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10 years ago

oh yeah………now your cooking kid, that is a definite game changer, and a winner.

10 years ago

Mr. Wallstreet complained about NS Germany’s stance on the Slavs and that Hitler didn’t think it through. How about Wallstreet criticizes the Slavs for being so anti-German in the first place and didn’t think it through, attacking the highest culture in Europe and only country that freed itself openly from Jewish tyranny? The Slavs started stealing German and Austrian territory and mistreated the Corridor- and Sudeten – Germans. Hitler tried talking with them over and over again, but they had their pan-Slavic agenda on instead of fighting the Jews. In Germany, “Wiggers” are now rapping for the pro-White cause. Villain 051: Gegen die Pest (Against the Plague) (I translated the lyrics) I look around in the streets of my mother-town. Every day I ask… Read more »

10 years ago

Markus ~ Interesting lyrics… at least one idea from which I plan to cover on Sunday.

“Mr. Wallstreet complained about NS Germany’s stance on the Slavs and that Hitler didn’t think it through. How about Wallstreet criticizes the Slavs for being so anti-German in the first place and didn’t think it through…”

I have construcively criticised all sides — calling it as best I can. We cannot afford to miss the next opportunity. We must resolve most ‘irresolvable’ problems or suffer extinction. The biggest thing is to develop strong secondary and tertiary leadership, in all of the primary White ethnicities, who can deal with each other on a civil pro-White basis.


10 years ago

Great idea Sledge! Get in communication with Robert in Cincinnati about this! I think he would really be interested & could reach people in Ohio,Kentucky & Indiana. I could even donate some time to this project since i could broadcast after Midnight…

Jack McGee
Reply to  MediSin
10 years ago

I would be willing to come to Cincinnati to give you guys a hand setting one up. If I remember on the Kentucky side isn’t there a bluff or huge hill over looking the area? That would be a great place. There are ways to get the unit on the roof top of any large structure as well. You use a Barix unit to feed off on any internet router.

Reply to  Jack McGee
10 years ago

Thanks Jack! I appreciate the offer! If you could send me some contact info that would be great! Heilsa

10 years ago

You where talking about code languages. Dont you WANT people to understand what you are talking about? 😉

If you just want to avoid eavesdropping you can also just use encryption.
For example Jitsi ( is an open source Voice over IP client with end-to-end encryption.

Jack McGee
Reply to  Hartkern
10 years ago

That’s why I brought that up. I wanted to purge this type of feedback from those with better ideas. But when you are in a public area a change of language can be nice. My wife and I use Russian in public places often. It serves an advantage when a private message is needed within time constraints.

10 years ago

Markus it’s time for all white people to get over all that shit.
Not that we are any better, hell our most vicious war was north – south brother against brother.
You want to see a vicious war, just pit two white nations against one another.
Our race is truly stupid, we gotta smarten up or perish.

Reply to  Joe Northpal
10 years ago

Joe, I don’t have any hatred against the Poles and I “got over it”.
Mr. Wallstreet blames Hitler for being not visionary enough. But if anyone of the White race lacked vision, it was the Poles and anti-Germanism is still wide-spread there today. I am very willing to work with Poles for the Aryan race as Hitler was himself also.

We Germans have been reaching out our hand to the Poles for so long and will continue to do so.

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

I didn’t “blame” Hitler for anything! I merely pointed out a factual error, admittedly in hindsight. However, I DO offer a solution for similar situations in the future! It’s not the kind of solution that folks are over-joyed about. It involves foresight and hard work — simply put, the development of much stronger secondary and tertiary leaders in all White ethnicities, beginning with the primary ones, such that when the next philosopher-king appears, they will be there to ‘keep him honest’ as the old saying goes, meaning that they will stand up to any perceived great mistake their leader may be beginning to make. Adolf Hitler did not have those at critical moments in his rise. We have no chance for a future without them.… Read more »

Reply to  Bob in DC
10 years ago

Look, Bob.

The German generals wanted war with Poland and “get it done with”. Hitler did not as his bodyguard Krause revealed in an interview. The secondary and tertiary leaders did “correct” Hitler on the Poland-Question and it led to total destruction.

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

You still don’t get it… those ‘leaders’ you mention weren’t!

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

Whatever works is fine with me.

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

Markus, your right man, Poland’s leaders at that time were dirt bags.

Almost as bad as our own Franklin Roosenvelt, there is a definite correlation that must be removed from all white nations (rhymes with dew).

