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Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

My German Mother-in-Law had RH- blood. Though my Wife didn’t inherit that trait, her two brothers both died, one at birth, the other 1 year 4 months. Only one sister survived. Our Daughter did inherit RH- and not having children. My Wife often wonders what effect that RH- had on her male siblings, when her Father’s unknown blood type was introduced?.

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Yes I think he has it wrong on this one. It’s probably right turned around. The highest concentration of the O negative blood is in the Basque area of France.

(((They))) steal
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Not only did (((They ))) steal Genetics, but ((( they ))) also stole a hell lot of surnames,
For example names like Rosenberg is NOT necessarily a Jewish Name, but because they have extensively used such surname(Which I call it stealing) to mix among us, that whenever we hear those names we assume the person is Jewish.
Ex Alfred Rosenberg, NSDAP.

in the same fashion ((( they ))) stole the Red Hair traits from Egyptians by infiltrating into the Royal Egyptians bloodline through Hyksos.

Reply to  (((They))) steal
4 years ago

Join the discussion…Could this be why some have claimed that Jews were among the National Socialists in Germany?

(((They))) steal
Reply to  Rodulf
4 years ago

No, that was not the reason why some have claimed that Jews were among the National Socialists in Germany. The ACTUAL reason why some have claimed that Jews were among the National Socialists in Germany. is because of the presence of individuals like Emil Maurice who was proven to bear a small proportion of Jewish/Semitic Ancestry. But still, such people were loyal to NSDAP, and in many cases, they themselves were not aware that they had Jewish Ancestry,?resize=600%2C500&ssl=1 But Alfred Rosenberg was NEVER EVER proved to have a Jewish Ancestry, but there were ((( rumors ))) spread by Hungarian-Jewish journalist Franz Szell, claiming him to have Jewish Ancestry. But after further inspection by NSDAP it was later revealed that Alfred’s father Wilhelm was half Estonian… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Join the discussion…Well, since Ashkenazi Jews were created in the same incest, inbreeding orgy that produced the modern Royal Families it’s not surprising they carry some Aryan phenotype traits.

(((They))) steal
Reply to  Rodulf
4 years ago

((( They ))) have Aryan Phenotype such as Blonde, blue, etc, because for such individuals the major portion of their Genome is European. hence we see that effect.
For example
Ashkenazi Jewish (father)
Scottish (mother)

But I can bet her Ashkenazi Jewish (father) himself would have had at least one parent from the European side.

So that’s the reason why Adolf Hitler said this
“All the poison which has invaded the racial body is gradually eliminated so long as there still remains a fundamental stock of pure racial elements which resists further crossbreeding.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

((( They ))) steal
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

>”something( CI ) I would ever endorse.”

^ Charles has absolutely and totally destroyed the ((( Christian Identity ))) theories numerous times.
Once he totally destroyed a ((( CI ))) pastor.

Check these
Friday, June 22, 2012chr(32)
Debate with Eli James: Christian Identity pastor. (Charles ruthlessly and FACTUALLY destroys the CI pastor, I assure you would enjoy this)

Wednesday, June 01, 2011chr(32)
Interview with Christian Identity pastor WIlliam

Tuesday, January 15, 2013chr(32)
Completion of Christian Identity discussion.
Monday, January 14, 2013chr(32)
First Hour: Joel Osteen. Second Hour: Christian
Identity. [ Total and absolute destruction of CI ]
So Charles has never endorsed CI, I bet that he wouldn’t do that in future too.

Alouicious Jackson
4 years ago

Rh- blood simply represents the original Aryan race- surviving today in such peoples as the Basques. Their remnants who survived the Great Cataclysm spread out and became the ruling class in most areas of the world. Rh+ means that animal DNA has been added to the original human genome by way of genetic manipulation. This occurred multiple times in antiquity. The true nature of the Sumerian stories of the creation of man, as told by Sitchin, were skewed in their interpretation. Yes, the ‘gods’ combined their DNA with primates in Africa to mine gold around 100,000 years ago. But this did not create man. It created black Africans. All dark races were a result of this type of experimentation. Somebody prove me wrong if you… Read more »

eddie villanueva
Reply to  Alouicious Jackson
4 years ago

If you are referring to Zacharia Sitchin. He a fake! He has been debunked.

