White Wellness: Mind Control & Sexuality (8-22-19)

Tabitha discusses various topics than are tied to mind control and sexuality including : neo fish vaginas, transgenderism, pedo agendas, a woman who thinks she is a genderless alien, tanning addiction, healthy ways to support our sexuality and finishes off with some racial storytime.

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Just an Earthling
4 years ago

Tabitha is a major asset here. Such class is rare these days. I like the way you communicate. So well done and you are getting better all the time. Your future is bright and all the best to you and Renegade.

Reply to  Just an Earthling
4 years ago

Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated 🙂

4 years ago

Tabitha, this girl reminds me of the art of Jasmine Becket-Griffith. She was an up an coming artist on etsy, deviant art.. and all around. Then she got signed by Disney. Now her art has its own section in the Disney stores. Its dark gothic lolita goth. All the kids love it and lots of the goth artists try to emulate it. Of course way back when her characters were cute and not alien or dead looking posing with skulls like they are now. Not sure if you ever heard of Jessica Galbreth.. she had followed the same path but found God and threw all her wicked artwork away and now all she paints is angels.. https://youtu.be/NZWVS-squaI ..of course the church was waiting to clutch… Read more »

Reply to  southernseamstress
4 years ago

Apparently she has redesigned the monster high dolls, which is what all these girls are trying to look like toocomment image

Reply to  southernseamstress
4 years ago

Check out the prognathous jaw on this monster high doll. Looks like a Negroid alien with straight, mostly blonde hair.

Pictures of the (((founders))) of Mattel:

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

Thanks for this information on Mattel.
“Handler was born to a Jewish family in Chicago, Illinois, on April 9, 1916, and grew up in Denver, Colorado. He studied industrial design at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In 1929, he met his future wife Ruth Mosko at a B’nai B’rith dance for teenagers.”
“Handler was born Ruth Marianna Mosko in Denver, Colorado, to Polish Jewish immigrants Ida Mosko (née Rubenstein) and Jacob Mosko.” (wikipedia)
What happened to co-founder Harold “Matt” Matson? “Matson sold[when?] his share to Handler due to poor health, and Handler’s wife Ruth took Matson’s role.” He isn’t identical with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Matson I suppose?
Current CEO born in Tel Aviv https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ynon_Kreiz

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

I didn’t know that Barbie was of German origin “In 1956, Mattel co-owner Ruth Handler returned from a European vacation with a German-designed Bild Lilli doll. She and Ryan worked on producing a similar fashion doll for the American market (the two later disputed which of them was chiefly responsible for the doll’s design). Ryan’s relationship with Mattel soured, and in 1980 he sued Mattel for royalties; the company settled out of court.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ryan_(designer) “Lilli was a German cartoon character created by Reinhard Beuthien for the German tabloid Bild. In 1953 the newspaper decided to market a Lilli doll and contacted Max Weissbrodt (white bread) of the toy company O&M Hausser in Neustadt bei Coburg. Weissbrot designed a prototype doll based on Beuthien’s cartoons, which… Read more »

Reply to  guest
4 years ago

Very interesting history.

Reply to  southernseamstress
4 years ago

Wat? She got netted by Disney for this garbage: no perspective, proportion or values, composition is lame? Why don’t I get signed I can draw better than that. I smell a kosher klub invite.

Reply to  southernseamstress
4 years ago

Wow these drawings of Jasmine Becket-Griffith’s remind me of the whole creepy cute trend. Looks like little girls who are pretty but in pain…what a disturbing duality.
It appears that people want to literally become art, and are looking for artists to create an image of their twisted reality.

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

It reminds me of “Bratz dolls” which I believe are owned by a jew (shocking right?)

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

The big puppy dog eyes, oodles of makeup and inappropriate clothing. Yup, Isaac Larian is the owner, and an Iranian jew.

