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9 years ago

Dana is completely ignorant to these chemtrails. Just because you deny it doesn’t make them not real. “Lets look at this logically.” Well, you are being completely illogical by denying the mass of evidence that chemtrails are true.
What is it with this subject that so many people have a hard time to believe it? It’s not even a matter of belief, but a fact. And you kept dismissing what the other hosts said. Its ridiculous, Dana.

9 years ago

22: Are you completely ignorant of the “Holocaust”? Just because some people deny the Holocaust doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and that those nasty notsies didn’t kill 6 million. 22: Don’t be completely illogical by denying the mass of evidence that the Holocaust is true. What is it with this subject that so many people have a hard time to believe it? If is not even a matter of belief, but a fact. Don’t be ridiculous 22. Now concerning these “Chemtrails”…please provide us with some accurate Data that gives us the chemical composition of one specific white line in the sky. Give us a Lat/Lon and Altitude – and Time of Day. Give us the chemical breakdown. Don’t just talk out of your ass. You… Read more »

9 years ago

Just because some people say the so-called (Jewish) holocaust happened doesn’t mean it did happen. And compared to the ridiculous charges so-called “nasty notsies”, the overwhelmingly Jewish Bolsheviks murdered/starved/worked to death ten times as many non-Jews in the Soviet Union compared to what is claimed by holocaust folklore. Jews were enemies of the National Socialist state during WWII. If they have any beef (they do), let them take it up with their Jewish leaders for it is they who declared war against NS Germany soon as Adolph Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933, way before any anti-Jewish legislation was ever enacted! As far as chemtrails are concerned, they are very real. I’ve seen them in the skies since 1998. Prior to that, never. And they… Read more »

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