Reply to  eddie villanueva
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this informative video about the JEW Zecharia Sitchin. The whole ‘we wuz marsipans’ thing is such a blatantly obvious jewish psy-op it’s incomprehensible how anyone could fall for it. A smoke and mirror show created by a JEW in occupied Palestine for the gullible goyim in the west on par with Madame Blavatsky’s levitating kitchen table. As always, consider the source.

4 years ago

Interesting analysis. I appreciate your research. I’m just one example but I’m rh- and I’ve taken a dna test that says all my ancestry comes from Europe, mostly central and northwestern. So I’d have to side with Kyle’s explanation on this one.

Ted Field
4 years ago

Basque may have been originally totally ethnic Europeans with as usual Ethnic Europeans features, later it may have been infiltrated by the usual criminals.
In these below photos, you can evidently see for yourself, these people from Basque are in no way possess usual European looks, rather these(below images ) people have middle eastern looks.

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I am more than sure and I can bet the original Basque people were totally different than the people in the above images.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

You selected only images of Basque people that look mixed and didn’t show these Basque people:
comment image
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I could find examples of mixed French, Swedish, or Irish and claim that they’re all mixed but it’s not true.

Ted Field
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Yes, these are the original ethnic basques,
What I was trying to convey was, the (((usual suspects))) were behind the mixing of Basques(NOT ALL), and the people with whom the basques(A very small Minority ) mixed was Jews( I presented the Mixed Basques images).
But still out of the 4 images you presented two images have black hair, which is absolutely not a European trait, which just means they are mixed(maybe in very minute quantity, still black hair proves admixture).
Black hair is not a European trait.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

“But still out of the 4 images you presented two images have black hair, which is absolutely not a European trait, which just means they are mixed” Please show me your source for that claim. You’re sounding like Varg Kikerness.

Ted Field
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Black hair do not come in the limits of the European continent, because Black Hair is foreign to European.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

You just showed me a map of blonde hair in Europe, not a map of black hair in Europe. This doesn’t state that black hair is not a European trait. So is RH- blood jewish according to you?

Ted Field
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

>”You just showed me a map of blonde hair in Europe, not a map of black hair in Europe. This doesn’t state that black hair is not a European trait.” The prevalence of Black hair in Europe is just the opposite of the blond hair map, which is a very small minority of Europeans, that too only in the most southernmost regions, where the chances of mixing are quite high. And that small minority I call it as mixed because the climate condition in Europe demands an individual to have blonde hair to absorb more sunshine for the sake of Vitamin D. This small minority may be mixed with Jews, Arabs or Blacks, etc. >” So is RH- blood Jewish according to you? ” No,… Read more »

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

“And that small minority I call it as mixed because the climate condition in Europe demands an individual to have blonde hair to absorb more sunshine for the sake of Vitamin D.” The climate condition of which area of Europe? North and South Europe have completely different climates. Check out a climate map of Europe and you’ll see it matches up nicely with your map of hair color distribution. Countries that experience hotter weather will have higher populations with black hair.

Ted Field
Reply to  Antonia
4 years ago

” Countries that experience hotter weather will have higher populations with black hair. ” ^Well, European people have migrated to the US and Australia, where the average temperature is higher than northern Europe but we still see people of pure European descendants in those countries possessing the normal and original European traits. On the contrary, we see that Australia has the highest skin cancer rate in Australia, the reason is Europeans are meant to reside only in Europe. > “Check out a climate map of Europe and you’ll see it matches up nicely with your map of hair color distribution. ” ^ So you are saying these below people from Southern Europe are unmixed Europeans. don’t think those above images are only a… Read more »

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

@TedField Again, your evidence consists of googling pictures that fit your point of view. This is not an accurate representation of half of Europe’s population. Those of us who live or have lived in Europe know this. No one is arguing the existence of mixed race people. You can find mixed race people anywhere. The fact that you think having black hair, whether the person be Irish, Basque, Italian, etc., makes a person mixed-race is retarded. Understand who runs the propaganda machine behind “only people with blonde hair and blue eyes are white” or “Hitler was actually part jewish” or “the Irish are the n- of Europe” etc. These are deliberately introduced mind viruses. You are literally buying into a psy-op that targets your unfulfilled… Read more »

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  LampLighter
4 years ago

I find Ted Field’s stance way too extreme, but I agree with him that allowing so many dark and clearly very mixed ‘southern europeans’ into a notion of whiteness is inaccurate, dangerous and pro-jew.

Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

I understand what you mean ASR, but I don’t think anyone would advocate for mixed-race people getting lumped into a notion of whiteness. Where, when, and how that “line” gets drawn, who draws it, and what gets done about it…well, I should think that is certainly of importance in the grand scheme of things. It will surely take a group of our wisest people to see out into our future regarding those topics. I don’t see many of those wise people on the internet though ha. All of Europe is dying. The world is dying. “Whiteness” in any way you define it, is dying. That is what is happening right now. Today. It really doesn’t matter if Joe Keyboard just read The Lord of the… Read more »

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  LampLighter
4 years ago

So who is killing Europe then? I think the answer to that question matters and that black haired olive skinned people are the primary culprits.

Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

You’re exactly right. It’s those damn Italians. They control media, politics, immigration, technology, pharma…and they practically ruined Europe with their stupid Renaissance. I heard Michelangelo even had disgusting black hair on his dumb olive head. “Derr look at this stupid sculpture I made derrr”….Am I right? I hope that fair haired Adonis Boris Johnson can save us from them. Wait…Adonis sounds way too Mediterranean. Yuck. I meant Wotan’s only son Boris Johnson a la Turk. He’s way whiter than gross brown haired Hitler, too. Long live the queen!

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  LampLighter
4 years ago

The fact is, the Mediterraneans have dominated the Supreme Court for the last 30+ years. Scalia presided over every major decision that facilitated whites’ genocide. He distorted the most basic pillars of anglo american freedoms with his bogus ‘originalist’ distortions that serve the mediterranean agenda to the direct detriment of the indigenous white american one.

The United States was founded by anglo-protestants in direct rejection and refutation of Roman corruption and dysfunction.

No amount of fake indignation or thereabouts changes this fact.

If Italian culture were in any way equal to anglo/germanic ones, italians would never have flooded into anglosphere countries. It’s that simple.

Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

Lol. What are you even talking about? Good luck in your protestant revolt against Europe’s other ethnic groups. Maybe you can tackle “the celtic problem” next. The rest of us will focus on white genocide.

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  LampLighter
4 years ago

There was never any ‘celtic problem,’ only a Roman Catholic one.

I’m not against all southern europeans, just the ones who can’t acknowledge their cultures’ failings.

Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

I guess I’m not European then or white. My grand mother is from Sicily my grand father is Irish and Italian . My mother is Irish with dark hair but I have brown hair… Actually my hair got darker in my adult years… Guess I am safe from the genocide then.

Sicilian Revolt
Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

The British Empire which funded,helped and destroyed the 3rd Largest Economic Country in the world which was the Kingdom of The Two Sicilies in 1861.

This lead to mass migration to the Americas since the Italian unification of Giuseppe Garibaldi was a total failure in 1861.

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  LampLighter
4 years ago

Johnson is part Jewish. Jews forced their way into England by way of Roman Empire imperialism.

Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

Planting seeds of suspicion and discord between different European ethnic groups at a time when our race is facing extinction is a very jewish thing to do Anglo Saxon Revolt. This is a non-issue, and arguing over hair-colour is a complete waist of time. Southern Europeans aren’t flooding other White countries, killing, robbing burning and raping. Africans and Arabs are.

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  Mardöll
4 years ago

I don’t validate the jewish myth of a ‘caucasian’ race. North Africans and Middle Easterners are not native europeans.

Ted Field
Reply to  Antonia
4 years ago

According to Homer, Achilles and Menelaos (Helen of Troy’s husband) were both described as ξανθός, xanthos, which used to be routinely translated as “blonde”. That translation has been deprecated as having Aryanist overtones — but it’s the color Aristotle describes as ‘between red and green’ and it’s used for, among other things, corn, lions and fire: it might not by Nazi approved bottle blonde but it’s yellow hair. In Hesiod, Ariadne and Demeter are also xanthes. Apollo, meanwhile, is χρυσοκόμης, chrysocosmes, ‘golden haired’ (thankfully nobody bothers to try and explain that one away). Eros — better known to us as Cupid, in his Latin incarnation — is another χρυσοκόμης. Hesiod — who actually does seem to have had a thing about blondes — also uses… Read more »

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

Interesting but I don’t think I interpret it the same way. Yes there were people with ξανθά features, as there still are today, but then as now it’s not very common. I am considered ξανθή (light-haired) by Greek standards for having brown hair, but my siblings and parents all have black hair as do the majority of Greek people. This is nothing new as can be depicted in ancient Greek fresca paintings, surviving mosaics, and pottery. You can see people painted with black or brown hair. Certain regions might have slightly lighter hair color. Menelaos was king of Mycenae in Peloponnese, a colder more mountainous region, and Alexander was thought to originate from the north (Macedonia). So their features too are more in line with… Read more »

