Renegade Roundtable: Kyle Hosts, Then Nick – Trump Time (11-12-16)


Kyle hosts the first two hours of a show largely centered around the new Trump era dawning in America, talking with Sean from CA, chris dorsey, Nick Spero, Payday Monsanto (Will), Josh in Texas, Chubbs, Batman, David, NoRemorse and GovHater. Then Nick does the 3rd hour.

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7 years ago

Payday is correct by asserting that a Trump victory over Hillary is a positive.

It shows that the shrinking majority of white Americans are open for change and are malleable for a real revolution.

This Chris Dorsey guys strategy of talking over everyone he disagrees with and promoting a fatalistic, black or white panorama makes him suspect.

Douche Warden
Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

Says you but not in my book. In my opinion Chris has made a few broadcasting errors that I would expect from someone new to the medium who has his kind of enthusiasm for the subject. I’m sure he’ll learn to handle some of the callers a little more diplomatically as he learns the ropes but the odd one or two will still deserve to be muted if they have a proven track record. Personally I would like to see him give any perceived problem callers a few goes before talking over them completely then cutting them off like he did with Tony. It’s always better to let bad callers bury themselves rather than seem like an unfair tyrant bully. For an example go back… Read more »

Reply to  Douche Warden
7 years ago

There are enemies calling in and intentionally taking up OUR time and OUR platform. Some of us have better radar than others for picking up on these people. Depending on how things are going I think it’s generally better to cut them off, call them out, and teach others what the cues are that you picked up on that make them suspect, then move on. Interference with our efficiency of getting our messages out taints our message, and the effect it has on others. People need to be willing to accept that there are some people who can pick up on things better than others, be it math, verbal, acting, and deceivers. Remember Chris ran as a precinct captain. He has has DIRECT contact with… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

When it all goes to shit the “whites” get all the blame….. Trillions have been pumped in to keep the dream alive. A flip of the switch and trump is selling off the U.S. To pay all that debt evil “whitey” has been stealing.

You are going to get exactly what you wanted “white only” rule that will make the world wish for Obama Clinton and two bushes one giving us gun control being o’ so patriotic “conservative”

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

Dorsey is a bona fide, certified kook in my book. I’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but his delusions of grandeur and self aggrandizement (et al) have made that impossible at this point.

On another note, 66% of Renegade poll takers think Trump is the candidate of the jewish elite, yet over 70 percent of Jews voted for Horrible Rotten Criminal. Go figure.

Reply to  PDM
7 years ago

You have been defending Trump to some degree and still do. How can you defend someone who says on National Tv “We should kill their families (women and children)” and his considerations for his administration Giuliani who sad on National Tv “Everything is legal in war” and general Michael Flynn who said on television “Killing civialns (women and children) might be okay “.

Trump on television

John from Canada
Reply to  PDM
7 years ago

A lot of Florida Jews voted for Trump. California and New York Jews didn’t need to Chump their votes because those states were not going to vote republican anyway.

“Preliminary numbers in Florida, a battleground state, show that the Jewish votes went about 2 to 1 for the Clinton, while in the past those votes were skewed as high as 8 to 1 favoring Democrats. Our dedicated leaders in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania emboldened Jews to vote for the better candidate on national security and foreign policy.”

7 years ago

I know the results are as easy to rig as it is to make the Results graphic linked bellow. That said according to the media created (ap) results as was properly stated during the round table CIinton is shown to be the more popular of the child raping puppets of Russian organized crime/organized jewry. I believe it to be absurd to celebrate any aspect of the criminal occupied Government or fixed election results. But denying the overall vote victory of Clinton in the rigged results verifies intellectual dishonesty to say the least.

mike angelo
7 years ago

Thank you kyle I’m very disappointed in the people that I thought were awake and on the ball who are now going nuts with trump fever. All thinking that Trump it’s going to fix all their problems for them. Thankfully we still have Renegade and people like Kaminski and digger for truth on our side. I have been reading about the similarities of Donald Trump and Juan Peron the President who it’s said had looted Argentina. Trump promised a new America and Peron promised a new Argentina. Reportedly the persons siphoned money from their charity organizations and political fundraising to various Swiss bank accounts. Quote “In the early 20th century, before Peron came along, Argentina was one of the top 10 richest countries in the… Read more »

7 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that we probably are worse off with Trump than we would have been with Hillary, in large part because his election has the usual suspects re-investing in the Republican party. It’s ridiculous. Hear no evil, see no evil. I think it exposes just how corrupt most pro-whites are, and devoid of any real identification with the white working class that voted Trump into power. Private prison and Pharma stocks are way up. That’s all we need to know. One good thing is that Trump is hated by the professional activist classes, particularly women, so perhaps their challenges to him will mitigate some of the Psych Police State repressions he’s going to try to install. Trump never really made his… Read more »

Reply to  AltAlt
7 years ago

Yeah? Well 70+ % of jews agree with you.

7 years ago

It come out very clear from a couple of callers in this roundtable that this Trumpinfection is really viel. Hearing and seeing fellow folk licking and smacking on this lolly is a bit discusting and very dissapointing for me, but makes me more aqute and volitily in this situation.

Let them go head first into this and let us destinguish ourselvs appropiatly from that calamaty, to stay on the ball and to continue to take our own fortitude forward.

