Good that you are back 🙂 I hope you enjoyed the break.
Anthony Roberts
5 years ago
Well, we’ve had our “day of the long knives” from the MI5 “unibrower,” so it’s back over to you guys. Will there be an “even newer Pearl Harbor” around the 7th-9th Dec? Is capt Walt “Max” Slaughter and his 30yr “beater ship” IS Abraham Lincoln sat in the “Red” sea, waiting to be sunk? Some on board will, no doubt, get the “shore call.” PS Happy “Thanks jews” everyone! Even having had a “night (and day) on the tiles,” you both produce more truth in one hour, than the “juth community” on YT put together. Will Richie from Bostok, Greg from Hunter, Crrap777, Molynjew, Adam Greenback-berg, Syringe, Owen Benlikeswomen, Sean-tg christard report, jewdream media and all the rest, survive the Tues 10th Dec jewtube cull?… Read more »
I just wish to comment on the fact you made about pigs being smarter than dogs. I wished to ask or start a discussion about on what binaries we calculate that? I’m mostly curious rather than want to refuse arguments. I went to check it and found that most are judged on whether they made ‘tricks’ or not. Am I missing something cause I don’t think it’s fair to judge on just those things. What’s your opinion(s) on it? I’m not just addressing this to Kyle & Sinead but to anyone who wish to join in.
I’ve never been close to a pig, but have heard many attest to their intelligence. Will say my dog (terrier mix) is so smart and highly telepathic. I just have to think about a possible walk and he’s at my feet spinning his happy circles. Even the thought of giving him a treat gets him up and excited. There is no privacy from him. He seems to know everything. Amazing. So I just had to put in a word for dogs.
Me too live with a dog, a bitch actually, a half breed between a German Pointer and the Maltese Hunting Dog and I share those moments too yet I know that dogs do like to have a ‘master’, especially if they spend most time with one person not in a family, so most of those things (feeling excited when she sees me or telepathic) I attribute to that fact rather than being intelligent as with family members that tend not to care about her she doesn’t seem to care if they are around or not and surely doesn’t get excited. The points she gets from me about intelligence is rather when I learned how she hunt (and I’m not a hunter and never have been)… Read more »
Actually, and speaking only for myself, I really hold most animals in very high regard. Many I have elevated to the level of teacher and healer. I’ve not met a one that didn’t have something to convey to me. Of course, my perceptions are my own, but in them I find allies and way-pointers. I have acquaintances who almost every year venture to swim with the dolphins, claiming the dolphins give amazing healings. I have found the same with dogs, and even a few cats. I wish I had been able to get to know some pigs or giraffes or other semi-wild animals. If one takes the time to acknowledge a dog’s presence and makes eye contact with the dog, the dog will shoot out… Read more »
I can identify with you as I feel I learned a lot from her too and still makes me think about things that in past years I never even cared to observe, let alone feel part of. With aquatic creatures I’m not familiar though I heard/read that dolphins are very intelligent and are able to communicate to some extent with humans. Thank you for replying and sharing your thoughts/experiences with me
Pigs outperform 3-year-old human children on cognition tests. The ability to discriminate objects—say, distinguishing a circle from a square or a blue circle from a red circle—is the foundation for more complex mental tasks, such as categorizing objects or understanding abstract concepts. Humans and nonhuman animals use object discrimination with various levels of sophistication for everything from simple tasks, such as selecting an orange over a grapefruit or choosing the right tool for a job, to survival, such as recognizing a predator or distinguishing a venomous snake from a harmless one. The ability to categorize objects, for example, might be demonstrated by having an animal put all items of the same color together regardless of the items’ shapes. Understanding that there are more blue circles… Read more »
My favorite thing is when I talk to people about being plant based and they say something like ” Well I eat meat , but I was taught how to be 1 with the animal and nature. So as I eat I am thanking the animal”.