Reply to  Antonia
4 years ago

“Alexander was thought to originate from the north (Macedonia). So their features too are more in line with people of these regions today. But the inhabitants of the islands are more likely to have black hair and golden (often translated as suntanned) bodies. ” Yes , Alexander may have come from North since he had Nordic Traits, The actual greek civilization achievements may be attributed to European People who came from North, not the inhabitants, who had black hair and golden/swarthy bodies, just like the development in USA, is due to Europeans who colonized North America, not the original Indians who inhabitated. Those inhabitants who were in Greece before the arrival of the Aryan such as Alexander etc they might have been in the same… Read more »

Reply to  Bevan
4 years ago

The ancient Greeks were Nordic…ok sure. Let me know when you have actual evidence to support this. Surely there would be some connection at least linguistically and there clearly is none whatsoever. Where is Alexander the great depicted as having blonde hair and blue eyes? Check out the Alexander mosaic. You’ll see brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. So where exactly are the Nordic traits? Check out the shape and color of his eyes. Looks totally Mediterranean. How about the rest of the so-called Nordic Greeks. Why is Zeus consistently depicted with clearly jet black hair in countless pieces of pottery. How does your theory tie into the city-state governmental system or account for the strong dialectal and cultural differentiation between each city-state? Can… Read more »

Ancient Greece
Reply to  Antonia
4 years ago

comment image?1579076719

Ted Field
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

comment image

As you can see from the image black is rare in Europe, I call it foreign to Europe.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

You call it foreign therefore it is? The woman at the end has brown hair, yet you’re calling her mixed? Is brown hair “foreign” too? Are the only “pure Europeans” people with blonde hair?

Ted Field
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

>” Is brown hair “foreign” too?”

^ No, Brown is not foreign,
Brown is nothing but a variation of Blonde.
During our childhood, we tend to have light hair but as we grow up the hair color gets darker.

>” The woman at the end has brown hair, yet you’re calling her mixed”
^ I don’t which image are you talking about,
If you are referring to this below image (which you first presented),
My answer is, not mixed.
comment image

If you are referring to this below image (which you first presented),
My answer is, mixed.comment image

>”You call it foreign therefore it is?”
^ Yes, the reason is plain and simple, the only reason why we have light hair is to absorb sunlight for Vitamin D.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

Glad we have such an expert here to teach us who’s “mixed” based on their hair color. I guess this girl is Whiter than the “mixed” woman because she has blonde hair.
comment image
Them too
comment image

Ted Field
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

>”Glad we have such an expert here to teach us who’s “mixed” based on their hair color.”

^ Since our whole conversation was about Hair color, We never discussed the bone structure and other traits.
So if we take the important aspect of Bone structure the two pics which you posted above get very easily eliminated.

The 2nd pic doesn’t even need any attention, the bone structure in the first pic completely reveals non-european traits.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

Also here are some Jews with blonde hair and blue eyes:
The little boy is an Israeli jew and the woman in the left is a Polish jew.

Reply to  Antonia
4 years ago

As harsh it may sound the litte jewish boy is more European than a mixed Greek, this was the reason why Adolf Hitler allowed some jews to given honary aryan status

This French woman (who happens to be jewish unfortunately) has more real European blood than a modern day Greek.

Reply to  Bevan
4 years ago

@Bevan This is so retarded. While you’re arguing who’s White and who’s not, the jews who know who’s White and who’s not, are genociding us.

Reply to  Bevan
4 years ago

“The actual greek civilization achievements may be attributed to European People who came from North, not the inhabitants, who had black hair”

“Those inhabitants who were in Greece before the arrival of…Alexander etc they might have been in the same position like Indians in North America”

“…Hitler allowed some jews to given honary aryan status.”

Brilliant stuff. You’ve truly earned “honorary” retard status… *slow clap

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

During the period of Viking raids and settlement in Ireland 795-1169. The Irish commonly referred to these men as Fin gall and Dúbh gall. Fin and dúbh mean fair/blonde and dark/black, which was in reference to their hair colour. Gall means stranger. We also called the Normans Liath gall one account of their grey armour.
Ted were these black haired strangers from the north not white men?

