Joyster & Friends: Monika Schaefer – True North Strong & Free? (12-15-16)

Joyster is joined by her new co-host Rebecca as they talk to Monika Schaefer about the ritual defamation against her and any others that have the courage to go against the “chosen” ones. A number of other topics are discussed, such as the social dynamics of truth telling and recommended films, so don’t miss this one.

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David Dauterive
7 years ago

What an outstanding show. I have always liked Monika Schaefer ever since I heard her on False Flag Weekly News. I am also happy to see Joy with a new permanent Co Host. You have a wonderful line up as always and I hope to see Joyster and Friends to continue to put out even better content like this. Thank You Joy and the rest of Renegade for another great night..

7 years ago

Guys make sure you buy the Between Heaven And Hell DVD from Sinead, or she will kill you all. She is extremely serious about this, as the photo shows on the left. Buy or Die.

7 years ago

Excellent show. The content and detail is superb.

I mentioned him on another hosts channel. How odd that all this which has happened in the past is emerging from the depths of time. Goes to show that we are now digging through strata of an evil plan. This was back in the 80s or early 90’s.

Here you go, The Bez talks about demoralisation. This is an excerpt from the longer video which I think you should all watch.

Rebecca the Goy
Reply to  Skylgarir
7 years ago

Thank you so much!!! I will watch as soon as I get home.

7 years ago

Wonderful show despite some technical difficulties. Thank you Joyster for the Joni Mitchell tunes. She has ALWAYS been a favorite of mine! I was listening in my car as I pulled into a coffe stand and the girl asked me what I was listening to. So I told her! She was an attractive young White woman and her eyes got as big as saucers but she kept asking questions and when I explained the gas chambers lie she said it all makes sense! She ended by asking if I would come back. People ARE waking up and the truth is very powerful indeed. I told her about Renegade but she might not remember so when I DO go back I will write it down for… Read more »

Sinead McCarthy
7 years ago

This show was like food for the soul. Thank you for the shout out ladies. I am really enjoying these broadcasts. Looking forward to next weeks show! Thank you to Joyster and Rebecca for stepping up to the plate to fill the slot in the lineup.

7 years ago

Great show ladies! I especially enjoy the musical selections by Joni Mitchell. She has ALWAYS been a favorite of mine! I was listening in my car as I drove up to a coffee stand and the girl inside asked what I was listening to. So I told her! As I started to debunk the holohoax and share Monikas story her eyes grew as big as saucers. She asked lots of questions and as I answered she kept saying ‘that makes a lot of sense!’ I redpilled the snot out of her! As I was leaving she said ‘I hope you’ll come back!’ I mentioned Renegade but she may not remember it. When I DO go back I will be sure to write it down for… Read more »

Shawna Marie
7 years ago

Joy YouTube skype for beginners. Everyone else please catch up on the basic info via renegade archives please.

Reply to  Shawna Marie
7 years ago

Rebecca the Goy and her boyfriend looked into this extensively and she was manning the show this week and we still had issues.

Rebecca the Goy
Reply to  Shawna Marie
7 years ago

You’re correct…we have had some technical difficulties. I know it must be frustrating to listen to. I can tell you it is quite nerve wracking when live on air. You’re also correct in that not all of us (specifically me) are not longtime renegade listeners, and so are not completely familiar with all the information in the archives. I know there is a wealth of knowledge to be accessed.(Shout-out to the awesome brains at Renegade!!!) I am here to learn and to help in any way I can. I would certainly welcome any links to information you feel could further my knowledge. Next week we will be discussing psychiatry, so if there is anything in the archives you are aware of that can help us… Read more »

7 years ago

Keep speaking reality ladies.

Alexander from Flanders
7 years ago

I absolutely loved the show. Great guest and wonderful hosts.

Monika Sheafer is a real life hero to me.

More of this, please!

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