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8 years ago

Excellent ! A Fantastic presentation , well done . Nice call from Ed too .

8 years ago

Good job. Looks like a real quality guest.

Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

It’s sobering to think small groups of parasites and their enablers are embedded in every major country. Plotting and dealing to create GI, kill as many goyim as possible, and extract as many shekels in the process 24/7! All to feed back to big fat squirming queen Bibi in their nest!! Eeeewwww
Thanks Nick and guest for researching and bringing out all this great info.
Not sure how it works in US, but being ex milt/intell, isn’t this man taking a risk,having signed off not to WB? Take care sir!!

Ingrid B
8 years ago

Independent communication is important. Got an e-mail yesterday, from a Palestinian Professor, named Mazin Quimsey, telling about an independent Palestinian radio station, which provides the Palestinians with a voice. The station has been closed down many times, but, typical of Palestinians, they always bounce back.The station is IMEMC, and can be found at

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