Poles better smarten up and realize they’re leaders responsibility for their own fate, France, England,ect,then again our whole race has to smarten up.

We cannot change the past,it is what we do today from what we should have learned. As far as “next philosopher-king ” – sounds like too many video games. Your only as strong as your weakest link.

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

Speaking of philosopher-kings.

50 years after assassination of JFK
it’s time we bury the dead traitorous Kennedy’s once and for all.

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

I think so too. Hitler did everything he could the right way. He made mistakes, ok. But his intensions were good and most mistakes couldn’t be solved in any way as long as there are hostile people in the other White countries. I myself would have built a gigantic sea supply strait from proper Germany to East-Prussia, instead of playing with fire and attack Poland to get West-Prussia back. But on the other hand, 50,000 ethnic Germans were killed already by the Poles before 1939. The German leadership thought, they’d get away with reclaiming West-Prussia, since Sudetenland, Saarland, the Ostmark and Memelland came Heim ins Reich as well without big problems. The Poland operation was really no big deal and not an expansionalist agenda. Who… Read more »

10 years ago

Good idea Mike about a Renegade Conference ( you guys gotta do it) . Have some special speakers such as Kevin McDonald and the like, with the hosts of Renegade speaking on different topics that are effecting the white communities across the nation. DO IT – AND DO IT FOR 2014. The White man will be there.

10 years ago

I think you should do the project anyway, but some of my observations and cautions: Tom Metzger did Race and Reason Public Access television shows, which got several people to submit them to their local cable companies in the 80’s. Then lost interest through the 90’s until reaching the very few keeping it going in their areas over the past decade. Same trend happened with his update hotline phone messages, just only a couple around. An obvious point why Race and Reason failed is that it was a contradiction for a lone wolf to remain unknown yet go to their local station and basically turn themselves in by sponsoring the shows and having to bring in a new tape each week. Same with the… Read more »

Jack McGee
Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Good comment about the bulk rate of kits. As for busting the stations, one has to be observed before a citation is issues. If it’s a small FM for a particular area of town, it would be very hard to find w/o an address. Just by entering the city and doing a radio scan would yield no results. And as I discussed one can cover a city legally using the Rangemaster units and dasy-chaining them together on one property or rooftop. Two on top of a house 20 feet apart would be quite impressive. Two in a back yard is easier and couldn’t be seen from the street in most cases. I will try to make a video which will outline this from studio to… Read more »

10 years ago

“But on the other hand, 50,000 ethnic Germans were killed already by the Poles before 1939.” Really? I’ve been struggling to find any massacres prior to word war 2. It seems Goebbels cited about three murders in the time from 1920 to 39. I should think he would have been citing evidence of 50,000 German deaths prior to WWI to the farthest reaches. As far as Polish contributions to science, Marie Currie (nee Sklodowska) comes immediately to mind. The three Polish cryptographers who initially cracked Enigma. I was in a discussion the other day with a guy who was discussing a Polish physicist who made a significant contribution (I have to find out from him once again who that was) …but the point is, you… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

Daniel, The Polish atrocities against Germans, Ukrainians and other minorities before 1939 are disputed indeed. The holocausters play them down, the extreme pro-Nazis exaggerate. It’s probably somewhere in the middle. You can read the debates about that online “Dokumente polnischer Grausamkeiten” (Documents of Polish Atrocities). Leon DeGrelle also spoke about it. I didn’t say that there are no capable scientists, musicians or others in Poland, but epic historical characters usually don’t come from Poland. Copernicus probably the only exception, and he was Volksdeutsch. The reason why Poland has any significant industry whatsoever now, is the fact that EU-Globalism allowed German industries to close in the BRD and reopened right across the border in the Polish controlled German Reich, for Poles work for less. I am… Read more »

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago


Young Polish historian Piotr Zychowicz is on Yeager’s show today.

“World War Two Revisionism with Piotr Zychowicz”


Some intersting comments and perspectives.


Reply to  Bob in DC
10 years ago

I’m listening to him, but find him unrealistic: Poland taking over Belarus and Ukraine? I don’t think so. These countries were against the Soviets because they were nationalistic (against Poland too).

And his outlook is based on that wish to take over Soviet territories.

Poles born during Soviet times are sometimes consumed by a singular anti-Soviet point of view.

Here is an important non-sequitur: Poland did not trust Nazi Germany, therefore Nazi Germany had to attack Poland. It doesn’t follow. That fault is not with the Poles.

All these nations between Germany and Russia were against the Soviets.

