Kyle reads General Léon Degrelle’s account of the Night of the Long Knives, in which Hitler and his closest allies put down an insurrection and unified Germany.
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Kyle reads General Léon Degrelle’s account of the Night of the Long Knives, in which Hitler and his closest allies put down an insurrection and unified Germany.
Hitler Democrat by Léon Degrelle https://archive.org/details/hdbld/page/n0
Thank you for the reading !
Thank you !
Great reading Kyle, Degrelle is one of my personal favorite Third Reich personalities. His book “The Eastern Front: Memoirs of a Waffen SS Volunteer, 1941-1945” is a fantastic read if you haven’t ever read it you should check it out. It starts out dealing with the politics in Europe post WWI and then leads into his experiences in the Waffen SS Wallonien division. Very combat heavy and touches on a lot of the atrocities committed on the Germans by the Red Army. Anyway great show Kyle, I really enjoy your readings.
thanx for the reading