Renegade Roundtable: Shaun Hosts (7-23-16)


Tonight Shaun speaks with Shield Maiden, Rose, Shaun from Cali, Tom, Northwoods and Jacko, whilst Keith and Jeb listen in. A great many things covered including the false terror attack, the race mixing agenda, reaching critical mass, word associations, and much more. Enjoy the show.

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8 years ago

Tonight’s Roundtable was great! This is how a roundtable should be, with many participants sharing news and insights. Hopefully the tide has turned and tonight’s show will inspire more to join in!

Reply to  odinsvengeance
8 years ago

Totally agree….fantastic Roundtable.

8 years ago

Shape-Shifting Reptiles = Shape-Shifting Jews. How ? By infiltration, having a child with the Natives of many countries (by bribery or force, what-ever means) and giving rise to a half, say, Chinese-HalfJew and then raised as a “Jew”. This is how they infiltrated Nobility. Judaism is as much a Racial Perversion as it is a Theological Philosophy Perversion (Philosophical Flees), includes Language.

Reply to  Roj Blake
8 years ago

I don’t recall anybody saying that shape-shifting reptiles = shape-shifting jews. (If I am wrong OK, fine) I do recall somebody saying, that shape-shifting reptiles just = jews though. And I think it was in the context of, ‘the enemy is the jew. Call them shape-shifters, call them elite pigs, but they are jews’. At least to my recollection.

As for kikeism being both a racial and theological philosophical perversion, you’re preaching to the choir. But in saying that, I mean no disrespect. It’s just a fact. We’re very well aware on so many levels, as to what judaism is.

Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

Yes, I said that “shape-shifting reptiles” is just a metaphor for jews. There’s no real shape-shifting except for them looking more like us by interbreeding with us.

Reply to  Rose
8 years ago

so is cult leader david icke always referring to jews when he talks about his reptilians? Is the moon really a hollow spacecraft piloted by jews?

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

LOL @ -2. it’s a legit question.

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

No Bob, the context it was suppose to be in, (I think most people got it) was that WE translate what Icke is saying as jews. He thinks they are lizards and every time he says that, we replace lizards with jews.

As for the moon, I think you’re a bit moon brained.

Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

yea i didn’t get to that part yet. i think icke is a liability. He makes sense with a lot of his shit until he starts in with his reptile space aliens. Takes legit conspiracies and makes us all look like assholes. plus he’s not a racialist. i guess nigger’s money is as green as any, and that’s what matters to Mr. Icke, LOL

8 years ago

great show folks, a thought on the topic jacko brought up at the end, it seems to me that it isnt genetic in regards to family but maybe racial because it appears that not all family members think this way but our great white race produces a greater number of us that do and go on to innovate and create. as a littlun i always asked my parents why so much so they bought me a encyclopedia called the big book of why because they were sick of telling me they didnt know. it didnt answer most of my questions and public schooling didnt crush my spirit of inquiry and pursuit of truth, which i guess is why i find myself here now reaching out… Read more »

8 years ago

The Nice “attack” was totally fake. No one was injured. Look at the white truck, which allegedly hit 300 people. It doesn’t have a single drop of blood on it. Then go look at pics online of trucks that have struck one deer. They are covered in blood. Total hoax.

For good info on this and other hoaxes, see Peekay Truth on Youtube.

Reply to  Falcon
8 years ago

u know the jews have no problem with killing people in their false flag terrorist operations. It’s much easier to kill a bunch of people than to stage a hollywood style fake massacre. People who think it isn’t possible to kill 85 people with a huge diesel transport truck are not informed. Regardless of whether it was a moslum or a false flag it’s likely a bunch of people were killed. Some of u are getting a little too fringe with ur theories. think about it some…

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

likely most victims were mowed down and crushed under the tires rather than a high-speed strike, hence no blood covering the truck

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

Bullocks! With 300 people being struck down, some would have been mowed under and some would have splattered on the white truck. There would be lots of blood. Don’t be ridiculous.

And, no doubt, the satanic jew doesn’t mind killing people….they revel in it. But they also like just fucking with your mind. What better way to mind fuck people then to hoax them non-stop. And don’t worry, mate, they’re killing plenty of people every day. The blood is flowing like a river…….just not in these hoaxes.

Reply to  Falcon
8 years ago

well, not everything is a hoax. it wouldn’t surprise me that a muslim pulled that one off. the jew isn’t the only enemy that gets off on the killing

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

come on guys, deleting posts is very jew-like. it’s friendly constructive criticism. we all on the same team here.

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

I am not the site admin Bob. Never have been, never will be. I wouldn’t know how to be. Which shows you apparent lack of knowledge on how this network functions. It also shows, that you don’t listen to the broadcasts very well, because we speak about it on the shows. You’re not here for constructive criticism, nor do I for one, consider you on my side. If you don’t like what we are talking about, (by the way I don’t talk about flat earth, again proving your lack of knowledge about me especially) what the fuck are you doing here? You’re an obvious plant and even if you weren’t, you’re not fucking friend of mine. You can clearly see that Kyle (the site admin)… Read more »

Reply to  bob
8 years ago

“friendly constructive criticism” lol, it dont read that way bob, as to the same team……show some respect and you might be more accepted, if you are just joking around then your delivery sux and i would find another hobby

Reply to  jewbanker
8 years ago

not joking at all. i’d like to see this network gain some credibility as they got some folks with great potential working here. some conspiracies are legit–claiming all terrorist events are hoaxes with no credible source to support it is just a quick way to becoming irrelevant. And the WN cause desperately needs credibility, otherwise the whole show just becomes the “alt-right”

Reply to  Falcon
8 years ago

I’d pay no heed to Bob. There is barely a time that he agrees with anything. He’s just here to disagree. Reminds me of some of my self righteous family members. Nothing but a waste of time.

Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

Shaun the site admin, yes? Just seems the more u guys get into these fringe conspiracies and flat earth and chemtrails the more credibility u will lose–making WN’s look like retards and flat earth kooks. This is why other networks will probly never work with u guys. It’s actually funny. Will be even more funny when u get triggered by this post and rage delete it, ahahahah.

8 years ago

Great Show… Thank you

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