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  Nuada
4 years ago

The idea that black hair originated in northern Europe is absurd. One obvious explanation for this myth is that it’s pure myth, another is that any supposed black hair came from Norman admixture from French and Jews.

To this day some Irish people call a rare blood disorder that’s associated with some redheads the ‘Viking disease’ while the Scandinavians, Norwegians specifically, call it the ‘Irish disease.’

Red hair is a celtic trait. It originated in the celts, not the nords.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

No Mr Ted Field, no one’s hair absorbs sunlight or manufactures vitamin D. Not the dark haired Eskimos in the dark far northern latitudes, not the palest blonde in the harsh south african sun. Hair is keratin, not magic vitamin absorbing tresses.

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

The alleles that connect black hair to darker skin tones, like I guess starting around more olive in this case, are pretty strong. Strongest are those connecting blonde and especially red hair to light skin (both of those exist on their own spectrum, hair shade I mean). That’s why natural blondes and redheads are always fair skinned. The alleles that connect brown hair to skin tone are the weakest, which is why there exist so many people of such varying skin tones with varying shades of brown hair. Note, though, that very dark to even black hair can still coexist with very fair skin – the blacker with whiter is just the least common. Personally, I think black hair is not indigenous to Europe but… Read more »

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

I never knew that MSPaint could be utilized as a research tool. Any “people with black or brown hair aren’t really white” talk belongs in the same category as “red haired people are actually jews.” A truly Stormfront-quality posting.

Anglo Saxon Revolt
Reply to  LampLighter
4 years ago

Is this comment some kind of response to mine? If so, do you hear me claiming that people with black or brown hair aren’t really white? How on earth do you take that from what I said about the specific dominance of black hair?

Reply to  Anglo Saxon Revolt
4 years ago

Nope. @Ted Field. Just so happened to comment at the same time.

Reply to  Ted Field
4 years ago

L’Oréal really does some top notch racial research:

Does curly hair mean someone is “mixed” too?
*This was in response to his “natural hair color” grpah above but it somehow ended up down here.

Steve the bicyclist
4 years ago

Wow! Charles sure dropped a brick of lit thermite last show! A freaking jaw dropper! It took me a while To write this and it’s long. Please forgive but there’s a logical flow to it. I can’t quote much “science” to back it up. It is what it is. Sorry, please forgive me and thank you. Rh- Gold Warning; Long comment. tldr: perhaps both are right. Gold enhanced Rh- people could potentially be like gods. White people, or at least, very mentally/spiritually advanced, IMPECCABLE, White Rh- people might literally be superior, “Supermen.” – Except for being, “too nice.” Our race’s kryptonite, so to speak. The Internet is like the bible, you can make it conform to any view you want! Even with great intuition it’s… Read more »

4 years ago

Charlie is easily and by far the greatest and most important truth teller that can be found anywhere today. Why? Because he gets right to the root of the problem which cannot be fully understood without exposing that sick twisted Unholy Book and the fact that the self proclaimed chosenite tribe is behind it. We have a global race cult on our hands and they have monopolized and seized control of almost everything that is a position of influence, power and control.

Johnny Walker Read
4 years ago

My wife is RH- and gave birth to 2 Rh+ children with no complications to either, thanks to gamma globulin injections. “The vaccine-like compound, also known as Rh-immune globulin, is a blood product that can stop your immune system from attacking Rh-positive cells. When an Rh incompatibility is identified, RhoGAM will be given, as a shot, during week 28 of pregnancy and then again within 72 hours after delivery to ensure that subsequent pregnancies are as safe” … Also, an RH- mother’s first child CAN BE RH+ with no problems. It is during this pregnancy that her anti-bodies are being created against her RH+ baby, but no harm will be done to the first baby, BUT, not so for the second RH+ child. It will… Read more »

Johnny Walker Read
4 years ago

Rh Incompatibility A small amount of the baby’s blood can cross into the mother’s bloodstream during pregnancy, especially at the time of delivery. If you and your baby are both Rh negative or Rh positive, no harmful effects will occur. However, if you are Rh negative and your baby is Rh positive, your body can react to the baby’s blood as if it were a foreign substance. Your immune system can make antibodies that can cross the placenta and attack the baby’s red blood cells. The effects during your first pregnancy are usually minimal, but the antibodies remain in your blood and will cause more serious problems the next time you become pregnant if the baby is Rh positive. The problems become even more serious… Read more »

Reply to  Johnny Walker Read
4 years ago

Blood mixing is very rare and would only happen in cases of trauma like a car accident or a traumatic hospital birth with episiotomies etc. I encourage everyone to look into the Rhogam shot and not to take it. Parents can also order eldon cards from amazon to test their blood type easily. That’s how Kyle and I learned we were both rh-.

