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11 years ago

Thank goodness for the archives. I listen to Renegade first thing in the morning and it’s great to be pumped up for the rest of the day. I can’t listen live due to having to take care of the dogs for the night. But hearing Renegades shows at 5 a.m. is just awesome. Thanks to all for everything good.

11 years ago

A toast with some wine today on last night’s roundtable!

Martin - MWT 24/7
11 years ago

Re. the point the participant made at 16:30 ish: i must disagree. I recently read a thread on SF (see below) and i implore anyone reading my comment to take the time to atleast read the posts of the OP ‘white_usa’ whose multiple arguments demonstrating (to my own satisfaction) White superiority are profound. Until i read it i took an egalitarian view that in their own native environment each of the races are different but equal but i no longer feel or think this way. Whether or not it’s helpful to be upfront about it is open to question but avail yrself of the supremacy argument, such as the OP presented, and like me you might come to be sold on it. His strategy ofcourse… Read more »

11 years ago

The comment right above me is what your shows are making, the problem is much more than the Jew if people are going to adopt some of the same supremacist behavior, this has the stench of the Talmudic racialism all over it above me and I don’t like where this is leading especially in America.

Reply to  Sam
11 years ago

Yeah, well you see all the black on white crime? We don’t like where this country is heading.

Martin - MWT 24/7
Reply to  Sam
11 years ago

Read the thread first: only then, provided you have the mind to understand it, will you have an informed opinion worth hearing. Your offhanded dismissal counts for nothing, your comparison w/ Talmudic racialism is extremely superficial. Read it to discover why.

Reply to  Martin - MWT 24/7
11 years ago

LMAO, you want me to re-read the Bible as well if I am capable of critical thought?

The White Talmud , might as well be C.I. , contains all the disgusting ignorance against all Non-Whites er I mean Non-Jews.

So far The White Talmud has only manifested itself in forum posts, if only they had the motivation to write a book I’m sure they would put it into action with their beliefs.

Oh and Mike I don’t know what personal issue you have towards people of other ethnicity but stupid people come in all shapes sizes and colors and to divide people like this only destroys what good work you had done and i’m sorry for that.

Martin - MWT 24/7
11 years ago

the Christian mindset, as someone says, means passivity, but the point is, not ALL Christians are passive, and all the less when they feel directly threatened; most are instinctively racially-aware (only look at their circle of friends), so if they’ve joined WN the question is: are they more trouble than they’re worth i.e. negative equity? Or, is their existence, even if they recoil from ‘direct’ confrontation & aren’t (as yet) helpful in that arena, better than nothing? I’d say a resounding yes, you want them on board; worry about their self-destructive religious views when the common enemy is defeated. They ARE misguided but they can always shed their religion, they can’t shed their race – “one step at a time, sweet Jesus” lol Dana made… Read more »

Reply to  Martin - MWT 24/7
11 years ago

Awesome, I look forward to reading your work, Martin. Have you seen this video that someone put together with audio from an interview I did a little while ago?

Martin - MWT 24/7
Reply to  admin
11 years ago

Thanks admin, just noticed your reply! I’ll watch it now and return later.

Martin - MWT 24/7
Reply to  admin
11 years ago

EXCELLENT!!! It’s generating quite a bit of interest too i note. I had Kyle Hunt’s interview of the academic Kai Murros on the other day (am currently saturating myself in WN material, both audio and written), but was only half-listening at the time as i did some chores. Dovetailing my earlier point about how graphic images of raped, tortured, mutilated, murdered White Boers can be very demoralising, that’s only the case when there’s no pay-off, your video ensures the pay-off is swift w/ the SS Marching tune accompanying footage of White nationalists owning their streets, followed by the Murros interview. He makes some very good points about how White liberals can currently ‘play with self-hate’ but once it ‘gets real’ many will be forced to… Read more »

Reply to  Martin - MWT 24/7
11 years ago

Are you real? The only non-passive Christian is one who has not completely accepted the Jewish system of beliefs a.k.a. Christianity. But out of one Jewish belief right into another one and you think your all the wiser. Here is just some common logic for you, the U.S. is less than 50% “White” now. Convincing the whole population of “White” Neutered,Circumcised, and PASSIVE “White” Americans to rebel not only against the Jew but against the rest of the population? Yea, right. Goodluck at convincing even a decent proportion of armed “white” Americans to fight against the rest of the populace. Goodluck winning that one too. Goood luck. And enjoy those beliefs that you think are making you so much wiser and more prosperous WN =… Read more »

