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7 years ago

Have to disagree. With a Republican House, Senate and Governorships the JWO elite will have Trump’s foot on the accelerator. Melania wants to fight “cyber bulling”, Donald wants to censor the internet and ban anti Semites into America.

John is right when he says its not all about radio shows and chatting. All of us, first and foremost myself have to start organizing our own communities. As a family owned network, emphasis on the building of strong racialist families and practical skills discussion is needed.

All of us have to take constructive criticism and apply it to improve. In fighting and toddler like behavior has been the Achilles heel of the racialist movement for generations.

Reply to  ArabsRunHo11ywood
7 years ago

Teaching our children before the jews do is of prime importance. They play the “get em while they are young game” and we should be getting them first. First, is everything. Its basic mechanics. More properly raised White people can turn this from the inside out.

Reply to  Skylgarir
7 years ago

Look what they’re plotting: we only have a bit over a week WE MUST – MUST Expose this Now! Make this go viral, expose their agenda before they fema camp us.
Trump on our side or not, they’re trying to get this going in Dec, two months before Trump is officially pres – So watch that video above NOW! Share it, reupload, get the word out there!! everywhere!!!! ESP TO THE ALT RIGHT THEY NEED TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!! WE ALL DO! They’re even going after “Anarchists” LOL. They want to re-educate OR expire us all if we cannot be re-Jewtardified. Stop this from happening! Spread this EVERYWHERE!

7 years ago

Regarding Trump, it’s extremely important to discern that he may have potential as an indirect advantage (biding time for serious pro-whites to organize) as opposed to a direct advantage (“supreme white savior”) as so many pro-whites seem to believe. I fear his victory may make many self-proclaimed pro-whites even more lazy and content when in reality our struggle is FAR from over. Combatting the kikes with their own deceptive fire should be no moral quandary, especially when our very survival is on the line. As the Norse Havamal states as advice for life in general: A Man must be a friend to his friend and give gift for gift Men should use mockery in return for mockery *and deception in return for a lie* The… Read more »

Reply to  J.R.
7 years ago

YES, I am with you on this. In the short term this will be a gap in the shitflood. At least it has the feminists, leftists and faggots clutching their throats. Don’t get me wrong this to me is like an episode of the muppets, but a chance for a very tactical and decisive reposte before things turn post election as they always do. The Right might have gained some unintended leverage, but watch out for bait calls.

Reply to  J.R.
7 years ago

Look what they’re plotting: we only have a bit over a week WE MUST – MUST Expose this Now! Make this go viral, expose their agenda before they fema camp us.

David Marshal
7 years ago

This was a contest between 2 people, one would become president. The question was, which one would be best for white interests. To me it is clear that a Hilary Clinton victory would have been calamitous. She would have moved on internet freedom and open borders so fast your collecitve heads would spin, while cutting off potential dissent off at the knees before they would know what was happening. Trump, on the other hand, despite his ties to Jews, ran on a platform and pledged over and over in speeches certain things,things that can benefit whites… to seriously back out on these things would undermine his reputation/legacy to the point of making him look so bad, plus he would lose any chance of a second… Read more »

Reply to  David Marshal
7 years ago

I am just glad the throngs of Sodom: faggots, leftists, LGBT, dykes, gun control fairies and the other sludge got kicked in one of their 58 types of genitals. Can you imagine some emaciated, fishnet vest, pink PVC trouser with the arse cheeks cut out, nipples pierced, rainbow mohawked faggot prancing around singing with joy going “na na na na na, na na na na na”. Nope. At least this didn’t happen.

David Marshal
Reply to  Skylgarir
7 years ago

Yes- the libtards etc. had already announced how they would gloat and even crush the ‘remnants’ of the opposition…they would revel in their new one party state….Those who think Trump is a ‘relief valve’ or a secret ally of the Clintons are sadly mistaken- conspiracies cannot often work, just due to the amount of variables involved. The animosity that exists now between Trump, the GOP leaders, and the Clintonistas is real…. the UN , the Pope, the media, all these guys or org.’s did not make a deal with Trump b 4 he ran- – they really, REALLY do not like him. The question is, just how much he can do what he said he would do. What are his actual beliefs ?

Reply to  David Marshal
7 years ago

Interesting stuff. We will have to see what happens post election. Ultimately we will have to use this time to acquire some kind of leverage now the SJW, libtards, leftists and half chucks, immigrants and leeches are recoiling. That look of despair on the young turds faces in the title pic is just superb and so deserved. Time to rest isn’t yet upon us as there are a lot of Bergs below the water level of the Iceberg, who are blowing the Trumpet, and he is playing THEIR tune, but surprises could be inevitable as you say. I am skeptical although things just seem to happen, and we have to stay on pint as usual

7 years ago

Enterthe5t4rz has another video about Hilarity.
Some scary shit here.

7 years ago

Also Trump is being racked up for a bit of a JFK If this happens…..

7 years ago

Interesting show and comments

7 years ago

Trump was always going to make a deal and sell off the U.S. As was done to the Greeks and Ukrainian. With the flip of the economic switch the U.S. And dollar are deadbeats and China is the communist superpower as we go through death throes with white death squads and black ones etc giving credence to our demise.

