using a lan line, and have no trouble with it before or after. I said hello several times, and no answer. So, yes, he hung up on me. Of course he hangs up on every caller who disagrees with him so it was no surprise.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

by the way if you wanna to be a good shill you need to come up with more convincing lies instead of embarrassing yourself by yelling something stupid in the phone like “Deanna is my neighbor and she tells the truth” . God that was stupid

Reply to  Paula
8 years ago

Deanna is my neighbor and friend, having known her for 10 years. I have listened to every one of her radio shows and specials, read all 4 of her books, been to her home, know her family, and vice versa. I KNOW she is not CIA, as was intimated by Charles Gu. I know that she is meticulous in her research and in her sources. I know that she read the 7000 page official report of Sandy Hook, and saw over 300 pictures contained within, some of them showing the aftermath of the murder and mayhem on December 14 2012 in Newtown Connecticut. What does anyone on this forum know about her before they denigrate and trash her name all over? You people disgust me.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago
for those of you who insist that the Sandy Hook School was closed on December 14, 2012

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

I went and checked that site of Deanna’s and I will tell you the same thing I told her. All of her previous work on the Holohoax and other books debunk the “official story/report” up until the Sandy Hoax book where she totally flip-flops and expects everyone to believe it. How pathetic is that? I used to be an adamant admirer and listener of Deanna’s up until that fateful day she stood up for the official government report! Her ratings and audience are in a perpetual downfall for good reason. Oh, and for the record, I think Charles G is nothing more than a foul mouthed turd.

Reply to  tennwalt
8 years ago

Again, the idea that Deanna touts the ‘official story’ is a bald-faced lie. Nothing could be further from the truth. The official story does not mention Adam Lanza’s mental condition, nor does it mention his long history of psychiatric care and psych drug use. Nor does it mention that he was a mal-nourished vegan, or that he was a head-banging Asberger’s patient. His medical records were not made public. The official story does not mention any connection to psych drugs, which are implicated in almost every mass shooting since the psych drugs were invented. This is what is at the center of Deanna’s hypothesis.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

nor does it even prove that Adam Lanza actually EXXISTED

Circus Maximus
Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Actually, the official story from (((News Agencies))) have openly covered the crisis actor Adam Lanza’s mental health, Asbergers & that he was on meds for them. Here’s one of 100’s of examples:

FYI: The high profile mass shootings are staged hoaxes & have nothing to do with SPINgoolie’s hypothesis of mental health & psych meds as being the culprit of these staged mass shootings.

Staged Mass shootings are prevalent in America because we still have millions of gun owners whereas other nations utilize other forms of False Flag terrorism.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

You wouldn’t know if she was CIA as she would be breaking the law telling you. They don’t wear CIA embroided polo shirts or CIA badges.
We know she is a shill; the more you write, the more you expose yourself. “You people disgust me” shaming tactics don’t work on Renegades. Live with your disgust, we don’t care.
Babe, you’ve just been exposed:
‘nikosmom’ in English Reduction Gematria = 109
‘intelligence operative’ in English Reduction = 109.

Now fuck off bitch we have your number.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

^Ordinal 109^

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

yeah, you’re right Dan. I guess the ten years of being her friend and confidant, having her and her husband over for dinner several times, and the thousands of hours that I have listened to her shows and specials, reading each of her 4 books – I guess that doesn’t count for anything. I mean how would you know if your best friend was CIA? This is just laughable. Well, of course your only recourse is to say that I’m an agent also, and for me to defend her, we must be in cahoots with the Cia or something. ok, enough.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Hahaha! Not convincing at all nikosmom. There are many recorded instances of people not even knowing that their own family members were recruited agents of one kind or another. Go back to spy school lol!

Reply to  Mary
8 years ago

OMG, you people are DELUSIONAL! And besides that you have no honor.

