Arcane Semantics: Scott Tips – The Future of Health Freedom (10-9-17)

Scott Tips is the president of the National Health Federation. Richard speaks about some of Scott’s work for the first hour and then brings him on as a guest in the second hour. Topics include: the NHF, the Codex Alimentarius and the continuing battle for health-freedom against severe restrictions upon the sale and information given about vitamins and minerals, pharmaceuticals and their propaganda machine, vaccine dangers, and much more.

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6 years ago

The BlackBerry Bush v’s Roundup: I saw an advert for Roundup the other day, and it featured two images side-by-side, the first was the BlackBerry Bush and the other was a common weed. Both my Mother and myself recognized straight away the disparity of the two images. Many of our Shire Councils list the BlackBerry Bush is a “Noxious Weed” because it grows very quickly, just like a Weed where-ever the conditions are suitable and the seed from the berries is pooped out by Birds that eat them resulting in the spread of the Bush to other areas. One thing for sure, is that although it grows like a weed, it is most certainly Not “Noxious”, it is, as a matter of fact, one of… Read more »

6 years ago

Very informative Richard Richard; thanks. your bumpers rock like another old man hot i know well lol

Reply to  JohnSmithRGB
6 years ago

obv my English translation app not working so well haha. keep up the good work

6 years ago

Great show. Thanks for your efforts, Richard.

6 years ago

I don’t know which brands of vitamins are actually any good and actually get absorbed when ingested, so I don’t take any at all. I think it’s all synthetic crap, so many people are pushing supplements and vitamins these days in the advertisements, especially RBN and Rense.

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