The U.S. Credit card and goy troops/slabes was used to build a global Jewish world order. The U.S. Is to dangerous to let live so they will burn us down and use us up. Trump has always been the front man that takes the meat and marrow off the economic bones…..”for sale bankrupt Americans and property ….cheep” (see all such Jewish revolutions)

7 years ago

I voted for Trump, because in terms of strategy I thought it was worth it. If Chris Dorsey wants me holocausted then so be it, but I gamble that his presidency will benefit us more than a Clinton presidency. It would be like if I could go back in time I would vote for Gore, gambling that he maybe wouldn’t go into Iraq.

Reply to  sdljlkj
7 years ago

I concur. A muppet sideshow it is, but thank fuck all the detritus, homos, wierdos, halfbreeds, groids and general junk have been iced. Imagine the nigs and faggots arrogance if Hilarity got in.

Reply to  sdljlkj
7 years ago

No candidate in recent memory has been more of a wildcard outsider acting on his own volition than Trump, in my opinion. (although I think it’s glaring). I love how some pretend it doesn’t matter (and that they’d even rather have a Horrible Rotten Criminal who will import millions of undesirable 3rd world savages) and that a DJT would be even worse. I love renegade, as I see it as one of the most unfettered outlets that has ever existed. But when one’s integrity is sweepingly impugned simply for pointing out the obvious (ie Trump is clearly the better choice with respect to his rhetoric and at least there’s a bit of a surprise element as opposed to an HRC puppet administration), one has to… Read more »

7 years ago

You are no dinosaur, John. I for one appreciated everything you had to say AND the music you played. Have a great weekend. Thanks!

Alexander from Flanders
7 years ago

Mister Beatie did an excellent job explaining why we (NS, pro-White…) can use Trump. I’m actually kinda disapointed in the rest of Renegade for not seeing it.

And no; I do not think Trump is “the One”. He is just a vehicle we can use.

Reply to  Alexander from Flanders
7 years ago

“He is just a vehicle we can use.” Exactly!

Of course it’s important to show who Trump really is, and I get the disappointment many here feel. I share it.
However, ignoring the crack in the door we now have will be our downfall. Use it well!

So much focus is put on plugging the leak in our borders, but isn’t Trump and the kosher nationalists just that? If one White country stands up, I believe the rest will follow in a historic watershed. And (((they))) know it. So let’s keep up the pressure and increase it!

7 years ago

Oh my god, the title pic: their faces. Lovely. Excellent show Mr B, good idea on the tactic.

7 years ago

The one and only Renegade podcaster in touch with reality. How long before he gets the boot?

Douche Warden
Reply to  gkruz
7 years ago

Probably when you get off your fat, lazy ass & actually do something other than making douchebag comments on sites & networks that other way more creative, intelligent & informed people put together ie. not any time soon/never!

The Spoiler
Reply to  gkruz
7 years ago

“The one and only Renegade podcaster in touch with reality.”

Straight off the bat a ridiculous & divisive subjective comment. Also not true on 2 levels. John has much experience & some wisdom that comes with age but he’ll probably even tell you himself that he doesn’t know everything & gets some things wrong that other hosts who are better researchers get right. Also, there are other hosts who are VERY MUCH in touch with reality (something you actually display you do not have a very good relationship with yourself!).

7 years ago

I hold no truck with this, and cannot accurately speculate as I was convinced we would have the Hildabeast. Pah! I’m hopeful that, at least, Trump is a stumbling block to the professionally unemployed. I’m not holding my breath because I don’t want to suffocate.

Given that I’m White, Middle Class and Self-Employed with the Family Company… no president is good for Paulie Positivity, here.

On the other hand… it is remotely possible that Trump’s chest pounding rhetoric might enliven ugly Americans and disrupt the Liberal monopoly on “nice.”

A little edge here, and a little edge there might allow Whitey to find his balls, and then we could openly discuss change in public.

Remotely possible.

7 years ago

Who owns the Federal Reserve? The Federal Reserve System is not “owned” by anyone. Although parts of the Federal Reserve System share some characteristics with private-sector entities, the Federal Reserve was established to serve the public interest. The Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress, which created the System in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. This central banking “system” has three important features: (1) a central governing board–the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; (2) a decentralized operating structure of 12 Federal Reserve Banks; and (3) a blend of public and private characteristics. The Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., is an agency of the federal government. The Board–appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate–provides general guidance for the… Read more »

Reply to  John Beattie
7 years ago

Thank Zeus. I thought the Jews gained power and control through the Federal Reserve. We can all relax now and love paying interest.

Holy Shit! I hope this was sarcasm.

Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

Straight from simple Google. See what Trump does, or does not.

Reply to  John Beattie
7 years ago

Do you believe everything just because it is “written” down? Amazing, for as much “wisdom” you have attained over your lifetime, that you would actually believe this. You may want to listen to your equal — Bob or Wolf Wall Street at the Fourth Position show on Talkshoe.

Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

What do you have to say about this, SF Roy?

Reply to  Hitler always Right
7 years ago

Hitleralwaysright@ not sure what you are asking?

Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

Quoted The Federal Reserve Act.

Reply to  John Beattie
7 years ago


7 years ago

At least with Clinton, we could “see” what was coming. Trump may prove to be the ultimate Trojan Horse for the White Race. Time will tell. At a minimum, whether you voted for Trump or not………..WE MUST STAY VIGILANT! Our “work” has just begun. Screw those who now rest thinking we are saved.

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