Nick Spero hosts and goes solo for the first hour to talk about controlled opposition, the idea of a limited hangout, and other subversive tactics against “conspiracy theorists”. Specific attention is paid to people like Snowden, Assange, Jones, and then into figured in the Alt Right. He then takes a call from John in Canada to continue the conversation.
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I’ve reached that point of trusting none of these ‘names’ in this static movement. Discounting all the degenerates, if you are popular and somewhat on message, you are jew controlled imo. Some are traitors, a lot are lured by the shekel and fame. The jews have covered every possible angle to get their narrative ( including percentages of the truth with limited hangout as stated ) out to every demographic. Thank the gods for Renegade and their few trusted associates like Robert, Frederick and Chris; plus all the contributors who work so hard. You are few – but you are quality! PS Great show Nick, i always learn something new. Your ability to retain all this background info and then tie it in with the… Read more »
Trauma-based mind control starts with circumcision. Do your research. Google “Jeanice Barcelo circumcision”. You were fucked for life the day after you were born when they sliced your cock in two. Not only will you never be able to fuck right, but this satanic/jewish ritual actually damaged your brain and has left you with mental, emotional and psychological scarring which has literally affected every area of your life. It also makes most men more docile and willing to follow authority. We see that everywhere we look!. Fuck all jews everywhere. They are dip-shits and need to be dealt with. Do NOT ever let anyone mutilate your son’s penis. The intact penis is a truly wonderful and remarkable thing. Keep it that way!!!!!
Genital mutilation is a topic whites can’t lose on you force the Jews and the media to promote barbarism that was promoted in the 60’s by Jews in the U.S.. Another topic is ” the right to chose’ not to be injected with unknown dope “my body my choice ‘ you turn there propaganda on itself. Trumps father started B”erni B’rith and brought Jews into NY at the turn of the century including starting the largest Masonic lodge in NY. He literally is the father of Zionist aipac and the like housing Jew only buildings and con games for new arrivals Good show and you are right about Jews and Muslims but also they took over the crusades through vanitian banking and used them to… Read more »
Mutilated men may soon be able to regrow foreskin! I hate looking like a jew when I pull my dick out of my pants.
The Teutonic Knights were headquartered in Venice and were employed by Rome to rape, pillage, and convert the Pagan Baltic folk to Catholism by force.
Keep in mind, there were several Crusades. Some of them also consisted of battles in Constantinople where representatives of Rome attacked the Eastern Orthodox civilization.
The upper echelons of the Knights Templar coelesced with Jews and the Islamic Order of the Hashashim.
Many Islamic scholars condemn the Ottomans for their involvement with enslaving Europeans and the destruction of Constantinople. Google Sheik Imran Hossein.
Well stated Circus. I have listened to Sheik Imran Hossein and appreciate his point of view. All abrahamic religions claim prophecy. I suggest all prophecies from these entities are an agenda and nothing more. History is made and then it is stated, see it was in the prophecies.
Prophecy is a great way of “seeding” a goal. If one is looking for it they are likely to achieve it.
As you say there were many incarnations but your beloved Baltic vandals teemed up with the Mongol gangus khan to invade Europe and hundreds of thousands of duped crusaders were killed in the Balkans and if that was not bad enough as payment to catch a Venetian ship to the Mideast they had to first attack rich eastern Christians they were told to be barbarians. The pope lost control as the bankers and money men took over the private pillaging army….. It would take to long to text it all but in the end Jews won and made mad money while whites died and were enslaved then like now
You’re way off Cobra. Lithuanian Kingdom during the time of the Northern (Baltic) Crusades weren’t Vandals. Vandals migrated to Western Europe long before the Crusades. The Mongol Dynasties & Christian Crusaders were allies in many battles on several occasions.
It would be to hard to talk past each other on such a Tim line and moving Albigenses outside of context. Time and space have meaning in specifics in general terms we can paint with a wider brush. The barbarians were society killers full stop. Worthless past destruction unless rapping and pillaging is your thing but that’s a dead end society.The making of the Ostrogoths/Visigoths In 376, in light of the impending Hunnic invasion (a Gothic king/prince had already been defeated), some groups of Goths decided to cross the border. Ammianus Marcellinus, at that time, makes a distinction between two groups: Tervingi and Greutungi (which had existed for some time, and were already attested at the time of Diocletian and Maximian, roughly a century earlier;… Read more »
Cross talk so more information “The Vandals are believed to have migrated from southern Scandinavia to the area between the lower Oder and Vistula rivers during the 2nd century BC and to have settled in Silesia from around 120 BC.[2][3][4] They are associated with the Przeworsk culture and were possibly the same people as the Lugii. Expanding into Dacia during the Marcomannic Wars and to Pannonia during the Crisis of the Third Century, the Vandals were confined to Pannonia by the Goths around 330 AD, where they received permission to settle by Constantine the Great. Around 400 the Vandals were pushed westwards again, this time by the Huns, crossing the Rhine into Gaul along with other tribes in 406. In 409, the Vandals crossed the… Read more »
You’re just proving my point that the Vandals are not the Baltic peoples (Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians) that I mentioned who were targeted by Rome (Teutonic Knights).
