Wardo Rants: Looking Behind the Curtain (6-13-17)

Eddy talks about Part 3 of The Greatest Lie Ever Told documentary he has coming up, which puts a lot of the Russian Jewish Mafia infiltration of world governments in perspective, and also gets into the current events from around the world, including US use of Chemical weapons in Syria, the Schumer and Sessions show, and much more.

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7 years ago

Eddy talks about Part 3 of The Greatest Lie Ever Told documentary he has coming up, which puts a lot of the Russian Jewish Mafia infiltration of world governments in perspective, and also gets into the current events from around the world, including US use of Chemical weapons in Syria, the Schumer and Sessions show, and much more.

Ingrid B
7 years ago

Thanks Eddy, for cutting through the BS in your unique and colorful fashion.. re. marijuana. I think the point to remember is that it is not a drug, it is a herb, which should be freely available to all, since it has beneficial properties. It causes a sense of euphoria, allowing the user to relax, and forget about troubling things, which is why those who profit from illness, both physical and mental, regard it as a threat. On a personal note, my Scottish half brother, when young, went with some friends to work at tree planting in Ireland. One morning they were waiting for their transport, it was raining heavily, everyone was miserable, then someone rolled a joint, and within minutes everyone felt a lot… Read more »

Reply to  Ingrid B
7 years ago

Marijuana is not a drug? Then Heroin isn’t a drug either because it comes from a plant. Cocaine isn’t a drug either because it comes from a plant. Cool. Thx for that “Wisdom”.

Robyn Hoode
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Yep, this Ingrid B beehatch is all over the place stabbing in the dark but fools herself into thinking she’s a notch above everyone because she loves Muslims! Typical Mami’s Shithole lurker, typical jewthink, ’nuff said…

7 years ago

This is how our occupied government celibrated the attack on the USS Liberty

t, US Congress celebrate Jerusalem jubilee in joint live broadcast
Israel’s parliament speaker urges DC to recognize Israel’s ‘official and unquestioned’ capital; PM says ‘eternal, undivided capital’ won’t be split again

The Knesset and US Congress held a live, simultaneous video conference on Wednesday celebrating 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War.

7 years ago

RUSSIAN JEWISH MAFIA & PUTIN: In March 1997 then 45-year-old former KGB agent Vladimir Putin is plucked from obscurity out of the St. Petersburg local government apparatus by President Boris Yeltsin and named Deputy Chief of Staff. In June, he defends his PhD dissertation in “strategic planning” at St. Petersburg’s Mining Institute. Later, this document proves to have been plagiarized from a KGB translation of work by U.S. professors published many years earlier (as if nobody would notice, and in fact for quite a while nobody did). July 1998 In a second inexplicable move, Yeltsin names Putin head of the KGB (now called the FSB). November 1998 Less than four months after Putin takes over at the KGB, opposition Duma Deputy Galina Starovoitova , the… Read more »

7 years ago

I took you to task a few months ago for accusing the NSDAP of being kike-controlled. And here you are in this show accusing ashkenazi of being the “nazi party.” You swore up and down that I somehow had “the wrong guy,” yet here you are… “Nazi” was an anti-German slur invented by a fat-lipped KIKE against the NSDAP. Jew-controlled communists on the street, their politicians, their newspapers and even the police did everything they could to discredit the rising influence of the NSDAP, but they slowly won the people over nonetheless. Would you like me to compose a list of accomplishments (a list of promises Hitler and the NSDAP gave to the people and then made good on, btw) that will prove you dead-ass-WRONG… Read more »

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