Roundup: Storming the Corona Castle (4-18-20)
[Download] Kyle talks about some recent events and highlights Bill Gates’ 2019 purchase of Crown (Corona) Castle stocks in order to get into the 5G market in a big way. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some recent events and highlights Bill Gates’ 2019 purchase of Crown (Corona) Castle stocks in order to get into the 5G market in a big way. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about the financial scam being run by jewish supremacists under the guise of fighting off the coronavirus. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some recent news, reads some comments, and then covers Q’s take on the coronvirus crisis. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle goes over some of the recent developments with the “state of emergency” being rolled out and what it all means. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about the top stories on the Tribune, the Coronavirus (whatever it may really be) spreading to Congressmen at AIPAC, Donald’s downplaying, censorship intensifying, jews kvetching, and so much more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle covers some recent news stories about the “novel” coronavirus, violence against White people, holohoax media, and more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some current events and the persecution of pro-Whites. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about current events, including election BS, coronavirus corralling, poisoned air, depopulation, anti-women rhetoric, and the Dresden anniversary. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some recent developments, like how “White nationalists” are trying to turn teenage boys gay, how the FBI considers pro-Whites to be like ISIS, and how the Coronavirus was “predicted” by Netflix. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about the coronavirus outbreak, how it mirrors Hollywood, and the many conspiracy theories surrounding the story. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle discusses the ZOG emperor’s attack on Iran and what it might entail, the sick subversives of the “dissident right,” and much more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle and some woman talk about the season and oh so much more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about a variety of important current events, issues affecting our people, and alternative media personalities. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle covers the important topics. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about the political landscape, controlled opp characters, man-children like at “the other network,” raising children right, and much more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some issues related to the promotion of drunkenness to the youth and why this is so problematic. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about HH, White wing health squads, Nick Fuentes and the battle with Charlie Kirk, and more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about the manufactured uprisings around the world that are capitalizing on mass discontent and steering it into avenues that will never change things for the better. They then get into some shills, Sandy Hook Nose, drag demons, and Heathen Herbs. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle and Drew talk about many issues related to race relations today, focusing primarily on how “equality” these days really just means state-sanctioned discrimination against White people. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle discusses some current events from the week. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle does a full 2 hour show and talks about how hard it is to detect and battle back the bots and subversives. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some current events and the people who pretend to buck the system while they obviously serve its agendas. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle discusses the storm that’s coming, mass media hype, the Picture of Dorian Gray, and some headlines from today. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle talks about some important issues, such as how families are targeted by ZOG, the meninist mindset, the importance of being physically fit and knowing self-defense, and much more. Share this show!
[Download] Kyle discusses how Dr. David Duke needs< $50,000 or else he will be homeless, costumed bagel "Nazis," the White "supremacist" nuclear terror threat, passing the Epstein Barr, and much more. Share this show!