They were targeted when they invaded the west after bribes did not work. They did not even have a written language and for good reason vandalism survives to this day. They invaded Spain and North Africa etc as did many barbarians but left nothing of there culture or language we could recognize as “modern”
Funny because they are basically the dindu hordes we have today sure they have “culture” but past tribal cliche they feed off others
It’s obvious we are discussing different groups of people in history. You’re not engaging me with talking points that reflect what I originally stated. It’s as if you are on some sort of tangent, trying to disseminate information not related to the topic. “The Lithuanian language, whatever its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure, more perfect than either Sanskrit or Greek, more copious than Latin, and exquisitely refined than any of these three. Yet, Lithuanian bears to all of them a stronger affinity than could have been produced by nature, not only in the roots of verbs, but also in forms of grammatical structure and the morphological construction of words. So strong is this affinity that any philologist can see very clearly that Sanskrit, Greek… Read more »
You seem stuck on Lithuania for some reason I was talking about a classification of people recognized in history . Not sure if it is a cultural bias based on family or linage. But the historical migration murder and conquest along with cross barbarian conquest are historic fact and no they did not have a written language or culture we can say is not there own legacy. Even now we communicate with words to impart meaning and pass that to others. This is the very basic tenement of modern social construct. It is not an insult just a fact tribal peoples who wander about pillaging and living off the land and others never settled long enough to care about such amenities
I will see if I can simplify the historical concept. It would be like pointing at Obama and claiming the achievements of the United States were the product of the Kenya Zulu tribe or what ever barbaric simpleton tribe he’s from. Sure he’s using this nations creations resources and structure but Kenya and the Zulus get zero credit past straining and draining the nation.
Pagan sounds cute till you have to explain what it means and how the chief intends to enforce it through the sword. Lasting nations have foundation s and always appeal to the divine above any man in the state.
Funny enough I was admiring the gold work of there ancestors in an archeology magazine who were described as drug addled “mare milkers” but it turns out to be made to order by Greek craftsmen still covered in opium and cannibus. Worth reading ” Although the Scythians were united by their nomadic, horse-centered lifestyle, historians and archaeologists do not think they were ever a single political entity. Based on regional differences in their art, artifacts, and burial practices, scholars posit that they were, rather, a collection of tribes who spoke related languages and had a broadly shared artistic and material culture. They had no written language and their nomadic lifestyle has left relatively little in terms of settlements for archaeologists to uncover. Thus, modern scholars… Read more »
Just realized you are talking about European continental wars and not the crusades or peoples but nation state/tribal power grabs…. All that garbage had been going on for ages to pin it on ideology is silly as even today the U.S. Is toppling governments in the Balkans with other tribal nations help. All about power and money. I never thought or heard these wars called “crusades must be a new meme to blame “Christianity ” “The Northern Crusades[1] or Baltic Crusades[2] were crusades undertaken by the Christian kings of Denmark, Poland[3] and Sweden, the German Livonian and Teutonic military orders, and their allies against the pagan peoples of Northern Europe around the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Swedish and German Catholic campaigns… Read more »
It alway sounds good to take ones land back from “blacks” or “sand jockeys” but the guy paying the cops army and supply chain called the shots including money printing. The white knights invented banking as we think of it now the Jews stole it and love to pretend they have always been in control. No they steal control through murder and then tell you it was always there’s to begin with. History is very Jewish the last hundred years go back farther for more truthful hints
I would argue Alex Jones is a product of an MK Ultra style mind-control program. There are a series of photographs available on the web, which show a younger, thinner Alex Jones working out. Alex’s face is oddly blank, suggesting mind control of some type. The erasing of the old personality and its replacement is a critical aspect of MK Ultra mind control type programs. The old must die, before the new personality can be reborn, as suggested by the Death tarot card or Monarch programming (chrysalis stage). The chrysalis stage in most butterflies is one in which there is little movement. Within the chrysalis, growth and differentiation occur.[9] The adult butterfly emerges (ecloses) from this and expands its wings by pumping haemolymph into the… Read more »
One last note, with regards to Paul Ramsey (ramzpaul). Paul Ramsey has stated on his YouTube channel that his step-father is a jew, that this man raised him and he loves him dearly. Make of that as you may, though I would argue this would have life long ramifications upon Ramsey’s psyche, such as creating an irrational love of the jew. Paul Ramsey would always be the guy who argues “not all jew’s…”.
Good show. As far as how to approach neophytes with 9/11 truth, I don’t know if “Jews did it” would necessarily be my default introduction. I went straight for the Israel angle with a liberal friend of mine and I think it was just too much, too soon, and actually made him skeptical of most of what I subsequently had to say on the subject because my position was tainted in his view by prejudice regarding “conspiracy theories” and probably also by possible … wait for it … anti-Semitism. It’s best, I think, to tailor the message to the individual. With science buffs or highly analytical minds, the AE 9/11 Truth presentations or David Ray Griffin material might be most appropriate. The liberal guy I… Read more »
Trump told the people what they wanted to hear. It’s been nothing more than that with his getting the support of the people of the nation. There was no need for a super spectacular sinister plan to get the people behind him. It was his words, his down to earth speaking and his topics that made the people run to him en masse.
I have seen a study who show that there is a very strong relation between the time a politician is on TV and the number of vote he gets. Basically if someone occupy 65% of screen time and the rest of the candidate 35% he will get around 65% of the votes. So if you want to know you is gonna win your presidential election just look who you see the most on TV.