Thank you Sinead you presented more than I thought possible. By listening to you guys and because of my dog (I hate saying bitch even though that’s what she is) I stopped eating any animals like a year ago but I still sometimes take chicken eggs and some milk with tea. I’m not vegan. I’m glad you keep reminding us of our fellow friends and their suffering. Btw what is your position on chicken eggs by which I mean the hens lay eggs without the cock, does that qualify as eating animals? Just curious
Well now that’s news (the last part). It never crossed my mind it could be that. Time for me to quit that too, thanks for replying and really glad I asked
I guess this is for me as I said I have milk with tea. I heard that and I agree totally with that as I wouldn’t drink human milk. The thing about milk with tea for us Maltese (and I’m not gonna say this to justify it) is that we were colonized by the British and that’s where we got to have it. You’ll find many small ‘tea shops’ all over the island and it’s kind of a Maltese thing (similar to when you’re in Italy and they give you a small cup of water whenever you order an espresso, saying this just to find something similar to make the point). As for myself I tried a lot of herbal teas and to be honest… Read more »
Well I was heading down the chicken period road with that last comment if you get my drift! But yeah as Sinead says there’s plenty of non-dairy milk out there now. I use rice milk in tea & coffee at home. I’ve tried all others & rice tastes the best for me. It has it’s own slight sweetness too so good for those weaning themselves off sugar. The absolute best in coffee (& hot chocolate/cacao) here is a particular brand of coconut milk made especially for baristas. It’s very creamy & will froth properly if you need that. Be warned – the ingredients, composition & flavor varies wildly between brands so you need to experiment with different ones to find the best & healthiest for… Read more »
Sorry late for the reply. When I’m home I use plant based milk but not when I’m out (which isn’t often and obviously don’t visit shops every time I’m out but like I said, I would be lying if I said never). It’s impossible I guess for these small shops to go plant based milk either cause they are ignorant of the facts about cows milk or the clients are so used to it, this is my guess. To be honest I also feel that cause I buy the plant based milk from supermarkets I’m not sure I get the best or that it’s not a lie. How can I know what they put inside and It’s rather stupid to rely on the ‘ingredients’ info… Read more »
You can easily make your own plant milks. It’s actually cheaper.
5 years ago
The pic of the cow with that device on its eyes is so horrifyingly cruel and feels intrinsically wrong/inhumane. What has this world come to, that we can take nature and its innocent beings and turn them into some sci-fi version of what we’d like them to be/how we’d like them to behave?
Thanks for shining a light on this. I have some “devices” of my own I’d
like to subject these cow-tamperers with. But really, inside, they’re already dead.
5 years ago
Excellent show. Talk “radio” at its best. You both seem to knock it out of the park the hardest when you’re tired. Thanks for what you do.
5 years ago
Very strange coincidence: 1962 pedo movie “Lolita” – check out lead actor’s name:
Good that you are back 🙂 I hope you enjoyed the break.
Well, we’ve had our “day of the long knives” from the MI5 “unibrower,” so it’s back over to you guys. Will there be an “even newer Pearl Harbor” around the 7th-9th Dec? Is capt Walt “Max” Slaughter and his 30yr “beater ship” IS Abraham Lincoln sat in the “Red” sea, waiting to be sunk? Some on board will, no doubt, get the “shore call.” PS Happy “Thanks jews” everyone! Even having had a “night (and day) on the tiles,” you both produce more truth in one hour, than the “juth community” on YT put together. Will Richie from Bostok, Greg from Hunter, Crrap777, Molynjew, Adam Greenback-berg, Syringe, Owen Benlikeswomen, Sean-tg christard report, jewdream media and all the rest, survive the Tues 10th Dec jewtube cull?… Read more »
Well said!!
I just wish to comment on the fact you made about pigs being smarter than dogs. I wished to ask or start a discussion about on what binaries we calculate that? I’m mostly curious rather than want to refuse arguments. I went to check it and found that most are judged on whether they made ‘tricks’ or not. Am I missing something cause I don’t think it’s fair to judge on just those things. What’s your opinion(s) on it? I’m not just addressing this to Kyle & Sinead but to anyone who wish to join in.
I’ve never been close to a pig, but have heard many attest to their intelligence. Will say my dog (terrier mix) is so smart and highly telepathic. I just have to think about a possible walk and he’s at my feet spinning his happy circles. Even the thought of giving him a treat gets him up and excited. There is no privacy from him. He seems to know everything. Amazing. So I just had to put in a word for dogs.
