Truth Hertz: Vyse’s Great Pyramid Forgery (4-29-19)

Charlie talks about some current events and then gets into his notes on how in 1837 Colonel Howard Vyse and friends used gunpowder to blast his way through the Great Pyramid in Giza and then proceeded to paint hieroglyphs on cartouches in order to make some amazing discoveries.

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Ron Castleman
5 years ago

Was Charles a Crowley follower like Fetch?

Troll Slayer
5 years ago

We have been lied to about History . The whole pre cataclysm ancient advanced races of Earth have been covered up. We were not primitive cave men 12K years ago.

3 years ago

I think the whole the Egyptians are a legacy civilization has to do with the builders being likely being black Africans. The many statues of ancient Egypt having their noses broken off was probably to hide that fact. I think things make a lot of sense when you look at it from that angle. This is probably where much of Freemasonry acquired their “sacred geometry from”. They don’t want anyone to know they learned it from black folks. They all say I don’t who built the Great Pyrimid but I know it wasn’t Kufe. The reason that we see so much in common in ancient civilizations is because Africans sailed to those areas and taught them. This is probably why the Olmecs had had giant… Read more »

Reply to  David
3 years ago

Nope. Looks like we need a rat catcher in here!

Reply to  David
3 years ago

Sheeeeeit. We pyramid builderz, nigga!

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