Reply to  Sam
11 years ago

>Here is just some common logic for you, the U.S. is less than 50% “White” now. Convincing the whole population of “White” Neutered,Circumcised, and PASSIVE “White” Americans to rebel not only against the Jew but against the rest of the population? Yea, right. > Goodluck at convincing even a decent proportion of armed “white” Americans to fight against the rest of the populace. Goodluck winning that one too. Lol, what do you think the point of Renegade is? You’d be hard pressed to find any white nationalists who aren’t pessimistic. The future is bleak. It’s also a reason for avenues like Renegade to exist. I wish it didn’t have to, but as you demonstrate in your post, the future for white people is dire. I… Read more »

Reply to  Dodoria
11 years ago

You typed a lot, but what’s your point? Please try to be more coherent.

11 years ago

So pick your poison and at least recognize it as that. F beliefs.

11 years ago

> Oh and Mike I don’t know what personal issue you have towards people of other ethnicity but stupid people come in all shapes sizes and colors and to divide people like this only destroys what good work you had done and i’m sorry for that. Stupid people may “come in all shapes sizes and colors,” but they are overrepresented in some colors more so than others, as is criminality. Crime statistics are quite clear, as is our information on IQ. But I would hazard a guess the issue Mike takes with people of other ethnicity is likely based from observations, which should be obvious by this point. We have race wars in Southern California between Mexicans, Armenians, and blacks. White kids being targeted and… Read more »

11 years ago

@Dodoria Nice to meet you too, Dodoria Said “Stupid people may “come in all shapes sizes and colors,” but they are overrepresented in some colors more so than others, as is criminality. Crime statistics are quite clear, as is our information on IQ.” You haven’t escaped your belief system yet, it was designed with you in mind you know. Crime statistics have many outside variables that will not show up on Jew released race baiting statistics, science mainstream Jewish science is so flawed NASA doesn’t even use Einstein’s THEORY on curved space. “But I would hazard a guess the issue Mike takes with people of other ethnicity is likely based from observations” from his limited perspective, yes. “I’m assuming the response to this, from Sam,… Read more »

11 years ago

Not too sound too cocky but I’m pretty sure I have this debate easily won because of the Belief System that your all trapped in right now.

Here’s a fortune cookie for the readers.

To be a Master one must first Learn how to be Humble.

11 years ago

Wow. Sam really covers all the pilpul bases when it comes to his anti-White crusade.

“Crime statistics have many outside variables that will not show up on . . . race baiting statistics”

Which issue of Jew Ignatyv’s “Race Traitor” magazine did you pull that from, Sam? Well I guess you don’t need to go to that much trouble, as the same dogmatic catechisms are constantly streamed through JewBC, JewBS, JewNN, ZOGPR, and Fox Jews.

11 years ago


“Which issue of Jew Ignatyv’s “Race Traitor” magazine did you pull that from, Sam?”

You know Jews own and control science right now that’s why Nicholas Tesla is gone and Monsanto is reigning. Statistics from science is the Jew manipulating the belief system they gave you especially when it comes to racial belief statistics.

Enjoy your belief system I have no means to convert a believer my message is strictly for critical thinkers who are not stuck in delusions and beliefs.

Reply to  Sam
11 years ago

Right, science is a Jewish conspiracy, and selective pilpul ‘skepticism’ which always leads to the conclusion that Whitey needs to give more sweat, blood, and money to non-Whites isn’t Jewy at all.

Cool story.

Reply to  blackacidlizzard
11 years ago

Science, Media, Government, Banks, you live in a Jewish Wonderland and boy is it ugly!
Do Not Eat Their Beliefs I heard they spit in them before your served!

“science is a Jewish conspiracy, and selective pilpul ‘skepticism’ which always leads to the conclusion”

I’ll cut you off there and now your starting to make sense.

Reply to  Sam
11 years ago

P.S. Remember what I said about underestimating your enemy. And you don’t even know how well locked up they have this game of theirs?

Reply to  Sam
11 years ago

And a last P.S. Jews have been perfecting their sick minded craft of mind control for over 2000 years that we know about.

National Socialism was tried and failed.

Imagine what Hitler or Goebbels would have done with this info on finding out that circumcision is the main cause behind the Jew’s own actions.

Their propaganda would have been 10x stronger against the Jew because people of all countries would be able to identify the Jew as the mutilated untreated mental patients they truly are.
Then we have a solution on how to stop this sick trauma riddled mind.

11 years ago

Why has Renegade Roundtable 5/18 show been stuck on the front page for over a month?

Reply to  Damon
11 years ago

Wow, an accident. Thanks.

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