Kyle starts off the show by celebrating the amazing inauguration and how happy he is about everything, and then brings on David Dauterive, Nick Spero, chris dorsey, John Smith, Greg, and Andrew. They discuss some very important matters that demand your consideration. Just listen.
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trumps inauguration in 8 minutes…lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT5mikBn5GM
3:45? What a dumb F! Sounds like a follower of (((Jordan Maxwell))) & (((Alex Jones)))…
holy shit kyle you’re so funny
i was thinking, about the idea of william pierce being a fraud. i’d never thought of it before, he always seemed legit to me. but i remembered when that politician was reportedly killed by tommy mair (mair=mayer?) just before brexit and the ADL released receipts of books he had bought from the national alliance, and everyone wondered where the ADL got them from — well you see where i’m going with this.
Goosebumps!!! Can’t wait for my limited addition Trumpantranny “JAARP” MAGAzion to arrive! What stirring music. My mind went back to when that washing machine with 4 tent pegs, gold foil and sticky tape, with the computing power of today’s $1.99 calculator, travelled 240,000 miles and landed on that ball rock in “outer space!!” They even came back for yahweh’s sake??? Sprach Zarathustra – The Trump mix, complete with 5 dancing Israelis!! Speaking of the child raper, did you see him stumbling with Manlania? The opening line: “And now the end is near, and so i face the final curtain.” Are the creatures behind that curtain going to take him out, or use him and his GS team to start WWE, er i mean WW3?!! They… Read more »
Is the Alt Right trying to pull off another Skokie at the AIPAC meeting this March?
I would take anti-semitox but one of the side effects is that your dick may fall off. I’ll keep my dick and just continue being a jew hater.
“The Mind of Honorable Men” according to Deplorable Princess, 1/16/17. It was great to hear from all of you honorable men last night. “The Future! Degeneracy Overdose Reupload” also downloaded by Deplorable Princess last week, is a terrifying warning. I wish she would have called in.
Just one source of David Duke’s interesting past:
Very jewish narrative source for exposing David Duke’s tarnished past actions. Jews could spin such kosher news giving us some interesting tidbits of truth mixed with plenty of toxic undertones. Even as some truths are revealed, so much brain polluting mind control indoctrination is infused in this very anti-White message.
Regarding David Duke: 1. CIA Operative/Communist Operative: Claims he taught English in Laos during the Vietnam war, whilst his father had direct ties to CIA funded organizations within Laos. Laos is a Communist country. Duke most likely had direct ties to the CIA and engaged in smuggling drugs via Laos, Cambodia and Burma. Duke’s ties to Communism are sincere, as he worships A. Dugin, as does Richard Spencer, whose own wife is most likely a Russian operative, pushing pro-Russia/Asian propaganda, whilst influencing her husband, Richard Spencer. Thus, Richard Spencer may be a Russian agent, being carefully groomed to succeed Duke who never achieved legitimate status within the USA. Duke may be a Communist operative, as he has international ties, including many trips to Russia. Russian… Read more »
Lana of Red Ice Radio is Russian, thus Henrik is married to a Russian. Mike Enoch is a Russian jew, who, along with TRS, spewed pro-Russian propaganda. Spencer is married to a Russian, too.
Coincidence? The three powerhouses of the Alt-Right are Russian/related…
As we all know, men rule with a fist, whilst woman rule via influence.
LOL. Matt Heimbach recently joined the Russian Orthodox Church. Thus, ‘married’ in a sense, to a Russian woman too (Mother Russia).
Too fucking crazy, once we start connecting the Russian/USSR dots from Duke to the modern Alt.Right.
William Luther Pierce was a great man, who did his best with what he was given in an age of snail mail and am radio.
Also, David, try shortening your message or “get to the point” in a quicker, more logical fashion. You often ramble, speak slowly and pause between thoughts. It is “stereotypical” Southerner speak.
Listen to how Kyle speaks, which is quick, to the point and intelligent (his university education shines through) with 0 rambling. To us Northerner’s, listening to a Southerner pontificate is comparable to nails on a chalkboard.
Noted dear listener, hope I can do better for you next time. If not, then all I can say is it wont be my problem anymore…
I completely agree. Very depressing indeed. Sometimes I feel (almost) like walking on eggshells when posting articles and comments on social media thinking I might ‘offend’ certain people there (not really). Donald Trump probably means a huge step back to the pre-Obongo days, mixed with 1980s Reagan’s America but with an even bigger Kosher (U) approved seal this time ’round. He’s the (((Messiah))) they were waiting for, not the ‘Great White Hope’. Do you get it yet fools?.
Mike Enoch doesn’t want to audit the Fed let alone end it. Sometimes it just shines through who you’re dealing with.
Auditing the fed is pointless: they audit themselves and they publish everything. That is another inconsequential shill device because it will do nothing. Clint Richardson did a 3 hour video on this its well worth watching.
Speaking of smartdust I found this article, have a read: http://thefutureofthings.com/3221-hitachi-develops-worlds-smallest-rfid-chip/
In the last paragraph, guess who is researching this crap. To quote for you:
“The RFID Loc8tor that can identify special RFID tags from a distance of up to 183 meters (600 feet), and a new Nanobattery technology developed at the Tel Aviv University, which could power semi-active RFID chips in the future. Hitachi is constantly developing new and advanced chips.”
Researched and manufactured in chosenopolis/kikeopolis central, the Land of iz, no less.
