Kyle gets into the Third Reich’s plan to phase out Christianity and Hitler’s personal views on the subject.
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4 years ago
Let the great deletion of expletive-filled comments from muh trad christards begin!
4 years ago
I have a lot of material regarding this subject,
I researched this subject really deep, the conclusion is If Hitler had won WW2 Christianity would have been wiped out.
I can mail all the materials to Kyle, how to contact him, please provide me his mail address.
You must be a really good researcher who researches things really deep(LY) Mr “Truther”, because you asked for a mail address in the comments rather than clicking the “Contact” button that shows up prominently on every page! Surely someone with your skills has put together a blog or website to disseminate all of this great work out to those who would benefit from it. Please provide a link if so. Thanks 🙂
yeah, I know about the contact, but I could not upload images and documents.
From two different sources, we get the information that Crucifixes were removed from Public places.
from Henrich Hoffmann’s memoirs and Joseph Goebbels diaries.
Of course, after the protest from the ((( Clergy men ))), it was stopped.
The sad fact is that, while the content on this site and the Renegade Tribune is often great, Kyle & Sinead have driven themselves crazy. They think every random commenter on youtube is a secret agent. If you disagree with them – or even ask a question – then you’re a secret agent. Since they change their views frequently, they keep having to toss out their other hosts on the grounds of having dissenting views, which in turn means they were secret agents all along! “Aha! I knew it!” Think old episodes of “Scooby Doo.” I recommend you listen to the shows as they’re good (except when they devote 2 hours to “exposing” some random youtuber), read the Tribune, but don’t interact with them. The… Read more »
This was printed in Das Schwarze Korps which was an official Newspaper for the SS. Das Schwarze Korps was the official newspaper of the Schutzstaffel. This newspaper was published on Wednesdays and distributed free of charge. (printing and publishing was funded by Party ) Das Schwarze Korps publication reached to 750,000. “Since our fatherland became infected with Christianity the innate sense of honor and morality of our race has been overshadowed by the alien theories, has been falsified and stained… We should like to state plainly now that we are less interested in the historical inevitability of this warping of race-consciousness than in the certainty that out times must be aside the dire confusion resulting from the influx of alien concepts into the life of… Read more »
Do you have a link to the source, or is this just another “source” like the supposed file the SS kept on Julius Evola without ever showing showing the link or where the documentation can be accessed? A scan or screenshot of that newspaper article would be nice.
They’ve banned people for saying that pagans in ancient Europe practiced animal sacrifice and are known to have consumed meat. Say that last part and they make blanket statements about you claiming that eating meat is superior, when you actually aren’t.
They will then follow up about how much better they are than anyone who consumes meat and switch over to egotistical rants about how awesome they are and how much someone they don’t like sucks a lot. If you didn’t know any better, you would think they’re a bunch of teenagers who feel they need to grand stand to look mightier than they really are.
Same old “Kyle is good, but Sinead is bad.” or “Renegade Tribune is good, but Kyle & Sinead are bad” thing. Attempts to appeal to others and create a division where there is none. If these are trolls, their tactics are transparent. If these are actual people expressing their actual beliefs, no one is stopping you from eating meat or doing…whatever. YOU are coming HERE, to someone else’s platform, where they share “their” beliefs. If “yours” are different, no one is forcing you to be here. Find like-minded people elsewhere. Or have your own platform. Or stay and just stop complaining. It’s gay. You are choosing to use Renegade as a mirror and then blaming them because you feel judged or triggered. Why?
They’re not man enough to admit that they’re wrong. Doing that, apologizing, growing up, and correcting their behaviour is something they’re too stubborn to manage. They will undoubtedly continue on like that until someone hurts them for their behaviour.
Simple solution is to just teach them a lesson in person that they will remember for the rest of their days.
You are posting their family address and trying to convince other people to visit their home and “hurt them?” Over what? A deleted bitchute comment? Insane.
Yes please Kyle, just ban these pathetic ones instantly. They’re saying you’re banning them whether you do or not anyway so nobody will miss them & only the idiot posting them will even know. These ones aren’t even worth wasting time on so would rather not see them at all.
You sometimes have display a tendency to arbitrarily decide what is correct and can’t seem to tolerate people disagreeing with you. Removing a comment rather than properly addressing it is intellectually dishonest and underhanded, similar to how you edited her comments from your 2012 star theory broadcast and took it out of context. It’s as if you seem to think that your readers are too stupid to evaluate it for themselves and arrive to their own conclusion, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to remove comments you disagree with. It’s silly to assume that anyone who criticizes you is likely a “subversive agent” and will go out of your way to be extremely rude to them without maturely addressing any of their points. You also… Read more »
Tell that to Shaun O’Neill as he’s the one who actually does what you accuse Kyle & Sinead of. I read this comment & it sounds exactly like you’re talking about him tbph. But you won’t go post there because you know your comment won’t even see the light of day like it will here. What does that tell you? Oh yeah, that he censors criticism ruthlessly before anyone sees it but Kyle & Sinead do not! Stop trying to sound so smart – it’s not working,
You’re the kind of person who is willing to say things to people on the internet you don’t have the courage to say in front of them face-to-face. That’s called cowardice.
