Charlie talks about some recent issues and then gets into how Yahweh demands the mass murder and rape of children.
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Charlie talks about some recent issues and then gets into how Yahweh demands the mass murder and rape of children.
This was nailed home very well. Sharing a true story to drive the point. My family betrayed our ancestors & became bible dupes. Both me & my younger brother by 5 years & I would go through physical abuse along with mental (mind games etc) from the mother alone & she was an Anglican Elder of the Church in High standing. Often her bible dupe friends would come over for Lunch & she would brag about how funny it was when she was beating my brother because of his screaming & because you could see his tonsils as he screamed. I once lost it & told them how sick I thought they all truly where which embarrassed her & not soon after on her very… Read more »