Aster was funding Nikola Tesla and he was on of the ones who died on the Titanic. On that tip, apparently the Titanic was actually the Olympia switched out because of insurance issues. Good documentary on jewtube on that called “Did the Titanic really sink?”.
I follow a few WN sites. There are pros and cons to all of them. I see many differences between the sites. I think the biggest thing that Whites need to understand is that we are not all going to think exactly the same on every subject, nor agree on every subject. The most imperative point about this subject is that we can’t afford to keep being at each other’s throats because we are only 7% of the world’s population. We should put our differences aside for the time being and focus on what we have in common. By this, I mean the constant slandering of WN people on this network. So, if could offer a little constructive criticism here, I can understand slandering a… Read more »
“Nobody else slanders you guys.” lol ok.
If you’re an actual person, you are incredibly naive. You should trust NO LEADER in the WN movement. Do you know how much money our enemies have spent on subversion?
“If I’m an actual person…” No I’m a cyborg… of course I’m a regular person sir. If you can show me one top WN publication that slanders Renegade regularly (top, not Rodney Martin because he is barely relevant at this point plus he slanders everyone too) then I will retract my statement. But I’m almost certain that zero WN sites slander Renegade. “Do you know how much our enemies have spent on subversion?” Do you know how much they spend? I have no idea what they spend, but I’m sure they spend quite a bit. The obvious RamZPauls and Michael Savages and Alex Jones type shills are not even a threat to WNism because nobody in this movement with half a brain trusts anything these… Read more »
Grady, why do you personally feel the need to write comments directly to Renegade telling Kyle that he should pretty much tow the line & not (rightly) criticize various people in the so-called “WN Movement”? You call YOUR criticism “constructive” but allude that Renegade’s criticism of some glaring problem areas is not. Should we just ignore the obvious problems with these other so-called “leaders” you mention & just cling to the apparently good things they say so as to convince ourselves that they are actually virtuous people? I think not! What is YOUR real agenda in commenting here? (rhetorical – no reply required or desired)
PS. Please provide evidence of Kyle “slandering… William Pierce (&) George Lincoln Rockwell”. Mentioning Anglin & Spencer in the same comment as these men as if they represent any form of realistic WN “leadership” is laughable. In fact there’s really only one named above who could be considered a real MAN if we really want to get down to brass tacks! You have to AT LEAST be that to even be considered for leadership in my book. Do you think if that man had been sucker punched by some commie scumbag in the street he would’ve just cowered off without retaliation & fixed his hairdo?!
Alain My “agenda” is to save The White Race. What is yours? What kind of example is it setting for normies who wander on these WN sites and radio shows and hear us at each other’s throats? It makes us look like a bunch of fruitcakes. My proof of Kyle badmouthing WN figures???? Have you listened to this network before???? He does it every show. Every show. The guest David was the one who was talking negative about Pierce and Rockwell, after Kyle had went on about Duke. Kyle agreed with him. I’ve also heard Kyle say on other shows that Pierce took money from the Order to buy the NA compound and that “everyone knew it,” which is completely absurd. It is a lie… Read more »
And to add on to what I said in my initial comment, all of these people supporting Trump is foolish, I do agree with Kyle on that. Trump is an OBVIOUS kike shill. Possibly even a kike himself. But… To call EVERY single person who fell for the Trump phenomena an agent is absolutely insane. They are just completely and utterly wrong. We’re not all going to bevin TOTAL agreement on every single issue. The point of my whole thesis here is this: Isn’t it more pragmatic to ally yourself with Whites who agree with almost everything that you do instead of going to war with them over the tiny amount of things that they disagree with you on? Of course it is pragmatic. And… Read more »
So you just wrote 2 more massive paragraphs saying exactly the same thing again. I think we all get the general jist of what you’re saying but you could’ve just used 4 or 5 words to say it. I just read Alain’s comments & I see him questioning what you said NOT defending Kyle or Renegade. Bro, the world isn’t as black & white as you think. Maybe the fact that you “used to be a braindead christian, and then a dope smoking libertarian hippie” fucked you up for life ‘cos it seems you just wanna keep forgiving sins & being all “love thy neighbor” despite anything dodgy they do BUT you make a big deal & write huge paragraphs about someone that speaks out… Read more »
What exactly am I “dodgy”-ing?
Your comment doesn’t make a lick of sense.
I made an exact rebuttal of what Alain commented on.
It may’ve been long, but it was on topic.
Oh, and the world is black and White.
I’m on team White.
What side are you on?
Yeah doesn’t look like you’re fooling anyone with your “I really like Renegade but…” crap mate LOL! 😉
I do like Renegade. I agree with most of Rengade’s positions.
All I said is the infighting and name calling of others in the movement is counterproductive and sends a bad message for noobs who wander into these sites. That’s it.
“All I said is the infighting and name calling of others in the movement is counterproductive and sends a bad message for noobs who wander into these sites. That’s it.”
Actually… you said quite a bit more than that! No wonder you’re getting all the thumb downs! I’d stop digging now if I was you – you might never get out of that hole otherwise! 😀
Apparently, you and Alain have serious cognitive problems. I made my points about how Renegade slanders at will, yet noone else slanders Renegade. If you don’t believe what I’m saying is true, listen or read for yourself. You will see I’m correct.
And I don’t really care about the thumbs down from the Renegade cheerleaders either. I am correct in what I say.
Noone has yet answered my question as to what is more important: putting aside differences and fighting the real enemies or infighting?
I am right. You all know it too.