Tess Culnane is the current Organiser for the National Front in London.
She was formerly an assistant to Richard Barnbrook at the Greater London Assembly (GLA).
A former NF Candidate for the GLA herself, Tess is an active Nationalist who gives speeches at NF meetings throughout Britain.
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Lady Tess is THE HEART of the genuine National Front. No doubt about it.
Tess Culnane is what I call a brave lady. She was even active before I was born…
And I totally agree when she said how she feels ashamed of her own people. I have that too.
Best of luck to all NF people out there!
You guys… and girls ROCK! 🙂
Keith Axon, Richard Edmonds and Tess Culnane have devoted their lives not for money nor fame or popularity, but for principle. Look, see how this Old Guard is unbroken! Here are your profiles in courage!