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8 years ago

The rumor on the net is that Sineads mom is Jewish, if that’s true what does that say about Renegade, and why cant we see pics of Sineads beautiful Aryan baby.

Reply to  chubbs
8 years ago

The “rumor”! HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Says enough for me.

Why would ANYBODY show their children on the internet because YOU are curious! Fuckin please!

Reply to  chubbs
8 years ago

I’m also not going to show people pictures of my family or where I live or list my phone number or where I work or what I do for work. Too many damn fucking crazy leftists, stalkers, unstable people (even in the movement).

8 years ago

You know Roosh is one thing Angelo is quiet another this has gone to far , no one is telling you what to do with your kids and if they are you should ignore them !
You do not love Angelo’s kids , Angelo loves Angelo’s kids !

Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Hear! Hear! Degion, are you pro-vaccination then? This isn’t simply about Angelo loving his kid – it’s about the fact that he made a very public video on Youtube pushing his pro-vac BS onto others who he has convinced to “follow” him. Thinking cap on for a second dude!!!

Jack Boot
8 years ago

ROFLMAO! Great intro, it was like something Ric Flair would do back in the day. I’ve seen the Gage video assuming we’re meaning the same one. The one when he has his son in his arms while speaking about his reasons behind him having it done to him? To be honest I don’t usually touch the subject, I don’t have any babies that young so it’s not something I tend to give a whole lot of daily thought to. I didn’t think there was too much wrong with his video, aside from using his baby as some sort of prop. That reminded me of Jew media using that kid on the beach in Turkey. I just don’t see why he chose to force his son… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Boot
8 years ago

I didn’t once say it wasn’t his choice. But for him to be saying those of us that don’t get our kids vaccinated are conspiracy theorists and even hint towards needing to get our kids vaccinated, is a threat to my fellow White Western Man and Woman. Period.

I stand up for a better world, so that my son and daughter won’t be under threat, by people such as Gage. And yes, I do see him as a threat. A major threat, when he can bolster ideas that come out of Agenda 21 and the Protocols.

Now is not the time for making excuses for these morons. Either grow a pair of fucking balls or about-face and let us men handle it.

Jack Boot
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

Way too much drama has been out of this. Now had it been a case of him and Sinead each bringing what they considered facts to the table and having a grown up trade of those facts, then that would be just great. Maybe people who aren’t scientists and doctors on here might learn something. At the very least both parties would have a better understanding of each other’s position. That’s the mature way to be, not to rant and rave and holler and swear. It’s good if you think you have a great depth on knowledge on these complex matters, it’s good if Sinead does. I can’t confirm that you do, but the pair of you are certainly confident that you are so I’ll… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Boot
8 years ago

I don’t think you understand my position at all Jack. This has nothing to do with ranting and raving at an every day Joe Blow, it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that I think he’s a part of the establishment. Or did you miss that part of the show? I am sick to the teeth of you little pussies that come in here and tell me how to do my job. If you’re not happy with the way that I attack those that are a part of a higher order, (or at least are their lap dogs) don’t fucking listen! When it comes to Sinead, you say that we need to rise up and make women ladies again and fair enough, but I… Read more »

Jack Boot
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

There ya go again Shauny boy, unable to make one post or comment without immature little comments about “pussies” and such. How do we know YOU are such a tough guy? You certainly talk a good fight. Seen that many times before. I can make a point without calling you a bald Lizzy Burdsworth. Do you honestly think people are going to listen to Gage on the internet and make a decision based on that? Of course not. Sinead was bang out of order. Trashing Gage’s wife and making snide remarks about his son doesn’t make her a good person or someone that any righteous man would want any truck with. She is a dark film on this otherwise good site, pushing her flat earth… Read more »

Jack Boot
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

This is a classic case of why I’d never work in an office with women there, unless it was do it or starve. Women are like Jews but with tits and lip stick, always agitating, always creating division, always making stuff too personal etc etc. Same thing happening here. This is the ‘office’ and Sinead is that manipulative female sitting agitating and dripping poison out. Then what happens? She has all the men at each others throats and due to the drama that she created. That’s what happens when you have a women or a Jew around. Let’s move on to your idea that there’s some agenda to depopulate the planet that’s in full swing. Here’s the problem – the population of the planet is… Read more »

Jack Boot
Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Are you denying that women are agitators and are known for spreading malice and gossip? You sound like one of those White Knight hole chasers.

Reply to  Jack Boot
8 years ago

People are living to an older age? That will be your little secret! I am in “cahoots” with many doctors and nurses that would tell you otherwise. And that’s about as much as I could say to you about your post here, because the rest of it is FULL OF SHIT! I don’t have power over these posts, but if it were me that held Administration value here, I would “Boot the Jack!” As for me being a tough guy Jacky Boy, please allow me to pay for the ring time (boxing ring just to make that clear, given that you come across homosexual) when I get to the States. Yes? I would be more than happy to indulge. I’ve challenged many with this, that… Read more »

Jack Boot
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

In other words you’d censor me because you refuse to admit that a women cursing and swearing and talking trash about a guy’s child makes her poison? Jolly good. Jog along, Liam Neeson.

Jack Boot
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

You do realise that only insecure losers talk about how tough they are online, right? Did you ever catch up with Roosh or was that more hot air?

