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11 years ago

“We’re in a war, dammit! We’re going to have to offend somebody!”
-John Adams

Irish Sean
11 years ago

I cannot believe you haven’t read Covingtons books! You are lucky over in the States that you have (a) somewhere to go and (b) a proper plan. Read the fkn books, they are powerful.You can download them for free from his sites. He is not perfect and has made mistakes but seems to have come to the right conclusions.

Irish Sean
11 years ago

I have just read a letter from a political prisoner that I think you guys should help when I had an other look at Covingtons site. Surely this is not happening to this poor fecker?It blows my mind to see how messed up Amurrica is and that this kind of thing goes on unremarked.How can such a nation have sank so low?I post this on your site because I know that my message would be drowned out on Mamis and hope you will highlight it on one of your shows.I hear all time that things will get really bad in 2.5,10.15,or 20 years when in fact it is now if you say the wrong things.Now is the time, tomorrow may be to late,help him.

Reply to  Irish Sean
11 years ago

Already on it, sir. Hill of the Ravens is great thus far. Maybe I’ll get him on the show. Hope you enjoyed the Dubliners stuff on my last show 🙂

Irish Sean
11 years ago

Hello Siegfried,yes you have good taste in music(all genres). I am amazed at the lack of interest stateside in politics and peoples futures,I don’t mean to be too critical but a lot of it is down to modern,soft living, I notice the same thing here.Covingtons books are food for thought in that he has taken in the lessons he learned here in Ireland about armed struggle,it is not fantasy, it is an achievable goal if ye want it,but that is the key,do you want it? You guys probably don’t know the score about the Provos(IRA) fight against the Brits,there was only a few hundred of them and they did not have overwhelming nationwide support by any means but they brought them to the negotiating table… Read more »

Irish Sean
11 years ago

Print and be damned lol

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