Yule in Thule w/ The Wild Hunt 12-20-13

The Sun King Returns to a Darkened World

Our roots have been severed, like the dying Christmas trees in living rooms around the world. Kyle seeks to connect us to the past and shine light on the ways of our ancestors. Tune in for a celebration of the Winter Solstice!

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10 years ago

During yesterdays show, someone mentioned the problem of reaching people “where they are” in the sense of where they are in terms of their present “World View”. This is the same kind of issue that Adolf Hitler faced in Germany. In his historically remarkable speech of May 21st, 1935, Hitler emphatically rejected the godlessness of Bolshevism, contrasting it with the fact that in National Socialist Germany the Churches have not been turned into places of secular amusement. And even if the Hitler does speak on occasions such as these of a new National Socialist Weltanschauung (Wold View) – he means neither a new religion nor a new godlessness, but simply everything that is the result of national consciousness, of the ties of comradeship and of… Read more »

Kevin Sommers
Reply to  Pat
10 years ago

Hitler had a recently lost war and a depression to work with, which cancelled out Christianity’s trend to drive people into dissociation leaving them passive to abuse which they suffer. Attacking Christianity directly whilst simultaneously showing where we are under attack the most(children in the schools/health establishment) as well as showing all the poisons in our foods allows us to simulate the ‘shock’ that Germany had from the recently lost war. Only then can we turn and help people through the grieving process(first you help people through their anger, then help them through the bargaining stage, then the depression, then you’ve got them.) This is why psychology is such a necessary science for us to learn. We aren’t going to get anywhere trying to take… Read more »

Reply to  Kevin Sommers
10 years ago

You have a very valid argument Kevin. I think likewise. Ours are different times , and study of the past for psychological gain has to happen good enough to be effective.
In the end politics ( means here respecting their christianity) will not convince.
It sounds harsh, frontal attack on christianity will split the minds, but the ones which have a last bit of mental health in them will turn to us. The rest is useless.

The Truth Will Out
Reply to  vig
10 years ago

The only thing the juwes hate more than Hitler is Jesus Christ.

Their mission for the past 2,000 years was to not only torture and crucify him in life but to continue to crucify and torture him and his followers until they completely destroy the society which he spawned, which is Western civilisation as we know it.
Which is where we are today.

I say your best best is to focus on the kike and leave the 24/7/365 Christ bashing to the jewish media.

Maybe you’re right though, maybe we should just concentrate on attacking Christ then invade Syria and Iran…

Reply to  Pat
10 years ago

Hitler was brave, and his compassion for animals was second only perhaps to that of Emperor Asoka, but his wisdom was lacking at times. He should have consulted Woden rather than bask in his own hubris as though he himself were a god.

Politically and religiously, the masses know only enough to put their snouts in the air to sniff out who holds the reins of power.

The Aryan Christ fallacy is an insult to all the men, women, children, and animals who have been tortured and butchered over the centuries by the “good peoples” of the “good book.”

Reply to  Frank
10 years ago

Highly recommended: the movie “Confucius (Kong Zi)” (2010) … Netflix downloadable.

Note the differences between Confucian and Socratic thinking.

Note the similarities!


Reply to  Bob in DC
10 years ago

I’ll check it out, Bob.

Reply to  Frank
10 years ago

I’ll have to check that out too. Thanks BDC

Polly is a Cracker
10 years ago

Thanks for your wonderful contribution ‘polly’ … did you have anything useful to share or contribute? Do you have a link to your podcast/show that is superior in quality to said shows that are lacking? Those who cant do, teach… and no one teaches better than ‘polly’, Renegades personal backseat driver/armchair quarterback.

Reply to  Polly is a Cracker
10 years ago

I scorn you, scurvy companion. What, you poor, base, rascally, cheating, lack-linen mate! Away, you moldy rogue, away!

Reply to  Bill
10 years ago

Thou art a dull and muddy-mettled rascal.

Irish Sean
10 years ago

Hi Kyle and the rest of the crew, congratulations to you all on the growth of Renegade. Cú Chulainn is pronounced Ku Kullen, whom I heard you speak of before.For those of you unfamiliar with this story here is a good link.http://www.shee-eire.com/Magic%26Mythology/Warriors&Heroes/Warriors/Males/Cuchulainn/Page1.htm It would make a great movie instead of the shlock currently produced, no magic negroes or Homos saving the day,just white people doing there thing.Queen Medb in the story is pronounced Maeve.I don’t think they would have been into dievershitty and embracing change somehow,lol

Kevin Sommers
10 years ago

Great show, I look forward to more shows like this. It’s refreshing to be able to say that I learned a lot from a radio show compared to it just preaching to the choir. That’s what I really love about Renegade, you guys do a lot more than just reiterating the week’s news. Anyway, I don’t remember the source, it may have been the Bible or just a Christian scholar but the explanation for the various Pagan customs having a Jesus like figure(and they all do) was that the devil knew what God was planning to do(We’re talking customs here 1000 yrs older than Jesus) and imitated them so that the Pagans would be skeptical when Jesus came down. I don’t know about you, but… Read more »

10 years ago

This is one to download and keep.

