Ragnarok Now w/ Siegfried 9-20-13

EPISODE XIX: Stylus Phantasticus Rejuvenation Amidst Media Mind Minutia

Siegfried intends to yet again baroque-style butcher the sacred cows populating the fields of our collective mind.  It is all too clear the revolution is imminent, therefore a discussion on future societies and religious systems is required.  Going to be discussing the content found in various recent broadcasts from this network and others as well as the prime programming outlets unleashed by the “Funny People.”

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11 years ago

Sieg, what was the group and song you ended the show with? Sent shivers through my soul.

11 years ago

Sieg, please reply here, ok?

Reply to  Frankie
11 years ago

That was “Koenig im Thule” played by Faun. T

11 years ago

Hey Seig, these cryptos are also called “sayanim”. That’s why they change their appearances. To blend in better is to be a better “sayanim”. I would never consider changing my name to Fishbein. (Spits)

Reply to  Doyle
11 years ago

I know we all know about “sayanim”, I just wanted to remind that a cyrpto = sayanim.

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