How incredibly disgusting.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Sean, but there are A LOT of psycho’s out there, attracted to what and who the can never be like moths to a flame.
No one is safe in this open air insane asylum manipulated by (((yahgays chosen slaver’s)))).
All of you who mock Jesus will have to stand before Him someday and will give account for your life. Your disbelief in Him will not matter. My advise to you is to cry out to Jesus and ask him to reveal himself to you. He is real and will reveal himself to you. Been a Christ follower and believer since 1984. He is the best thing to ever come into my life. If you knew him as I do, you would not behave like you do now. That is a fact. Everyone who knows him is changed. Why? Because he is God and he is real. Open your heart guys and let him in.
I heard an interview by Dennis Wise who accordingly says Hitler was a Christian and was saving Churches through Europe? *confused* Wise is CI so could be pushing his own BS.
4 years ago
White people are being bombarded by absolute insanity from every side right now. As if the recently self-confessed serial masturbator & bestial fetishist Shaun O’Neill’s descent into full-time obsessive Renegade-stalking wasn’t enough, feast your eyes on the title of Andrew Hitchock’s (fuck saying his middle name every time!) latest show – “TruthVids.Net – 100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 1“. Getting stupid people to believe nonsense like this is probably really easy these days, especially when they already believe in the sky fairy/sick & twisted overlord fantasy the jews have been feeding them for centuries. These people are all the various weird & wonderful clowns who make up the “alternative” side of Clown World!
4 years ago
Before you get rid of Christianity, you have to provide another option. The church is better than nothing.
Dear Renegade et al. I’d recommend reading Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant by Otto Wagener and of course the hundreds of pages of Hitler’s speeches to try to understand his own spiritual beliefs and views on God and Christ which I’ve often wondered if they could have been influenced at a young age by Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels who was present at Lambach Abbey where Hitler was educated in catechism and sung as a child. Liebenfels idiosyncratic ideas about an original Aryan Kristianity of blood that was perverted and destroyed to a great deal by Jews and Mongrelized meditteraneans never attracted too many followers but his Ostara periodicals sold well in Vienna when Hitler was there as a young man. I’m very sceptical about the… Read more »
Please forgive the auto-correct spelling errors in some places. I really don’t know how Frohes Jule became freues? Regardless of your own beliefs remember our ancestors when you celebrate and remember the innocent victims of the allied bombs and brave men and women who fought. And of course the Fuhrer who stood up fought for what is true and right and good in this empty materialistic world
4 years ago
If ((( Christards ))) think or assume that ((( They ))) know more about Hitler and his personal opinion more than Léon Degrelle(he himself was devout Catholic), ((( They ))) are not only seriously mistaken but ((( they ))) are again proving ((( themselves ))) as DUMBASSES. ?1577437732 ?1576130307 ?1577536477 ?1577272683 ?1577273343
All these below statements from Hitler are from Mein Kampf, These are literally NAIL in the coffin for all kind of speculations. The important point to be noticed is Adolf Hitler and ALL the members in the NSDAP DEEPLY hated, despised the Old Testament, the old testament was criticized in the front pages of Der Sturmer. Now it is important because Jesus NEVER denounced the Old Testament, but Adolf Hitler hated the Old Testament. There is more than ocean of difference between the two characters One hated the OT, the (((other))) embrace the OT. Hitler was in direct contradiction to Jesus, because Hitler was NOT a Jewish supremacist like JEWsus. ?1576928819?1576927967?1576929438?1576927494 Attack on Old Testament in Der Stummer front page. Der Stummer, October 1936 Issue?1569995217… Read more »
[…] cannot get over the fact that Adolf Hitler rightfully compared Christianity with Communism in Table Talks, but woe betide whoever says anything against their freaking religion. We know that it has been […]
Let the great deletion of expletive-filled comments from muh trad christards begin!
I have a lot of material regarding this subject,
I researched this subject really deep, the conclusion is If Hitler had won WW2 Christianity would have been wiped out.
I can mail all the materials to Kyle, how to contact him, please provide me his mail address.
You must be a really good researcher who researches things really deep(LY) Mr “Truther”, because you asked for a mail address in the comments rather than clicking the “Contact” button that shows up prominently on every page! Surely someone with your skills has put together a blog or website to disseminate all of this great work out to those who would benefit from it. Please provide a link if so. Thanks 🙂
Incoming Call: Scam likely
yeah, I know about the contact, but I could not upload images and documents.