8 years ago

Charlie, I have listened to and read several information pieces on the Giants and the Nephilim. The bible says that angels were non sexual beings. Therefore they could not copulate with human beings. (Gen: 6-4)(Matt: 22-30)The studies I read indicated that it was genetic engineering that was done. Therefore they did have offspring of the GE kind. So much of what is happening today had already been done thousands of years ago. The Tribe had and has many of the secrets of knowledge from ages ago like alchemy, biological weapons, etc. We truly do have to think outside the box when dealing with ancient events. The powers that were had in eons ago were magnificent. The enormous stone cuttings and the ability to move them… Read more »

8 years ago

See CG’s epic Sandy hoax rant clip in the right pane at Mami’s Shit, lol. 😀

Charlie I recall either you or spingola had the other one as guest on your show in the year following spingola’s Jan ’14 intro to being a re-bunker shill for the SH “event”; and I was eagerly awaiting you two mixing it up over SH. But it was as if you two had pre agreed not to go there. Ditto re a show Kaminski did with her, and Ditto re a show she did with Nick Spero.

Her junk deconstructed:

Reply to  PatColo
8 years ago

Sorry to burst your bubble PatColo, but you didn’t deconstruct “her junk” in the least. No, the psyop that Deanna Spingola uncovers in her 500 page, well-sourced book is a very complex conspiracy involving the media and key opinion leaders with 2 main objectives: to take the focus away from big pharma’s poisonous vaccines and psych drugs at all costs. And to manipulate news clips making the event look fake with fake actors, and all kinds of disinformation to discredit the alternative media. It worked so well. Then the Boston bombing, which obviously was fake, and so many more fake events – well, if they were all fake, then Sandy Hook must be fake, right? I actually heard C. Guliani say that a few weeks… Read more »

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Interesting finds when you paste this into joogle eh?
“Nikos Mom”

Oy vey mom’s been shilling for Delphi-Deanna & the (((Official Sandy Hoax Story))) for quite a while now. 😀

Some choice Delphi-Deanna images:

Reply to  PatColo
8 years ago

SPINgola and Mike Collins PIPER would never lie

Reply to  Portugalfree
8 years ago

@Portugalfree…I am still reeling from this exposure of Deanna, but trying to understand what is this about Piper? can you direct me to more on him? I had thought he was legit.


Reply to  Christine
8 years ago

They both violently attack anyone who tries to expose media fakery. I put piper in capitals because he is like the paid piper

Reply to  portugalfree
8 years ago

thx Portugal…need to check Piper out myself. Unfortunately looks like I have to agree about Deanna…shame

Reply to  portugalfree
8 years ago

Here is MCP before he supposedly died with crypto muslim Mark Glenn. Note that Glenn uses the same ad hominem attacks against people who disagree with Sandy Hook and people who can see what Islam really is

Reply to  portugalfree
8 years ago

This is really horrible. Don’t know what or who to trust anymore

Reply to  portugalfree
8 years ago

Be kinda hard for Piper to attack anything since his death in May of 2015. BTW, Collins led the war against AIPAC and the ADL and the Kosher mafia when others now considered “experts’ knew nothing at all. Not saying I agreed with everything he said but just pointing out the obvious.

Reply to  PatColo
8 years ago

From “images on all my pages on blogtalk and elsewhere are are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.”
Poor boy, you can only use ad hominem attacks, because you don’t have facts to argue.

Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

So it is impossible to fake an event but the event was real and random, and the media was in position right after the event to make it look fake?

Circus Maximus
8 years ago

Interesting tidbit: Not only was Paul Manafort’s (former head of Trump campaign) family business (Manafort Brothers) involved with the demolition of Adam Lanza’s home, their company also performed the demolition and clean up of some of the World Trade Center buildings. (((Cohencidence)))

Reply to  Circus Maximus
8 years ago

Oh, there it is, right there. The smoking gun that Sandy Hook was a hoax – NOT. And by the way, is everyone on this thread in agreement about what constitutes this hoax? Some say that Adam Lanza couldn’t have carried out the murders, and some say that he didn’t exist. Did children die or not? Was the school open or not? I know someone who says that Sandy Hook was a hoax, but in the same breath says that Adam Lanza was a manchurian candidate manipulated into the killings. As far as I know, Charlie Gu says that everyone involved was an actor, including the parents, coroner, law enforcement, school administrators, on and on. Hey, that’s believable – NOT!!! One more time I’m going… Read more »

Alouicious Jackson
Reply to  nikosmom
8 years ago

Hey what’s a nice troll like you doing in a place like this?

8 years ago

Great show Charles. Thanks for your research, an continued efforts.

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