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Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

We have the very same smug white dupes where i live. Safe slave job and pension. Nice house, bmw, good schools. If they were aware of the white genocide agenda, they still wouldn’t give a dam! I think they have got a big shock coming with the imminent planned global crash/depression.

With all the power the jews wield, i urge all you brave renegade hosts to stay vigilant – especially you Kyle. Vary your routine and journeys. These evil non-humans will stop at nothing now you are really exposing their plans and connections. Stay safe my white friends.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

Anthony Roberts, don’t take offense – but “staying vigilant” will not save you if you are targeted by professionals. To give you an idea of how “Neutralizations” are done – look no further then the well documented killing of Mamoud al-Mabhouh on Jan. 19, 2010 in Dubai. If you are targeted by a “State” agent – you’re pretty screwed. The first thing they will usually do is attempt to completely destroy your finances and your interpersonal connections in society – thereby isolating you. If they think that isn’t enough or if they have difficulty doing that – they may just put a hit on you. In the Al-Mabouh case, they first planted a Trojan horse in his computer that fwd’d back all of his emails… Read more »

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

“Anthony Roberts, don’t take offense – but “staying vigilant” will not save you if you are targeted by professionals.”

Relax, Pat. I seriously doubt anyone here qualifies as a ‘target.’ Lol.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

Phil, That’s for sure. The way this works in the US is the FBI is tasked with “Creating and Running” the opposition. The FBI has operated on the doctrine that the “preliminary stages of organization and preparation” must be frustrated, well before there is any clear and present danger of “revolutionary radicalism.” They employ people like Hal Turner, Mike Delaney, Andrew Anglin, Alex Linder, David Duke, Don Black, and many others. The basic idea is to ensure that none of this ever develops into a viable opposition to anything. If an opposition should arise – that’s when they take the gloves off.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

These same whites should get absolute grind positions if and when they come around or are forced to acknowledge and rally with whites who they ignore or crown upon. They will have to earn respect and trust through time and effort. All of our activists, especially open public figures, ought to have precautions in place. We want to minimize our losses and maximize gains. And if we are going to have losses through nefarious enemy activities, then we need to heavily spread the truth about our loss. That Dr. Bradstreet comes to mind. No one believes that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest while being out in a river. It was a clear hit that even the dullest of kinds can see.… Read more »

8 years ago

From idiocracy now to idiocracy and beyond…..oyyyyyyyy.

8 years ago

Interesting show. The Brevik event, the Roof event, the Holmes event, the Trayvon event, the Dorner (LL Cool J) event, the Adam Lanza event, the Port Arthur event, the Dunblane event…they were all staged faked events. The FBI can and does fake court cases also. All of these things are designed to Influence and Persuade the (m)assholes who watch TV and “believe” this crap. Yes, we can PROVE that those events were staged “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”. Once you allow yourself to enter discussions of opinion confined to internal aspects of the various “Story Lines” … you are losing. You are then playing by THEIR rules. Before you get sucked into their story-lines, you must first PROVE that the events actually happened as reported. I… Read more »

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I think a good chunk of people, like on 8 Chan, who promote trump and memes for him, are agents. I think they’ve roped in young suckers and cowardly hopefuls. But there is no doubt in my mind that many of the gushing fervor is coming from various agents, masons, news, trump campaign promoters, etc.

Just pay attention to the intensity of the posts promoting trump. The most fervent come across as agents in most cases. Then you have this other category of behavioral responses that are less fervent and more desperate / hopeful. This latter group comes across as desperate dupes.

Just look at the function of the responses and it helps to segregate active opponents from potential allies who might respond to outreach.

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

Hermit, Yes – I agree. Most people simply underestimate the extent to which the FBI has a payroll that employs “Opinion Shapers” and other types of CounterIntelligence Operatives. A good way to counteract some of this is to teach people about how the FBI employed Hal Turner. Hal Turner is a jew whose mothers name is “Diamond”. For those of you who don’t want to believe that Turner is a jew – just take a look at his son. His son has very jewey features. Turner worked for the FBI for 15 yeas. In the early days he was paid to call in to various radio shows and eventually the FBI was paying him to call into Sean Hannity’s radio program as “Hal from North… Read more »

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Maybe some “agents” , are ordered to call everyone else “agents” ?

8 years ago

“Nick Spero discusses…the trouble with the Trump train”

Whatever Trump’s (real) shortcomings, he’s still the best candidate–by far.

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

Yes, definitely. But that’s like saying among all of the Media Personalities that the FBI runs through their modernized Operation Mockingbird – that Sean Hannity is the “best”. Once you understand that the “Game” is fixed – then you’ll realize that who is actually elected does not matter. We are only given a few “choices”. The choices are pre-vetted. Surely, even you know and understand that there is no way on Earth that Trump will dismantle the private money printing scam run by the Federal Reserve. You also know that Trump will keep money flowing to Israel. You also know that Trump will not expose how the FBI fakes mass shootings and runs Media people. I’m still not understanding why people keep returning to the… Read more »

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

The Masses don’t get the big picture, because most people cannot wrap their heads around the enormity of the Jewish control. The Masses cannot understand it, because they can’t win a simple game of chess. The Jewish Moneymasters are playing three-level chess. This One Percent own the Central Banks — owning the Central Banks is the military equivalent of occupying the high ground. It is checkmate. Even natural-born goyim chess players and Jews of integrity don’t have a chance to combat the Tribal Crime Syndicate, because the game is so thoroughly rigged. Look at what was done to the noble Jews Bobby Fischer and Aaron Russo. The Goyim are further handicapped by not being born into a Global Tribal Crime Syndicate that explains to them… Read more »

Reply to  Phil
8 years ago

I hope your’e getting paid to be a fanboy. Otherwise you’re just embarrassing.

Angela Johannes Gage.
Reply to  Sinead
8 years ago

That is rich, coming from the Anti Vaccine, Flat earth, vegan Woody Allen chaser. Keep searching for ghosts and goblins while preaching your vegan Turner diary bullshit. You Renegayeds are the real anti whites.

Ingrid B
8 years ago

Kyle reflects my sentiments exactly, I just wish all the weird, degenerate madness, the death for profit, the needless suffering of innocents, would just go away..

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