From two different sources, we get the information that Crucifixes were removed from Public places.
from Henrich Hoffmann’s memoirs and Joseph Goebbels diaries.
Of course, after the protest from the ((( Clergy men ))), it was stopped.
but should I add any further???
The sad fact is that, while the content on this site and the Renegade Tribune is often great, Kyle & Sinead have driven themselves crazy. They think every random commenter on youtube is a secret agent. If you disagree with them – or even ask a question – then you’re a secret agent. Since they change their views frequently, they keep having to toss out their other hosts on the grounds of having dissenting views, which in turn means they were secret agents all along! “Aha! I knew it!” Think old episodes of “Scooby Doo.” I recommend you listen to the shows as they’re good (except when they devote 2 hours to “exposing” some random youtuber), read the Tribune, but don’t interact with them. The… Read more »
“Since they change their views frequently”
Please provide citations.
This was printed in Das Schwarze Korps which was an official Newspaper for the SS. Das Schwarze Korps was the official newspaper of the Schutzstaffel. This newspaper was published on Wednesdays and distributed free of charge. (printing and publishing was funded by Party ) Das Schwarze Korps publication reached to 750,000. “Since our fatherland became infected with Christianity the innate sense of honor and morality of our race has been overshadowed by the alien theories, has been falsified and stained… We should like to state plainly now that we are less interested in the historical inevitability of this warping of race-consciousness than in the certainty that out times must be aside the dire confusion resulting from the influx of alien concepts into the life of… Read more »
Do you have a link to the source, or is this just another “source” like the supposed file the SS kept on Julius Evola without ever showing showing the link or where the documentation can be accessed? A scan or screenshot of that newspaper article would be nice.
They’ve banned people for saying that pagans in ancient Europe practiced animal sacrifice and are known to have consumed meat. Say that last part and they make blanket statements about you claiming that eating meat is superior, when you actually aren’t.
They will then follow up about how much better they are than anyone who consumes meat and switch over to egotistical rants about how awesome they are and how much someone they don’t like sucks a lot. If you didn’t know any better, you would think they’re a bunch of teenagers who feel they need to grand stand to look mightier than they really are.
LOL! That’s about all these low effort, entry-level critiques deserve! 😀
You know, I will ban people for lying in such a subversive manner, like this person.
Same old “Kyle is good, but Sinead is bad.” or “Renegade Tribune is good, but Kyle & Sinead are bad” thing. Attempts to appeal to others and create a division where there is none. If these are trolls, their tactics are transparent. If these are actual people expressing their actual beliefs, no one is stopping you from eating meat or doing…whatever. YOU are coming HERE, to someone else’s platform, where they share “their” beliefs. If “yours” are different, no one is forcing you to be here. Find like-minded people elsewhere. Or have your own platform. Or stay and just stop complaining. It’s gay. You are choosing to use Renegade as a mirror and then blaming them because you feel judged or triggered. Why?
Both have problems, only that one has more obvious problems than the other one. They just can’t take much criticism, that includes mild criticism.
“It’s gay. You are choosing to use Renegade as a mirror and then blaming them because you feel judged or triggered. Why?”
It’s gay and yet you’re doing exactly what you’re accused me and that other person of doing. That’s tu quoque (appeal to hypocrisy)
They’re not man enough to admit that they’re wrong. Doing that, apologizing, growing up, and correcting their behaviour is something they’re too stubborn to manage. They will undoubtedly continue on like that until someone hurts them for their behaviour.
Simple solution is to just teach them a lesson in person that they will remember for the rest of their days.
[address redacted]
[Essen banned]
How noble of you to post our address and call for us to be assaulted. Hello Shauny!
What a total scumbag. Absolutely sickening behavior that you guys have to deal with.
You are posting their family address and trying to convince other people to visit their home and “hurt them?” Over what? A deleted bitchute comment? Insane.
I can’t even delete bitchute comments so this person is just lying.
Yes please Kyle, just ban these pathetic ones instantly. They’re saying you’re banning them whether you do or not anyway so nobody will miss them & only the idiot posting them will even know. These ones aren’t even worth wasting time on so would rather not see them at all.
You sometimes have display a tendency to arbitrarily decide what is correct and can’t seem to tolerate people disagreeing with you. Removing a comment rather than properly addressing it is intellectually dishonest and underhanded, similar to how you edited her comments from your 2012 star theory broadcast and took it out of context. It’s as if you seem to think that your readers are too stupid to evaluate it for themselves and arrive to their own conclusion, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to remove comments you disagree with. It’s silly to assume that anyone who criticizes you is likely a “subversive agent” and will go out of your way to be extremely rude to them without maturely addressing any of their points. You also… Read more »
Tell that to Shaun O’Neill as he’s the one who actually does what you accuse Kyle & Sinead of. I read this comment & it sounds exactly like you’re talking about him tbph. But you won’t go post there because you know your comment won’t even see the light of day like it will here. What does that tell you? Oh yeah, that he censors criticism ruthlessly before anyone sees it but Kyle & Sinead do not! Stop trying to sound so smart – it’s not working,
You’re the kind of person who is willing to say things to people on the internet you don’t have the courage to say in front of them face-to-face. That’s called cowardice.