What Carolyn is saying isn’t true about Poles being only taught about the evils of Hitler. They mainly think, and have thought, in anti-Soviet terms.

Reply to  Markus
10 years ago

Smoluchowski: statistical physics, diffusion etc.

10 years ago

Markus says: November 16, 2013 at 2:51 pm “Daniel, The Polish atrocities against Germans” One thing at a time. Germans. I am not saying that Poles were saints, and they would not wish to force Germans out of newly re acquired land. But. systematic and government sanctioned killing of ethnic Germans between 1919 and 1939 does not seem to be the case (you claimed 50 thousand.) “Ukrainian” (as I said, one thing at a time) ” and other minorities before 1939 are disputed indeed. The holocausters play them down, the extreme pro-Nazis exaggerate. It’s probably somewhere in the middle.” Probably not. No-where near. You can read the debates about that online “Dokumente polnischer Grausamkeiten” (Documents of Polish Atrocities). Leon DeGrelle also spoke about it. I’ve… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

Smoluchowski – statistical physics, diffusion, etc.

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

I understand that you are Polish? I am waiting for these Polish inventors, Bachs, Goethes, Wagners, Mozarts etc as well. It would be nice to see a highly cultivated society in Poland. If the Poles were so anti-Soviet, why didn’t they settled the Corridor-Question, become a Fascist state and sided with the Axis? Instead they danced around, attacking all its neighbors and had a love affair with Capitalists that promised them heaven on earth. The Marshall Plan was not a gift from America. It was an interest bearing credit with conditions attached to serve America. West-Germany was basically a pile of dirt and the Germans got back up for their ingenuity, which was exploited to pay for Israel and all the other reparation claims, including… Read more »

10 years ago

The word “robot” derives from the Polish “roboty” (meaning, “to work”), because a Polish inventor was among its first inventors.

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

Slav derives from Slave. To work for a master. This can be translated into employment rather than “Hollywood slavery”.

Rob is Slavic for Slav. A robot requires someone to program to function.

10 years ago

“Markus says: November 17, 2013 at 8:17 am Slav derives from Slave. To work for a master. This can be translated into employment rather than “Hollywood slavery”. Rob is Slavic for Slav. A robot requires someone to program to function.” Apparently nothing that I say is going to take away your animus. I am not well prepared to defedn against such “who is better than who” arguments because my whole way of thinking is about generating cooperation. I will try to deal with this obnoxious way of arguing that you’ve taken on. First, the word slave derive from Slav. So what? You deny that the word robot comes from a Polish inventor. How far does your bad will extend, perhaps not recognizing Polish genetics in… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

Ok, Daniel. Your last resort is ad hominem. Your ignorance of the Corridor Question is so mainstream. Germany was overthrown by International Socialists in 1918/19, who simply declared that the Versailles Treaty was fine and the Corridor should go to Poland. Nobody in the Corridor wanted to be part of Poland but Heim ins Reich. Poland denied the Corridor residents their right of self-determination. Watch: Hitler’s War? What historians neglect to mention. Sorry, but your claimed scientists may be the bomb in Poland but elsewhere they are never heard of. A memorial statue of a “Polish” genius was erected for Copernicus though in Krakow. The Germanic and Slavic people build a symbiotic relationship and Slavic people benefit from Germanic influence since we are brothers. Russia… Read more »

10 years ago

Bullshit, Markus. Markus says: “Ok, Daniel. Your last resort is ad hominem.” Nonsense “Your ignorance of the Corridor Question is so mainstream. Germany was overthrown by International Socialists in 1918/19, who simply declared that the Versailles Treaty was fine and the Corridor should go to Poland.” Wrong. I know this area. I know its history. I also know that part of the deal that Poland made for fighting in World War One was to regain its nation. Sea access was vital to its interests. “Nobody in the Corridor wanted to be part of Poland but Heim ins Reich.” Maybe no Germans did, but they were seen by Poles as interlopers who’d come there as a result of imperialist aggression, incursion into Polish lands. “Poland denied… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

Look Daniel, Hitler offered the Corridor to remain Polish but Danzig to remain German (98% Germans there), while Poland would have Gdingen as their sea harbor.

Now Poland has sea access from Stettin to almost Königsberg and still noone in the world gives a fart about your products while Porsches, Volkswagen, Bayer etc sell good.

You’re just a stubborn, frustrated Polish German-bashing nationalist. Look, I wish Poland was this wonderful functioning state with full employment, then Poland wouldn’t leech off of German EU-subsidies anymore and Poles wouldn’t flee their failed state to Germany and Britain for work.