Reply to  Bölverkr
7 years ago

vile* +the other.

7 years ago

Great discussion. And yes, whites should always remember, that the Jews are planning their demise.

7 years ago

Trumps thousand points of light will be overseen US bankruptcy trade deals for corporations gun control and cracking down on white “terrorist” Philippine style.

The republicans have been in charge for ages the president is not a king the congress is the people’s representatives with most of the power…all republican

Trump will be a lukud party offshoot… FYI his father founded the largest most vile Masonic lodge in NY and all the Jewish political offshoots

mike angelo
7 years ago

Trump owes billions of dollars to the jews. So jews own him ! .
Lots of revealing info about Trump on Spingola.

Karen in E Tenn
Reply to  mike angelo
7 years ago

I agree her Sat show was very eye opening. I don’t know whether to say we have been trumped or jewed. Even if you don’t care for Deanna and aren’t interested in hearing the show, everyone needs to check out the links on her broadcast schedule page. Things do not look good for us.

7 years ago

I like what Chris Dorsey has to say and he always provides food for thought but he has a bad habit of interrupting and shouting over others. He needs to allow others to speak when it’s their turn.

mike hetchleys
7 years ago

Important News Flash. Just heard on Russia Today that Donald Trump has been rushed to a hospital in Tel Aviv. News sources say that he is undergoing emergency surgery to have his tongue surgically removed from Benjamin Netanyahu’s arse.

7 years ago

Oh lordy, this is something, a NS black guy laying it down to a reporter. You have to watch this

7 years ago

I can agree with Payday Monsanto on the elite having contingency plans. Originally I thought it was going to be Clinton vs. Rubio. I predicted Rubio would win in a narrow type 2000 type rigging. Rubio fit the narrative of the changing face of the GOP and is a cowardly closeted homosexual Spanish speaking white man with no racial identity. I expect less than nothing from Trump. Trump was brought in for the sole intent for controlling dissension. A Clinton or Rubio win would of led to a more credible resistance. Overall America got the worst of the two evils, America always does.

7 years ago

Everyone is talking over each other.

Am Not
7 years ago

Callers disagreeing with Dorsey are shills, kikes or just plain retarded. Sorry, but it’s true.

7 years ago

Good discussion, but I have to agree with Payday and we need to give Trump a chance. It seems like some people in this movement try to divide this movement based on who they support for president. It’s irrelevant that Trump has jewish friends or even family members. Don’t forget that Hitler himself had a Jewish grandmother and even married a jew. I’m not suggesting that Trump is Hitler, but in this paranoid crooked world anything ‘s possible. The media hates Trump, but people want to believe that he will turn this country around. We need to be more optimistic and not just bash everything anyone is doing. We have white people on our side, why go the other way?

John from Canada
7 years ago

Elections are rigged. Trump was the chosen candidate. Hillary was the shill.

Jews need an evil republican to fight their Jew wars. Most liberals hate war and would lose faith in the democratic party if Obama or Hillary went full warmonger. It could divide the controlled opposition into factions critical of Zionism and Jewish power. Electing a republican creep who hates minorities keeps the left united. White racists will get blamed for electing a bigot who starts wars and tortures people.

7 years ago

This website is a moron magnet. Trump is already affecting a sea change in US policy. WW III is off, we are done trying to oust Assad, the EU is quaking in its boots. The ADL and jews are in full panic mode. The ADL does not attack its own. All you people need to get a grip! Pump the brakes! Your misguided nonsense has KILLED any hope of credibility you will ever achieve. What morons. Unbelievable.

Trevor is a Fraud
Reply to  Trevor LaBonte
7 years ago

Did you not learn anything from the interview you did with Nick the other night? Credibility does not come from promoting party politics; especially defending someone like Trump who has deep state ties, mafia ties and is surrounding himself around the same players that Reagan & Bush did.

Sorry Trevor. You offer nothing of value. No substance. You are just a repeater of websites like InfoWhores, The Ugly Truth, Jeff Rense, Breitbart, David Duke, Drudge Report, WND, etc.

You, like the websites mentioned above are now part of the establishment. You are no longer alternative media. Continue repeating the mainstream narratives with your handler on your CIA front podcast: Truth Cat Radio

Reply to  Trevor LaBonte
7 years ago

Your “Emperor” is now selected and will be in his office shortly at your service. I guess you’ve nothing to worry about or do then.

Let Renegade be the voice of reason in the internet.

John from Canada
Reply to  Trevor LaBonte
7 years ago

You can tell the Jew shills because they’re always quick to run down anyone who doesn’t think exactly like them. If they were real Jew haters they’d realize we’re the only friends they got.

Alexander fro Flanders
7 years ago

Intense Roundtable.

But it was so chaotic at times that I could not hear what was being said.

Alexander from Flanders
7 years ago

I still think that Trump might be a sign that things are changing. And that it would be silly of us not to (ab-)use this momentum. The Payday dude seems to understand that.

We need to keep pushing the JQ of course while tryng to cash in on that momentum, and then take it to the next level.


It’s kinda funny. Here in Europe I’m warning nationalist people not to put to much hope in Trump (because of the jew connections), and here I’m kinda defending him on a US website… fucking crazy.

7 years ago

I am gutted about how Payday went awol.

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