Says an anonymous commenter who posts our home address, but isn’t willing to post his own.
*Posts your home address and tries to get OTHERS to hurt your family. What courage!
How incredibly disgusting.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Sean, but there are A LOT of psycho’s out there, attracted to what and who the can never be like moths to a flame.
No one is safe in this open air insane asylum manipulated by (((yahgays chosen slaver’s)))).
OY VEY. Let’s hold hands with the Christ killers.
Oy vey, let’s worship a circumcised rabbi!
All of you who mock Jesus will have to stand before Him someday and will give account for your life. Your disbelief in Him will not matter. My advise to you is to cry out to Jesus and ask him to reveal himself to you. He is real and will reveal himself to you. Been a Christ follower and believer since 1984. He is the best thing to ever come into my life. If you knew him as I do, you would not behave like you do now. That is a fact. Everyone who knows him is changed. Why? Because he is God and he is real. Open your heart guys and let him in.
Your lord and savior was a homosexual rabbi, if he even existed at all.
I heard an interview by Dennis Wise who accordingly says Hitler was a Christian and was saving Churches through Europe? *confused* Wise is CI so could be pushing his own BS.
White people are being bombarded by absolute insanity from every side right now. As if the recently self-confessed serial masturbator & bestial fetishist Shaun O’Neill’s descent into full-time obsessive Renegade-stalking wasn’t enough, feast your eyes on the title of Andrew Hitchock’s (fuck saying his middle name every time!) latest show – “TruthVids.Net – 100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 1“. Getting stupid people to believe nonsense like this is probably really easy these days, especially when they already believe in the sky fairy/sick & twisted overlord fantasy the jews have been feeding them for centuries. These people are all the various weird & wonderful clowns who make up the “alternative” side of Clown World!
Before you get rid of Christianity, you have to provide another option. The church is better than nothing.
Another option? You mean like actual reality?
Child raping jew-lovers are better than not believing in a circumcised rabbi?
Bhagavad Gita as it is. Aryan way.
IMHO, the opinion in the Third Reich on Christianity was divided.
The opening song on this video is really cool. Anybody know who it is?
what was the name of the German song played in the beginning of the show??
Dear Renegade et al. I’d recommend reading Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant by Otto Wagener and of course the hundreds of pages of Hitler’s speeches to try to understand his own spiritual beliefs and views on God and Christ which I’ve often wondered if they could have been influenced at a young age by Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels who was present at Lambach Abbey where Hitler was educated in catechism and sung as a child. Liebenfels idiosyncratic ideas about an original Aryan Kristianity of blood that was perverted and destroyed to a great deal by Jews and Mongrelized meditteraneans never attracted too many followers but his Ostara periodicals sold well in Vienna when Hitler was there as a young man. I’m very sceptical about the… Read more »
Please forgive the auto-correct spelling errors in some places. I really don’t know how Frohes Jule became freues? Regardless of your own beliefs remember our ancestors when you celebrate and remember the innocent victims of the allied bombs and brave men and women who fought. And of course the Fuhrer who stood up fought for what is true and right and good in this empty materialistic world
If ((( Christards ))) think or assume that ((( They ))) know more about Hitler and his personal opinion more than Léon Degrelle(he himself was devout Catholic), ((( They ))) are not only seriously mistaken but ((( they ))) are again proving ((( themselves ))) as DUMBASSES.
All these below statements from Hitler are from Mein Kampf, These are literally NAIL in the coffin for all kind of speculations. The important point to be noticed is Adolf Hitler and ALL the members in the NSDAP DEEPLY hated, despised the Old Testament, the old testament was criticized in the front pages of Der Sturmer. Now it is important because Jesus NEVER denounced the Old Testament, but Adolf Hitler hated the Old Testament. There is more than ocean of difference between the two characters One hated the OT, the (((other))) embrace the OT. Hitler was in direct contradiction to Jesus, because Hitler was NOT a Jewish supremacist like JEWsus. ?1576928819?1576927967?1576929438?1576927494 Attack on Old Testament in Der Stummer front page. Der Stummer, October 1936 Issue?1569995217… Read more »
That’s a really cool story….
[…] cannot get over the fact that Adolf Hitler rightfully compared Christianity with Communism in Table Talks, but woe betide whoever says anything against their freaking religion. We know that it has been […]