Kyle talks about how getting too much protein is actually detrimental to our health, raising one’s risk for cancer, and how animal-derived protein and soy protein isolate are the worst offenders. It is a big business convincing us that lots of protein is essential for health.
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A good example/role-model is Doyle, the bodybuilding guitarist for the Misfits. He’s been vegan for a number of years now and still looks super jacked, and young as well, even though he’s in his 50’s now.
Tons of obesity in the area I’m at though. Very discouraging sight to see.
Yeah the perfect role model that every parent should get their kids following – hardly ever seen without corpse paint, pentagram t-shirts & tats and a full back catalogue of songs about death. He’s only been vegan for the last 6-7 years but was already huge back in the 80s & 90s. Definitely looks in better shape “physically” now though I’ll give you that much.
I should have clarified; I meant that the vegan lifestyle and weightlifting were the good example parts. But for sure, you’re right about all the negative traits. I would never condone those aspects.
The Woman On The Left is Alissa White-Gluz. She Is A Jew.
Now why does that not surprise me?!
“Her grandparents were prisoners in concentration camps during World War II and managed to escape.”
Um, no. Yes, obese people not only hurt the eyes, but the sight hurts the heart too thinking of how much suffering one had to go through to get to that size. You don’t gain a couple extra hundred pounds feeling good along the way. I’d doubt one gains even forty happily. I agree with Foster. I would be very alarmed if my son put up a poster of that creepy clown. If you are looking for a good living example/role-model amidst the jewish poison called the ”music” industry, hollywood, or anywhere else that has nation wide distribution, your ”shit out of luck” as they say. I’d say the only male role model worth mimicking or following would be Kyle. We need more men (and… Read more »
I agree with everything you’re saying. Perhaps you missed my clearification. The correct phrase I should have used was “He’s a good example of someone who’s a jacked bodybuilding vegan. But obviouslty the rest of him sets a bad example.”
It was a bit of a fail on my part. I should have looked into additional vegan athletes/bodybuilders, but I had seen a funny Peta ad featuring him recently, and that was what made him come to mind.
When you consider the toxic growth hormones and antibiotics given to livestock, on top of your already weakened body from vaccines, plus pesticide spraying, this is one horrible cocktail of poison they are sellling us all.
An organic, plant-based livet (not die-t), eating only when hungry, will serve you well. Thanks for taking time out to record this vital info, Kyle.
Long added feedback 🙂 Insight re former ‘Fitness competitor, then figure, then bikini category’ in Bodybuilding & started at 13 to prevent injury as an equestrian back then. Being naturally strong I enjoy lifting and perfecting the skill of lifting and recruiting fibers at will with 84% (tested in childhood) fast twitch muscle fiber arrangement. We enjoy what we are good at. Wish I could do it now as vegan instead of still doing physical rehab. With body building ‘People invision mass size’ whereas this is not actually what it means. There are over 24 types of strength including non linear strength endurance and so on. Lifting a fork to ones mouth requires strength recruitment even but it is all about what is appropriate &… Read more »
Where do I get my protein in order to build and maintain muscle etc.? The same place cows, horses, elephants, giraffes, elk, moose, etc. get the protein they need to build strong muscles.