10 years ago

Great show, Kyle! It is so much fun to learn about our European traditions and it is time we start some of our own. Thank you for all of your time and effort. Take what you will from the negative feedback, I really hope it never gets any of you down!

10 years ago

I will try not to bother you guys anymore but as health service (could be emergency information), I believe the red and white spotted mushrooms are the deadly poison kind, not the benign and hallucinogenic sort. It is perhaps ironic that these poison mushrooms were held to symbolize the red and white swastika. I believe you guys are going seriously wrong with this Hitler idolization; but it seems you think its cool and that’s that. I wish that I could get you to see that it isn’t necessary but it is necessarily divisive. It seems to me that it should be obvious; oh well, I tried… I will take the people who do not care for Hitler and his regalia. Thanks

10 years ago

hey daniels, the show second to last show had a really good discussion on WWS fourth position show, and the little squabble between you and Markus was brought up. two girls had a nice back and forth, and the positive one made a good point – all racialists are going to have to own NS and its connection to the idea of racial survival – its impossible to just ignore it or avoid it because society already has a negative perception of it. the best thing we can do is own it, without being uncritical (“hitler worship”) – i agree with those who say the war could’ve been won if the invasion against communism was one of liberation rather than imperialistic/aggression, countering Bolshevik jew/red imperialism.… Read more »

10 years ago

great show kyle

10 years ago

Dana, there are a couple of ideas that are being moved around in a facile manner. First, and this seems to be something which you, in particular, are not seeing. Yes, nationalism and whatever degree of socialism necessary to that nationalism’s health and maintenance are not only things that have to be dealt with, but rather actively embraced. That is why I use the word “Nazism”, to distinguish it from nationalism and racial socialism. In the end, anyway, Hitler and Nazism, were not national socialist, but capitalist imperialist. The second matter is a false either/or between ignoring Hitler / and endorsing or rejecting everything of his view. It is not a half way point to say lets have a little Hitler and swastika here and… Read more »

Reply to  daniels
10 years ago

I agree on all accounts except one: the swastika – i know what you mean but you should rather say “the nazi flag” or the “nazi sawastika” – because, as you must know, it’s an ancestral aryan symbol. Several variations of the sun wheel have been found on ancient sites from Iberia to Russia. It should be a symbol of unity, not fraticidal war.
Other than that, You make some good points, i surely wouldn’t put it better myself!

10 years ago

Jesus Christ a Jew? Not Bloody Likely! LETTER TO TIBERIUS CAESAR FROM PONTIUS PILATE (The original of this letter is in the library of Rome. An authenticated copy is in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.) A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day, I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was… Read more »

Reply to  Steven
10 years ago

Nobody knows if that’s real or just another forgery from the Vatican, Steven, but anyway, i have already posted about the subject on Truth Militia, i no longer have dog in this fight, i don’t know why do i bother, or should i say, i’ve washed my hands, this makes me remember of all the controversy over the bull-fights, i have solutions, but no one wants to listen, no party wants to give in one single inch. But no problem. The jews foam hatred and infamous epitaphs. They carachter-assassinate. Nothing new underthe sun. Anyway, i risk myself under fire again, and i say what’s important it is not so much the whereabouts of Christ, but wether christianity is the suitable religion for our race, and… Read more »

10 years ago

Kyle, it was wonderful that this topic was covered thank you! The origins and lore can not remain hidden forever…

10 years ago

This Jesus figure need not be anywhere near this movement. Because of Him many of our greats have been murdered. For not converting. Pre Christianity is Tolerance post Christianity is intolerance…. These boys cannot fathom that the Christ they grew up with is not what they think. They fight tooth and nail to keep this myth alive. Just because you think Jews hate Christ, does mean its valid. They use Jesus as front to destroy White European culture. The moral code and value of natural law we all had well before Christ came to be. You all seem to think that before .Christ whites had no morality no connection to natural and that Christ brought this. Well, you are very foolish to think this true.… Read more »

10 years ago

Thanks for this show, Kyle. As I mentioned in the Eagle’s Nest show, Yule is intimately and directly linked to Yew (yew log … yule log), as it is the tree connected to the moment of the winter solstice. This was not mentioned, surprisingly, in any of the reading material that you presented. Yes, the yew (the key to our druidic/shamanic past and future) gets forgottened when the talmudic chosen-people virus sweeps across the land.

Merry Yule to you. I’ll be offering a drop of blood to the roots of a yew in the coming days.

10 years ago

Whether Jesus was a Jew or not, Christian belief is very harmful to its adherents. Here are just a few of the problems with it. 1. You have to believe all of it. No exceptions. If there is any part of it that you don’t actually apply in your own behavior, you’re not a Christian. If you read the Bible carefully, you will see that no one can do this. Therefore, no one can really be a Christian. And that’s the whole point: Christian believers believe they are Christians, but they are deluded. Many of them live their lives blissfully, but they don’t see reality. Being unable to recognize reality, for any reason, is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia. All Christian believers are schizophrenics… Read more »

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