There were some technical difficulties with the start of the show, so this episode is a little shorter than usual. Beattie Boy reflects on the Renegade Roadshow, how things have changed over the years, odds and ends regarding the movement and current events, the progress of the legal underground, and much more.
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Another good show despite the technical difficulties. You are all troopers! Forming these LUDU’s is great advice. These initial small groups could form the basis of our future communities in all-white areas. I’m happy to make contact with any Renegades in the UK – just let me know. I was always told “sent to Coventry” came from the English civil war – nobody knows for sure. Wiki says royalist prisoners were sent there and shunned by the parliamentarian townsfolk. I live quite close to Coventry city. I’d say it was 60% muslim and black, 40% poor white underclass now. Very depressing, oh and it’s twinned with Dresden. PS ” jogging inside your wife” lol. Now that’s white, bright and beautiful exercise – beats the gym… Read more »
Glad to cheer you up Anthony. Send me your e.mail address if you like, then I can request confidential contact for you next broadcast ? britishcanada@gmail.com
Thanks Beattie, your advice is good !
Anthony, “I was always told “sent to Coventry” came from the English civil war – nobody knows for sure. Wiki says royalist prisoners were sent there and shunned by the parliamentarian townsfolk.”
The Tower of London went from being a Royal Abode to a Prison Cell during Cromwell’s conquest with Jewish Bankers who gave him money and the Puritan Protestants of his against the Catholics that invaded Ireland Sept 11 1649. (Drogheda). Tower of London (Luds Town) became a prison cell for those who committed Treason, not against the country, but against the Bankers !
King Lud was a Celtic King, he restored London after the previous invasion by the Romans 400BC. The Romans as we were told, did not build London.
They understood conquest of the mind through corruption of the soul and social order. Tacitus is a good start as many talk pagan but have a cartoon understanding of how it was actually practiced. “21. The succeeding winter was employed in the most salutary measures. In order, by a taste of pleasures, to reclaim the natives from that rude and unsettled state which prompted them to war, and reconcile them to quiet and tranquillity, he incited them, by private instigations and public encouragements, to erect temples, courts of justice, and dwelling-houses. He bestowed commendations upon those who were prompt in complying with his intentions, and reprimanded such as were dilatory; thus promoting a spirit of emulation which had all the force of necessity. He was… Read more »
Sadly, when I get together with most WN’s the talk rapidly turns to how to rip the government off and how to cheat on taxes!
the government is the one “cheating”
That still doesn’t give us the right to also cheat. WN’s are disgraceful in this way – at least the one’s I meet. And on the job they are laziest ones and will tell me that the world “owes them” because of all the great things the white man has done. What CRAP!!!!! The white guy should always be the hardest worker and the most polite and considerate but instead he is the worst person to be around!
You’re here kvetching about how White people are not paying enough taxes to ZOG so they can better fund terrorism, their anti-White policies, and our demographic displacement (aka genocide). You are telling me that White guys are the worst to be around. Go live in Africa. And you might not want to be around here. A lot of evil White men who don’t like our ZOG governments.
Man, you’ll find any excuse to do what you want, won’t you. This is exactly what I meet at WN meetings and it’s disgusting. I hold myself to personal standards that have nothing to do with other races! Our ancestors came to North America to flee socialism and take care of themselves, not roll around in the mud and enjoy the crap!
You want to flee socialism, but you are all about people paying their progressive income taxes?
Everyone has to start with themselves. I can say all day long that I won’t treat this person right or that person nicely or do such and such because _____ (and it’s easy to fill in the blank with any number of things). We have to look at ourselves first. That is the first step to being a mature adult.
And btw, this is beyond you but I’ll say it anyway, ZOG wants every white person dependent on the gov’t and guess what – every white person and especially the WN (!@#$#@%$^%$#@) falls for it! You don’t want to pay taxes and then to add insult to injury you want to enjoy all the benefits! It should be a law in our world that no white person ever receive free medicare, welfare, pensions etc! That should be the law! Let the other races destroy themselves but white people should not be allowed to do this.
You come in here bad-mouthing White people, telling us we all better pay up to ZOG, and then question my intelligence. You’re not welcome here anymore.