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Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

Let us not forget that motherf*ckers like Bill gates are not invincible. No matter how “well-planned” a future they have in store for us, they can also be taken by surprise:

Bill Gates Pie in Face video

Foster XL
Reply to  Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

That should’ve been a bullet & it would’ve been fully justified in his/her/its case as a public execution for Crimes Against Humanity.

Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

’90’s Cartoon Predict New World Order R.F.I.D Chip’ – BitChute

… complete with allusions to “evil-nazis” (concentration camps) and bible-duppery quotes. What else can one ask for? :-/

4 years ago

Renegade Broadcasting. The only place to be.
I’m just waiting around now long enough to experience Hitler weather again. As one German Lady from His days expressed.
Back then she said every celebration and parade day the Sun would shine without fail so we called those times Hitler weather.4hcdc

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Still using just “Mary”? As I’ve asked nicely already, please consider adding a “2” or an extra initial so others do not get confused over who made what comment. Been commenting here for years now & would rather not have the confusion. Thanks 🙂

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

I think that Mary should be called Mary Bot. Notice the random capitalization and random letters at the end?

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Ah yes, you’re right! Plus the weird paragraphing. It all makes sense now. Are you able to edit comments after the fact from your end or maybe have the background software ban these things as you catch them so their comments don’t appear? I guess they just reappear later with a new random email address or something. Thanks jews!

4 years ago

Gravitas: Why thousands are protesting COVID-19 vaccine

Cassian d'Ornellas
Reply to  golmash
3 years ago

Because, like all vaccine, it contains mercury. Mercury is a deadly poison that destroys the nervous system including the brain and spinal cord. This will make the user of the vaccine a robot and alive of the vaccine pushers. Do not take ANY vaccine, if you know what’s good for you!!!

4 years ago

I’m new to renegade. My wisest, engineer friend has been sending me links for a while. I like the episode, but allegedly the 2007 video about religious extremism & brain scans, was from a movie and has surfaced a few times in the past to be “debunked” I can’t fully confirm but definitely no Bill Gates in the video

Robert Heimdal
4 years ago

Some people on social media are talking about David Dees having passed away (?!) [it really needs confirmation]. According to his metapedia entry he should be 63 by now. Pretty close to the obituary in fact, though the location doesn’t match since he is originally from Louisiana (check bio). I think it’s all a hoax though.,_David

[The comment goes in connection with the podcast’s card image]

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