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

Yeah large eyes where someone would be hypnotized under a spell. I wonder, maybe a certain part of adults and youth are beguiled even by a painting like that. I always thought it was just really off and weird. Lots of knock offs of her work are out there, so yeah she started the trend. Before her taking it mainstream there were only a few digital artists in obscure goth magazines.

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

Yes and tied to the BJD followers. Lots of those are even more sick combining death and creature parts and most of the artists are hidden and originate from China, Japan etc. People will pay thousands of dollars and they make them large sizes. Loads of images in pinterest. I have a theory that they target impressionable artists to try and force the trends. And of course lots of alice in wonderland and the death bunnies.

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

Another one I should mention is Virginie Roparscomment image

Reply to  southernseamstress
4 years ago

Wow super creepy, this has a bdsm vibe to it.

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

she does twisted contorted alien style “elite” character images that would be demonic royalty etc..

Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

I actually think thats where some of these Tranny looks are coming from too. It seems like who ever can think of the most sick and twisted and out do each other. Lots of this kind is in LA its all witches and satanists.

Ragnar Fan
4 years ago

The main problem is not the few sick freaks writing this crap and dictating school curriculums (although without them it wouldn’t be happening…possibly…)it’s the mindless lemmings who implement and follow these insane ideas.

How could a normal person who is a school teacher get handed the agenda to teach children about this crap accept it and then go ahead and destroy children’s minds with it?

And if this gender confusion really is a thing now, what is causing it?

It’s all so weird and disgusting.

Reply to  Ragnar Fan
4 years ago

I’ve talked with a few teachers who just seem to go along with the status quo, whether they believe it or not. It’s possible if they stand up to this filth they could be fired, and then possibly blacklisted thereafter. It seems only religious schools can get away with this, but they are peddling a different poison.
This article goes through some of the causes. I think the dysphoria is being engineered: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/catholicauthenticity/2015/07/12-causes-of-gender-dysphoria/

Foster XL
Reply to  Ragnar Fan
4 years ago

See this is where we have to agree to disagree – the “main problem” IS the few sick freaks exactly because if they were not here imposing themselves the problem would not exist. The parasitic tick metaphor is a very good, simple one to apply & understand here. That mindless lemmings follow is something that will always happen under regimes & systems that constantly keep them down in almost every way – you just have to get them to follow GOOD not parasitic shit. Do you not agree that it’s probably nigh on impossible to turn around the thinking of these masses of lemmings without a lengthy period of good, natural living & a more natural eugenic way of dealing with everyday issues? Every great… Read more »

Reply to  Foster XL
4 years ago

“the fundamental law in nature is to always maintain stasis” From my point of view the fundamental Law of Nature is movement and stagnation means death. Do you mean stability?


Do you think Nature is flawed?
Is there anything in Nature which does not belong to it?

Foster XL
Reply to  guest
4 years ago

It’s truly sad that anonymous people on the internet have to constantly quote wikipedia as their go-to source of info despite what we all know about it. Unfortunately these days those who wish to obfuscate or confuse can manipulate discussion knowing that many, if not most, words in the English language have more than one meaning. No, “stability” is not what I meant to say. Of course “movement” is happening constantly & the process of attempting to maintain stasis is an ever-shifting playing field between opposing forces but this process itself is indeed the fundamental law of nature. In this way one could almost say that the “stasis” itself is not as important as the attempt to maintain it much like the journey is more… Read more »

Reply to  guest
4 years ago

@ Guest, when did you hear about Renegade and start listening/reading? I find it strange that all of a sudden over the past week or so you started commenting on everything that we put out.

