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8 years ago

These UN “strong cities” seem to be at the core of it all . They are the most non white and volatile by genuine incompatibility or engineered crisis !

8 years ago

Great new Golden Dawn article here guys –
Kyle I’m sure the topic here is right up Renegade Tribune alley! Might be worth contacting George, the author about posting it here?

serious 45
8 years ago

Your ending to this show is a giant shame. Trump is right in bringing up the utmost issues that are important to America. The Jewish control has been hidden for decades.

Reply to  serious 45
8 years ago

“Your ending to this show is a giant shame. “

I second that.

That’s okay, keep on mocking and knocking Donald Trump, I’m still voting for him come November. By doing that, you’re only harming yourself ultimately by alienating regular visitors to your web site and listeners to your programs, which only results in lost viewers and lost listeners, or as in my case, I check in only once in a while ever since the Trump bashing has increased as opposed to prior to that when I would visit your web site daily.


TRUMP 2016

Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Really Kyle? Now I know what you are all about.

One more thing: In a battle it is very unwise to alienate allies.

Think about it…

Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Don’t kid yourself Kyle. Hillary would have you and your family marched off to the nearest ditch and put bullets in the back of your heads. CNN would make you out to be the unhinged lunatic in a murder suicide.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

get off your knees and be a man.

Reply to  Sinead McCarthy
8 years ago

Is that your best response? Lol…loser.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

You’re really stupid enough to think voting isn’t rigged and that Trump gives a fuck about you? People like you are so naive.

Reply to  Rose
8 years ago

Even if ppl like Trump did give a fuck, he’s still just one man with limited resources. It’s not as if he can wave a magic broomstick and transform everyone’s life. I’m pretty sure Trump alone caused all of America’s problems so won’t blame anyone that wastes their time voting for him. Trump is definitely a more capable human than the average person, is he a morally perfect person? Well no. But, I don’t consider myself to be perfect either though, and even though I’m certain he’s got more morality-skeletons in his closet to worry about than I do, I’d choose him to be President over let’s say myself. I’m in one of those states that is default Republican so even if I were passionate… Read more »

Reply to  SathingtonW
8 years ago

Sorry, made a bad typo while rushing to press the Post Comment button, meant to say:

*I’m pretty sure Trump alone did not cause all of America’s problems so I won’t blame anyone that wastes their time voting for him.*

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

You actually believe in politics AT ALL! That is the saddest thing. Watching these political rallies to me is like watching an episode of the teletubbies, but worse.

Reply to  Skylgarir
8 years ago

Well they are real people, you know… Why exactly they are there is unknown.

Politics have gotten rather large enough to alienate.

My inner dictator wants my vote to count for something as if I’m special, but so does everyone else and also all the nonwhites AND immigrants ‘they’ let in too. What we need is a supreme dictator like John Hagee.

Reply to  SathingtonW
8 years ago

To my amusement I see that some people takes things too literally.

Reply to  SathingtonW
8 years ago

No what we actually need is for there to be no government at all. You raise your children responsibly and then you lead them along the natural path of their interest they atart to gravitate to, because I believe everyone is a genius in their own right, and given the correct guidance it will develop to artistic degrees over time. Everyone is their own craftsman/artist and gives with full hands. The only reason you “need” government is to brain bash people into an unnatural (therefore oppressive/tyrannical) system of slavery to only benefit those who control. This crushes people into a standardised set of ‘rules’ we are supposed to obey for the “good of all” in the disguise of some bastardised moral code. Free, responsible and… Read more »

Reply to  Skylgarir
8 years ago

You’re preaching some thing that does not incorporate known human traits and behaviors. In fact, it sounds like you’re simply promoting libertarianism, which isn’t going to adequately deal with jewish tyranny.

Try thinking about human tendencies and why a strictly “voluntary society” is a utopian fantasy.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

Dang, he just wants to vote for Trump, which isn’t a crime.

Reply to  SathingtonW
8 years ago

No, it isn’t and it doesn’t have to be either. Nor am I taking away his right to. It is just absurd, that’s all. If one still wants to believe that Rudolf The red nosed raindeer isnt an old bicycle covered with canvas bags then I won’t go any further to ruin it.

Reply to  SathingtonW
8 years ago

I have suspicion that Hillary would turn out to be a more warlike President.

Reply to  serious 45
8 years ago

What most don’t understand is that the current American system is both de facto and de jure anti-White. However, given that, Trump is a Jungian ‘archetype’ who represents the desires of decent disenfranchised White folks, whether he really is that or not. (My method is to determine likely outcomes, and to note them for folks so that they can prepare for each possibility.)

In his mass rallies, Whites have now seen their numbers and their plight clearly, but most have yet to acknowledge it psychologically to themselves. Whether Trump wins or loses, the gates of truth have been opened for them.

The only “right” which Natural Law allows is now in effect:

The Right to Attempt to Survive!


8 years ago

“Can you imagine the right wing conspiracy that would evolve from a Hillary presidency?”

That’s what they said about Obongo…lol.

Good show!

Reply to  Bob in DC
8 years ago

Obongo? Ok, I won’t play stupid, but you are right.

But then, he’s not an evil white racist guy either. Obama more or less amounted to reactionary chaos in segments of the population, predictable reaction in Fox Believers, and optimism in other segments such as Africans and marijuana-lovers. I like to call it Durdle others would call it skillfully maintaining the status quo.

8 years ago

We have guillotines stored on military bases and in warehouses in this country, and they’re not for us to use.

8 years ago

I suggest in future uses of the term Alt-Right™ at Renegade, you alternate the letter colors to mimic the gay flag: red>orange>yellow>green>blue, ala:
Notice the problem there ^ with the yellow letters getting lost on the white background; but that wouldn’t be a problem with Ren’s black background. But you’d want to choose lighter shades of the the green & blue letters to avoid the same contrast/readability problem. Then just add the TM and find a suitable kosher symbol, and you’d have the whole Alt-Right™ in one visual punch; no more words or analysis needed. 🙂

8 years ago

Kyle and Nick were great; the callers were boring and too full of themselves.

8 years ago

Every time there is a synthetic terror event the alternative media goes crazy examining every single frame of video, every police radio scanner, so much bandwidth is given to convince Us the 8% who know this is going on, but it’s preaching to the choir! When someone in our family, or a friend asks: Oh come on, what possible reason could the gubbermint have to attack Us? It’s not a simple answer, it’s not just guns, it’s not just framing jihad i Muslims – it’s so much bigger! History shows Us that No government has ever survived without an external enemy, or an internal war! Without constant conflict – there would be zero need for government! That is why these phony attacks occur constantly, and… Read more »

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