I really do.

10 years ago

Markus, come off it “Markus says: Look Daniel, Hitler offered the Corridor to remain Polish but Danzig to remain German (98% Germans there)” Hitler was not going to stop there. The Poles did not believe he would and neither do I. “while Poland would have Gdingen as their sea harbor” This is the one place where I think the corridor was mis-drawn. It should have been from the east side of Danzig to Elbing. “Now Poland has sea access from Stettin to almost Königsberg and still noone in the world gives a fart about your” Wow buddy. Stop right there. “Your”. I am an American. “products while Porsches, Volkswagen, Bayer etc sell good.” Congratulations. You’re just a stubborn, frustrated Polish German-bashing nationalist Absolute fucking bullshit.… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

American is not a nationality, it’s a country. You’re still a Pole by blood.

So Germans wouldn’t stop there? What’s you’re evidence for that other than Hollywood saying that Hitler wanted to take over the world? I remind you that Poles expelled and genocided the entire German population after 1945. Germans have never done so in the entire history of German-Polish relationship. Prussia or Austria or the Greater German Reich under Hitler have never ethnically cleansed Poland when it was under German protection.

You project and are in denial.

10 years ago

I am of half Italian and half Polish extraction: I am not a nationalized Pole. Markus says: American is not a nationality, it’s a country. You’re still a Pole by blood. As I said. “So Germans wouldn’t stop there? What’s you’re evidence” Oh my god….there is all kinds of evidence. Just look at what they did. “for that other than Hollywood saying that Hitler wanted to take over the world?” All you have to do is read Mein Kempf to see he wanted to expand eastward. “I remind you that Poles expelled and genocided the entire German population after 1945.” Under the circumstances I’m sure they would not take too kindly to Germans living amongst them. Some of them undoubtedly misdirected revenge, but there were… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

« Poland’s decision of August 30, 1939 that was the basis for general mobilization marked a turning point in the history of Europe. It forced Hitler to wage war at a time when he hoped to gain further unbloody victories. » – Kazimierz Sosnkowski, Polish General and Government-in-Exile’s commander-in-chief, August 31, 1943. “Of all the Germans, Believe it or not, Hitler is the most moderate as far as Danzig and the Corridor are concerned.” – Sir, Neville Henderson, British Ambassador to Berlin, 16th August, 1939. Hitler sought an alliance with Poland against Jewish Bolshevism. Poland rather believed the fairytales out of London. Did any German government ever exterminated any nation under their reign, be it Prussia, Austria(-Hunagary) or the Greater German Reich or did other… Read more »

10 years ago

I haven’t read the entire script here, about half way through – very good debate. I have always contended that operation barbarossa was Hitler’s greatest strategic military mistake – and that is the attack on Russia – but if he was going to go through with it, he should’ve asked Poland for a route to Russia instead of invading/bombing a beautiful white/european country and i’m sure anti-communist Poland would have gladly complied. The whole goddamn war was a tragedy – I can totally understand why Germany wanted to get even with France for Versailles – but many mistakes were made. Greece was pro-German with General Metaxas and stupid ass Mussolini invaded Greece, a nation with historical ties to Italy.

Reply to  Antiochus
10 years ago

What? Hitler asked Poland over and over again, but ultimately Poland fell for London’s lies and figuered crushing Germany from all sides would be much easier than arming up against the gigantic Soviet Union, the brainchild of American Jews. Hitler and Hess wanted the Western powers as ally against Judistan. Britain was about to claim the Bosperus (Greece & Istanbul) and that threatened the Stalingrad Operation. Greece was dancing around like Poland, so Italy got in there. Spain should have entered the war with the Axis and close Gibraltar to Britain and prevent Britain’s positioning in Greece. Instead, Spain took Churchill’s bribe and did nothing. Germany to come even with France? Hitler declared Alsace-Lorraine to France as final to appease to them and Hitler didn’t… Read more »

10 years ago

Markus, notice when real history is offered now you are accused of being a Pole basher.

Reply to  Carmen
10 years ago

real history (LOL)

10 years ago

Good to listen to you JackMcGee. I liked the idea of the phantom-radio! – setting a few self powered automatic broadcasting units, hidden in strategic points would be an interesting experience!
Solar Pannel
Mp3 Player with broadcasting capacity
Antenna (ex: steel wire hanging on building or tree)
You could play whatever you wanted with no fear of the thought-police, only make sure no one is waiting for you when you go checkout the gizmo!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x