White Wellness: An Intro to Racial Anthropology (6-6-19)

Tabitha talks about men’s health, cayenne, roobios tea, gives a recipe for a hydrating fruit cooler, eggplant sushi, Oakland’s decriminalization of psychedelics, the origins of the word love, earwax and race, racial odors and the predilections of cannibalism and how to make herb infused oils.

Fruit Cooler:
64 oz. glass mason jar with lid
1 cup of berries
1/2 lemon or lime
a pinch of Celtic sea salt
2 tablespoons of honey
8 cups of filtered water

Add 2 cups of water to a glass bender with the rest of the ingredients and blend to combine.  Pour into mason jar and top with the remaining water. Put in the refrigerator to chill.

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5 years ago

Thank you kindly for another great show! I found the information about magnesium supplements being harsh on the digestive tract alarming since I’ve been taking the Doctors Best brand for some time. I also use magnesium spray as a deodorant every day, using about four sprays per underarm. I found after repeated use the magnesium spray irritated my skin badly with a vicious red, bumpy rash. So I stopped using it every day. I instead only used it as deodorant every few days and then paused the usage using a crystal stick instead. With this exchange in repetition I’m now able to use magnesium spray every day as a deodorant. I suppose my skin became used to it? How many sprays per day do you… Read more »

Reply to  Monica
5 years ago

If you shave your underarms or legs, and then spray the magnesium it will sting. I mostly spray it on my legs after a shower when my pores are open so it can absorb best. If it stings for you, I would suggest diluting the magnesium with a little filtered water. Over time, your skin does get used to it. The first time I sprayed my skin with magnesium it definitely stung. I use 3-4 sprays per leg and let dry before I get dressed. You could also apply it again before sleep, as magnesium helps with relaxation. From what I know, every oral magnesium supplement is harsh on the digestive tract. Some people may experience more harshness based on their stomach sensitivity. When I… Read more »

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago

I’m deeply grateful for your feedback 💙 I don’t use magnesium after I shave because it does sting. However it doesn’t sting me too much when I haven’t shaved; I only get a rash from it. I’m going to try using it regularly again. I wonder if the magnesium pills I take are making me tired too. I’ve been sluggish lately. I’ll definitely order raw pumpkin seeds!

Thank you kindly 🌞

Reply to  Monica
5 years ago

You’re welcome. I felt tired when I took oral magnesium. If you don’t take it already, nascent iodine can help boost energy levels.

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago

Thx! I do take J. Crow’s iodine regularly 😃

Reply to  Monica
5 years ago

I use the J. Crow one for healing and disinfecting skin wounds, it’s a type of Lugol’s iodine. Heathen Herbs carries the nascent iodine.

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago

Yes I know however I just can’t spend much extra these days. Thank you

5 years ago

Hoping you delve more into the race question and how biology affects not only our outer appearance but our behavior as well. I have looked into studies which suggest that blacks, both male and female, have more testosterone than their white counterparts. Have also found studies which suggest that not only does testosterone boost aggressive behavior but also interferes with ones ability to feel empathetic toward others…that is why in general, women are viewed as the caregivers more than men. If these studies are correct, higher testosterone levels could be the cause of blacks being more prone to violence. Couple the higher testosterone levels with abusive child rearing and victim mentality, and we have a big problem. I do think if people were educated on… Read more »

Reply to  hanan
5 years ago

Yes my research has led me to the same results in regards to their testosterone levels. Numerous racial anthropologists, taxonomists and geneticists of yesteryear considered blacks to be a different species. Supposedly Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species. Many years back when I still watched the Talmudvision, I remember hearing a news story about a black mother who had badly beaten her two little boys with a high heel shoe on a train. I was aghast at the time I heard the story and to this day still cannot fathom how a parent could do that. But the more I am able to… Read more »

Ragnar Fan
5 years ago

Hi Tabitha,
Do you have any remedies for cancer or knowledge of energy healing with Rife frequencies?
Also interested in your thoughts about reverse osmosis water with a realkalysing substances.
Thanks for your podcast.

Reply to  Ragnar Fan
5 years ago

I’ve heard of the Rife frequency machine, but overall I’m not a big believer in electronic frequencies being used as a healing modality.
Reverse osmosis water is good; the water filter on my home is RO. Benefits of RO water include fewer contaminants and a better taste.
Alkaline water slows down digestion and isn’t natural. Best to get the body alkaline via food, fitness, herbs, breathing (pranayama), Nature and healthy relationships.

5 years ago

Hey Tabtiha,
I just wanted to thank you for all the shows and articles that you have published on Renegade. The topics you cover are very interesting and important. The improved sound quality made listening to the show particularly good!
All the best 🙂

Reply to  Ragnar
5 years ago

Thank you Ragnar 🙂

5 years ago

Dear Tabitha, I’m wondering if you can recommend any yoga or breathing specifically for insomnia. I have a severe issue with it and I have not slept in four nights. I have been vegan and healthy using magnesium spray. I have struggled with insomnia since 2006. I’m truly at the end of my rope as I cannot live a normal life because of constant sleep depravity. I considered suicide several years ago because of how negatively insomnia effects me. I have tried many things and gone into debt doing so. I have even taken several pharmajews that still don’t knock me out.

Any suggestions I’d appreciate. Thank you

Reply to  Monica
5 years ago

Hi Monica: there is a yoga practice called yoga nidra that will put you into a very restful state of being. It will require some props such as pillows and a blanket. You could use the pillows and blanket from your bed, so no need to buy extra stuff.

Other options are melatonin, CBD, passion flower or GABA.
I hope you are able to improve your sleep hygiene and to not consider suicide again. Please know that those feelings are temporary and with self determination things do get better.

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago

Thank you Tabitha. I’ll try this. ♥️

5 years ago

Hi Tabitha,

Hearing your tidbits about tranny meat reminded me of an article from several years ago. Meat made from human excrement. I’m not sure you’ve mentioned it before.



I heard a researcher making a point about the definition of “high quality” in regards to protein for humans. High quality refers to the amino acid profile that is easiest for humans to use. The most “high quality” protein for humans supposedly is human flesh because the amino acid profile is the same. How long until tranny meat has the human flesh amino acid profile? Does it already? Would an economic collapse or major fuel shortage disrupt production of tranny human meat cause emergency diet recommendations to include consuming human flesh?

Reply to  Travis
5 years ago

One more thing, you mentioned cancer. I am a complete layman regarding cancer but T. Colin Campbell wrote about his research in The China Study. He, and his fellow researchers, found that casein can turn on/off cancer in rats and mice.
Rats were dosed with a carcinogen. Half the rats were fed a diet including 20% cow milk protein, half were fed a diet including 5% cow milk protein. The 5% group showed no signs of tumor growth, the 20% group all showed signs of tumor growth.

It might be an interesting place to start studying from.

Reply to  Travis
5 years ago

Indeed, I am familiar with the China study but haven’t looked at it recently. I’ll add this as a topic for a future show.

Reply to  Travis
5 years ago

Hi Travis yes I have heard of this poop meat a few years back. It sounds absolutely vile; something that we shouldn’t even know is possible to produce. The founder of the primal diet, Aajonus Vonderplantiz mentioned in one of his lectures that the cure for cancer was to wipe with a raw steak and then eat it! I was able to find this post from a fruitarian forum (I’m not an advocate of a fruigvore diet). “Aajonus gets a piece of steak and smears his own shit all over it and then puts it in a glass jar in the fridge for 2 months and then eats it. Aajonus told a guy i know to put a hole in an egg with a pin,… Read more »

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago


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