Reply to  Jack Boot
8 years ago

What I see from Shaun is an actual challenge to meet you face-to-face so he can back up his words with actions Stiletto Boot! Sounds like what a man might do to me rather than just a “man” ONLY making comments under a pseudonym on a site like Renegade’s. And not just some “tough guy” comments which is really all yours amount to till you back them up now that the gauntlet is down. Everything else you “say” from here on in is just hot air (as if it wasn’t already!) and you just wriggling your way out of being a REAL man and fronting up. We saw the same thing with Pat when he was finally thrown the challenge to call in after all… Read more »

Reply to  Mary
8 years ago

(w)hole 😉

Jack Boot
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

Here ya go Shauny boy. It’s a well known fact that life expectancy rates have increased over the years and so have population rates. Please explain how that can be what with this really massive global “poppulayshun control cull”..? ** If you were born in 1900, you had a pretty good chance of dying by your 50th birthday. Today, thanks to improved health and safety around the world, that would be — in many countries — a life cut short by at least a few decades. “The dramatic increase in average life expectancy during the 20th century ranks as one of society’s greatest achievements,” notes a report from the National Institute on Aging, a division of the National Institutes of Health. ‘Life expectancy has… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Boot
8 years ago

HAHAHAHA! Look at the names of the authors of those sources Stiletto used –

Lauren F Friedman
Max Roser

Yeah they ain’t jewish LOL! Good one Stiletto Heel! Using mainstream media as some kind of “proof”. Just more hot air from an anonymous commenter with a silly pseudonym.
Call into Shaun’s show, put the gloves on, come out from the shadows or STFU! That hole’s getting almost too deep to climb out of now…

8 years ago

A couple things re Drew’s 2nd hour. On the “we were vax-jabbed, and we’re not autistic, so you can’t say conclusively…” point; I just note that (“officially” diagnosed) autism isn’t a binary, yes-or-no question. Well I guess since I said “officially” diagnosed, that would technically be a yes/no Q, and we know which side of that Q big-pharma has a vested interest in “erring”… and we also know they’ll just keep “improving” their autism tests DOWNWARDS moving forwards, to cover their tracks. Anyway, there’s a million gradations in between yes/no. Fact is, for most of us who’ve been jabbed; we don’t know what we don’t know re to what degree it brain damaged us! How much better would our memory be; how much sharper/quicker/more creative… Read more »

8 years ago

On AJG and his Marines uniform ON THE WALL (?!?!) behind him: he’d surely parrot the official line about how the Marines as an institution embody discipline, hard work, loyalty etc; and this view will always have some merit, as surely as loyal guard/attack dogs will always have a place in this world, separate from who/why their (joo) masters order them to attack. But from the “NLP-hypnotist” visual-cue perspective, AJG would appear to be suggesting a 2nd message about the standard “fighting (joo) wars to protect our freedoms!” propaganda slogan. The Marines have their timeless admirable virtues on the one hand; but AJG is too smart at this stage NOT to KNOW the true-joo “dishonorable nature” of ALL the recent century’s wars which he &… Read more »

8 years ago

On AJG being on the dole for “PTSD”, consider that’s primary “remedy” for PTSD, is SSRI fluoride pills! (startpage search “SSRI fluoride”). IOW, taxpayer wealth transfer to jooz.big.pharma. I’ve never heard AJG mention what if any “meds” he’s on; just throwing it out there. Mil gives SSRI’s out like candy, even “preemptive/prophlactically” to enlisted who are soon to be deployed in a joo-war! And it’s like a suicide-sentence; as try to get off of SSRI’s… 22 suicides a day by returned home ex/enlisted… nearly one every hour! On AJG’s “chemtrails/geoengineering is a HOAX, just check out my specially selected geoengineering RE-BUNKING site right here! So shutup, conspiracy theorists!” advocacy; it may or may not be “coincidental” that, like vax-jabs; geo…trails are weaponized slow-kill… Read more »

Jake Island North
8 years ago

Roosh ., as sick as he is and looks , is symbolic and represents the depths of our ” unconsciousness ” in the Jungian sense , but ofcourse this does not mean to say that his actions or words here in this physical can go unbidden or unquestioned. Granted that he be a ” programmed ” or ” mind controlled ” jew , he in turn , permeates the true darkness or evil that overwhelms this jew infected pla-net . Energy and consciousness in DISTORTION creates evil . Evil IS anti life . Homosexuality is anti life ( pro creation ? ) . Vaccinations are anti life . Resistance to LIFE is the manifestation of evil . Duality is the only ” hell ” that… Read more »

Reply to  Jake Island North
8 years ago

Quite clear especially in respect to Stiletto Boot thanks Jake. Having had a longtime interest in Jung & his work I can certainly appreciate your perspective.

Jake Island North
Reply to  Mary
8 years ago

Thanks Mary . Quote… ” Women are like jews with tits and lipstick …, ” Mr. Boot , your quote / quotes are insipid .What it shows to me is the slithering hatred you have towards women . Attacking Sinead or any other woman in general cause of their gender or because of their well understood , emotionally triggered and righteous comments / anger ( fair play considering the seriousness of Gages twisted mental play ) as in the case with Sinead , compels me to see you as a cultured misfit , highly dysfunctional with lowered entrenched animalistic character traits that entails the tendencies of Babylonian proclivities . I am NOT about to sit back and have ANYONE insult the Mothers Of This Earth… Read more »

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