Foster XL
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

These cretins always play strictly by the rule book. It’s what makes them so obvious & predictable. They also live their lives under the clearly false notion that having an IQ 1 or 2 points higher than average will somehow assist them in fooling most of the people most of the time. “A little bit of knowledge…

Foster XL
Reply to  Foster XL
4 years ago

Ok so looks like this cretin might also be the christard who commented further down the comments here on 24 Aug 2019 (uses the “guest” moniker & says he will still visit Renegade despite getting a lot of downvotes lol) – https://christiansfortruth.com/jews-are-leading-the-alt-right-white-nationalist-movements/ These christards are obviously upset you guys roast them constantly & don’t adhere to their yahweh crap as they’re calling Kyle a jew here in the comments (yet again) & attempting to rope him in with all these other very obvious jews “leading” “WN” & the alt-kike. Should I lol or just yawn? It’s all the same pretty tiring stuff calling Kyle & Sinead jews, feminists or cucks because they “attack” christards & don’t follow the prescribed hardline christard/CI WN BS. Probably just… Read more »

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

You’re going to be banned here as well.

Deborah Burke
4 years ago

on the audio about this person had music that was hypnotic. it seemed to be inducing a trance state. very uncomfortable.

4 years ago

Not sure it’s possible to get too much sun if you do it gradually. More than anything else, being out in the hot sun and swimming in fresh lakes has healed my body. I don’t wear sunglasses or sunscreeen. The healthiest Whites have brown skin from the sun. Compare brown-skinned White kids vs the others. Once you have a strong tan, you can take as much as the sun can give, and it’s truly healing. The body loves sunlight energy.

Reply to  Bentley
4 years ago

Yes, but the woman in the video I mentioned on this broadcast was using tanning beds and melanin injections which is way different than natural sun exposure. I always feel great after I get some of the sun’s rays on my skin.

4 years ago

Tabitha, I’ve really been enjoying your shows . Can you tell me the name of the instrumental that plays at the end of this show please.

Reply to  Marshall
4 years ago

Thanks Marshall. The song at the end of the show is Resolution by Thievery Corporation.


Reply to  Tabitha
4 years ago

Thanks Tabitha and by the way your information is working wonders for me.

Reply to  Marshall
4 years ago

That’s great to hear, glad it is optimizing your life.

4 years ago

Wonder what vaccines these people been subjected to? Sounds like these people are biologically damaged from immunization. Scary. Really scary.

Reply to  Eric
4 years ago

Perhaps the (((medication))) she was given for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome triggered the gender dysphoria. It’s frightening to think how malleable the human mind can be. But its innate flexibility can be used for good as well.

Reply to  Eric
4 years ago

Most of the patented MMR vaccines are cultured from a cell line from the lungs of an aborted 3 month female fetus. Boy children are literally being injected with female DNA which can recombine with their natural male DNA. No wonder so many of them are confused about their gender! Knowing all I do about the agenda, most of which I have learned from Renegade, it’s obvious to me that this DNA modification via MMR is intentional.

4 years ago

That picture is even more disturbing than the underage girl (Belle Delphine) who sold her bath water to bugmen on the internet while being praised by a jewish feminist in the media for her degenerate behavior online.

4 years ago

Thank you, Tabitha – I always felt that your dedication and the substance you brought to your work raised the bar. You are lovely inside and out.

Reply to  Callwen
4 years ago

WTF?! Have you not been seeing what’s happened here in the last day or 2?!

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

If you mean that a top author and host was doxxed, yes, I did see that.

Reply to  Callwen
4 years ago

Oooohhh I see – it was just a doxxing. So all the other stuff is just inconsequential then. Thanks for clarifying.

James V
Reply to  Callwen
4 years ago

Thanks for showing your true colors “Callwen”.

Reply to  Callwen
4 years ago

Only time will tell what her real dedication and substance are.. She’s able to respond, and I know I’m not the only one who would like to hear what she has to say about all this.

I have been wondering what the inspiration for her email address eyevieblack@gmail.com?
I contend/eagerly compete black?

Also, I’m not really sure where the wellness aspect was in this show?
I guess I would have to re listen, but it does seem that her last several shows were centered around pretty disgusting topics, that showcased the exact opposite of wellness.

Reply to  Amber
4 years ago

Eyevieblack could be ivy black or IV black?

Reply to  Selma
4 years ago

IV black, like black tar heroin?

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