Ragnarok Now w/ Siegfried 10-25-13

Episode XXIII: Ladies and Gentlemen VS. LikudLickers & Groid Grovelers

Segments will most likely include:

  • Roadshow reflections
  • filthy Yehudim mind poison (the media/degenerate art)
  • on Hitler “bashing” and “White pride”
  • Call of the Ancestors (ie. the only AA meeting you’ll ever need.)
  • personal theological misdoings

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11 years ago

Sigfried that is an Interesting idea you brought up in regards to meditating on an ancestor. I have thought about what a particular ancestor might think about me & the current state of this country. This particular ancestors travelled throughout this country. What would he think if he could return to the areas he visited & lived in during his life? I imagine his shock as he discovered that much of the country is now inhabited by alien races & that Whites not only tolerate this situation, but many actually celebrate it. I imagine his revulsion at our men of today that allow our women & children to be butchered by these disgusting aliens. What would he think of wiggers? Perhaps he is somehow able… Read more »

11 years ago

An excellent podcast, Comrade. Please don’t be so hard on your generation, Sieg. YOU ARE THE GREATEST GENERATION that has come into incarnation in the last thousand years. Very advanced souls are incarnating at this time. Ragnarok is here Comrade. We must fight the Eternal Enemy of our Race with the Light of Aryan Truth. We must love our Comrades of our Races well as ALL races of mankind who struggle against the Jewish Money Power. Use hate sparingly, Comrade. It is a powerful force, but it can also become a weapon that can be turned against US. Love will always be stronger than hate, and the Power of the Aryan will ALWAYS be stronger than the power of the Deceiver. 14/88 Comrade.

11 years ago

Great show, Siegfried. The music is transcendent, as is your thinking post road trip.

11 years ago

Thank you all. Let us all keep our mind and support on the prize!; Strong Servitors of Blood & Honor in Europe and mustering the future founding fathers everywhere else !!!!!

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