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8 years ago

“Nick Spero speaks about Donald Trump’s mentor, Ray Cohn, and details his sordid connections.”


So, I guess the answer is to continue post comments to blogs and forums whining, bitching and moaning, and listening to internet radio programs that do the basically do the same and accomplish NOTHING as far as changing ANYTHING instead of voting for a presidential candidate–unlike any before–that is actually proposing to STOP the illegal Mexican invasion of America. That is the number one issue and greatest threat facing White Americans and our offspring, and reason enough to get off your ass and vote for The Donald, “sordid connections” and all, whether true or half-true or whatever variation, notwithstanding.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

Sorry, hit Post Comment button too soon. This is the correct first sentence:

So, I guess the answer is to continue to post comments to blogs and forums whining, bitching and moaning, and listening to internet radio programs that do basically the same thing and accomplish NOTHING as far as actually changing ANYTHING instead of supporting a presidential candidate–unlike any before–that is actually proposing to STOP the illegal Mexican invasion of America.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

“So, I guess the answer is to continue post comments to blogs and forums whining, bitching and moaning, and listening to internet radio programs that do the basically do the same and accomplish NOTHING as far as changing ANYTHING instead of voting for a presidential candidate–unlike any before–that is actually proposing to STOP the illegal Mexican invasion of America” Projection much? The only one bitching, moaning and listening to internet radio, is YOU! We are not only doing radio but create documentaries and do street activism. Trump is not our guy. I know it’s like hearing Santa Clause doesn’t exist, but sorry! It’s the truth! Time to get your big boy panties on and take matters into your own hands instead of waiting for a… Read more »

Reply to  Sinead
8 years ago

Let’s put this election into perspective. Its’ pretty much like Russia where you get a “choice” between Putin for Pesident or Medvedev? When Putin is Pres – then Medvedev is Prime Minister…and vice-versa. Do the Russian People have a “choice”? LOL Yes – just like in AmeriKa. You don’t get into a position to be considered for the nomination “UNLESS” a lot things. And those things don’t have ANYTHING to do with you or me. At this stage – anyone who really thinks that “Voting” is going to derail the Globalist Agenda in the US is a complete IDIOT and maybe even a PHYSICAL COWARD. I know it sucks to hear this. Bad news always sucks. If a person wants to really change things or… Read more »

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

Says “So, I guess the answer is to continue post comments to blogs and forums whining, bitching and moaning, and listening to internet radio programs” as he continues to post comments to blogs and forums whining, bitching and moaning, and listening to internet radio programs. LMFAO!

8 years ago

This is a hardcore show, I take my skin off to thee. Condolencies on your losses. That lawyer is the ugliest, sleaziest mess of flesh I have ever witnessed, what would only get better looking after having his head set on fire.

8 years ago

Nick, you are very bad at reading. I am shocked that you seem to be reading these articles for the very first time and mispronounce many words. You also manage to totally lose the threat of what you are reading by breaking the sentence in the wrong places. Geez. Just talk or interview people and don’t read stuff on your show. I have listened to you before but this is pretty bad.

7 years ago

Does Nick have a Facebook or Twitter account to follow?

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