4 years ago

I think Charlie has touched upon the most fundamental reality of jewish racial uniqueness without realizing it. They are [probably] fundamentally a psychopath race; genetic character based psychopaths notwithstanding that their strategy of intermarrying to some degree with the host population to acquire the physical appearance genes of the host also endows them with [in the case of European races a least] an ingroup segment which possesses a full emotional capacity and hence a conscience and innate moral nature which will most naturally manifest as the Golden Rule. Probably it has been essential for jewry to go through periods of intense intragroup marrriage, to recapture the dominant psychopath genetic character . Psychopaths being Intra-species predators-parasites, with dominant characteristics of mendacity, manipulative behavior, betrayal, with a… Read more »

Will Wood
4 years ago

What is the percentage of Jewish population that is Rh-Negative?? I found that “just like almost all native American tribes are 100 percent O positive,”. So if the Native Americans are almost all O positive makes me suspect they are perhaps the most racially pure. They haven’t been mixed with peoples of other blood types. The highest percentage of Rh Negative is Australia, “On a national level, Australia tops the percentage of rh negatives with 19%. Why is that? Here are a couple of factors that are likely to cause this: 1) A high percentage of Australians have Scottish and Irish ancestry. With Scotland not being an independent country, their high number of rh negatives impact the percentage. 2) Some believe that amongst the prisoners… Read more »

Troll Slayer
4 years ago

Down with the tribe!

4 years ago

WARNING: LONG POST The Swarthy dark haired look most common along the West Coast of Ireland is said to be the remnants of post Ice Age original settlers. the Celtic complexion did not arrive in Ireland until the Bronze Age, around 4,000 years ago, scientists have discovered, when a rare genetic mutation spread quickly through the population. Until then, the Irish would have looked similar to southern Europeans, or people from the Middle East, with dark eyes, hair and complexion. Our closest relatives are found in various parts of Galicia and the Basque country according to genetic studies . Most of my Family have been mistaken for locals on occasions in Spain and Italy. I on the other hand is the odd one out born… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

According to Tacitus’s biography of Agricola, the Silures usually had a DARK COMPLEXION and curly hair. Due to their appearance, Tacitus believed they had crossed over from Spain at an earlier date. “… the SWARTHY FACES of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Spain opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts; …” (Tacitus Annales Xi.ii, translated by M. Hutton) Jordanes, in his Origins and Deeds of the Goths, describes the Silures. “The Silures have SWARTHY FEATURES and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of CALEDONIA HAVE REDDISH HAIR AND LARGE LOOSE-JOINTED BODIES. THEY ARE LIKE THE GAULS OR THE SPANIARDS.”… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

It seems you have attached some image but I can’t see it, please provide another link for the same image which you have attached.

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Isn’t it just great that all these knowledgeable adepts are so willing to come to Renegade, listen to the shows & then share their great wisdom with us about such topics! It’s truly amazing that Renegade attracts such a high standard of ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶e̶r̶ troll!

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

It really is amazing, Mary. Thanks to the experts on here, we can now ascertain that scenes such as this were considered commonplace in turn of the century Ireland. It was a true “hotbed” of swarth in which peoples of all races, statures, and hair colors came together to eat rice and praise Odin. 😉

comment image

4 years ago

Well, since Ashkenazi Jews were created in the same incest, inbreeding orgy that produced the modern Royal Families it’s not surprising they carry some Aryan phenotype traits.

4 years ago

Sorry Charlie, but you are wrong when it goes to the negative blood. Actually, you sound like them. They wanna claim everything and even Scythians, Goths, etc. Check on that, they call them their, etc. So you give a cult too much. You give them the right to be a race. They are not. They are cult. Rh-negative blood doesn’t have monkey rhesus, and you give it to them. Sorry. You will have to check this more and deeper, without their lies that all royals are RH negative. They are not. The big mystery is Merovingians, I consider them as real kings by bloodline, but not inbreed or aliens or tribe. Just as kings by people who deserved to be kings. They killed them out… Read more »

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