ReConstructions Live w/ Mike Sledge 10-24-13

Tonight on ReConstructions Live I will be discussing the politics of racial segregation of Obummer Care and how it relates to the coming NScare. Also Antarctica and control of the water supply and how it relates to White Genocide. Also the coming of the Nordic NS aliens, a Mark Potok news update, your phone calls and much much more.

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10 years ago

Regarding ObummerCare and ethically targeted doctors, well same time over here [uk] the GMC itself has been accused of being racially biased towards white doctors in the examination process, claiming that a lower pass rate among ethnic minorities is obviously because of a racial bias . Theyre now trying to make the whole exam “unlawful”.

10 years ago

Hey Mike… You have a good point. Use their rules to our advantage wherever possible. There’s just one thing you didn’t consider… If Eugenics was truly implemented, you would never get laid! Hahaha just kidding, I have a sense of humor, that’s why I never miss your show! 14/5

10 years ago

First; Mike kicks ass!!!!

Second; Is my real comment….
Up here in “Rural” Nova Scotia (NS << 🙂 the only black people living here are seasonal workers. They live on the farm. They overrun the local bars(pool halls) and credit unions every weekend, other than that you'll never see them. The towns and city(Halifax is the only city in NS) are now labelled "urban centers" which as far as I can see means government funded forced integration.

The Rural farmland areas of our respective countries are the backbones of society. We work so that city dwellers can consume. Consider the mathematics. The few feed the many. Think about that for a while. Let your imagination flow with the possibilities.

10 years ago

I don’t see this “Nazi-UFO in Antarctica” being pushed in the Jewish media. They rather dismiss this claim or ignore it. Fact is, the entire world split into two camps after 1945, yet they were all allied in the United Nations against Germany, which is not a member state but an enemy state of the UN.

“The Cold War” was the UN war against Germany in the coldest regions of the earth while pretending these UN allies would fight each other. I truely believe Germans are in Antarctica, in caves or the hollow earth, on neighboring planets or in sleeper cells and a Götterdämmerung is coming.

PS: Mike, your Alex Jones impersonation is very funny. It really makes me laugh every time.

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