Me too live with a dog, a bitch actually, a half breed between a German Pointer and the Maltese Hunting Dog and I share those moments too yet I know that dogs do like to have a ‘master’, especially if they spend most time with one person not in a family, so most of those things (feeling excited when she sees me or telepathic) I attribute to that fact rather than being intelligent as with family members that tend not to care about her she doesn’t seem to care if they are around or not and surely doesn’t get excited. The points she gets from me about intelligence is rather when I learned how she hunt (and I’m not a hunter and never have been)… Read more »
Actually, and speaking only for myself, I really hold most animals in very high regard. Many I have elevated to the level of teacher and healer. I’ve not met a one that didn’t have something to convey to me. Of course, my perceptions are my own, but in them I find allies and way-pointers. I have acquaintances who almost every year venture to swim with the dolphins, claiming the dolphins give amazing healings. I have found the same with dogs, and even a few cats. I wish I had been able to get to know some pigs or giraffes or other semi-wild animals. If one takes the time to acknowledge a dog’s presence and makes eye contact with the dog, the dog will shoot out… Read more »
I can identify with you as I feel I learned a lot from her too and still makes me think about things that in past years I never even cared to observe, let alone feel part of. With aquatic creatures I’m not familiar though I heard/read that dolphins are very intelligent and are able to communicate to some extent with humans. Thank you for replying and sharing your thoughts/experiences with me
Pigs outperform 3-year-old human children on cognition tests. The ability to discriminate objects—say, distinguishing a circle from a square or a blue circle from a red circle—is the foundation for more complex mental tasks, such as categorizing objects or understanding abstract concepts. Humans and nonhuman animals use object discrimination with various levels of sophistication for everything from simple tasks, such as selecting an orange over a grapefruit or choosing the right tool for a job, to survival, such as recognizing a predator or distinguishing a venomous snake from a harmless one. The ability to categorize objects, for example, might be demonstrated by having an animal put all items of the same color together regardless of the items’ shapes. Understanding that there are more blue circles… Read more »
My favorite thing is when I talk to people about being plant based and they say something like ” Well I eat meat , but I was taught how to be 1 with the animal and nature. So as I eat I am thanking the animal”.
Thank you Sinead you presented more than I thought possible. By listening to you guys and because of my dog (I hate saying bitch even though that’s what she is) I stopped eating any animals like a year ago but I still sometimes take chicken eggs and some milk with tea. I’m not vegan. I’m glad you keep reminding us of our fellow friends and their suffering. Btw what is your position on chicken eggs by which I mean the hens lay eggs without the cock, does that qualify as eating animals? Just curious
It doesn’t qualify as eating animals but it’s not healthy. It’s also a chickens period so that’s pretty gross.
Well now that’s news (the last part). It never crossed my mind it could be that. Time for me to quit that too, thanks for replying and really glad I asked
We often say to people who drink cow’s milk “Would you drink human milk?” & the response is usually negative. You know where I’m going with this…
I guess this is for me as I said I have milk with tea. I heard that and I agree totally with that as I wouldn’t drink human milk. The thing about milk with tea for us Maltese (and I’m not gonna say this to justify it) is that we were colonized by the British and that’s where we got to have it. You’ll find many small ‘tea shops’ all over the island and it’s kind of a Maltese thing (similar to when you’re in Italy and they give you a small cup of water whenever you order an espresso, saying this just to find something similar to make the point). As for myself I tried a lot of herbal teas and to be honest… Read more »
You can still have milk with tea. There are tons of delicious plant milks like oat, soy, almond, rice, flax, macadamia and coconut.
Well I was heading down the chicken period road with that last comment if you get my drift! But yeah as Sinead says there’s plenty of non-dairy milk out there now. I use rice milk in tea & coffee at home. I’ve tried all others & rice tastes the best for me. It has it’s own slight sweetness too so good for those weaning themselves off sugar. The absolute best in coffee (& hot chocolate/cacao) here is a particular brand of coconut milk made especially for baristas. It’s very creamy & will froth properly if you need that. Be warned – the ingredients, composition & flavor varies wildly between brands so you need to experiment with different ones to find the best & healthiest for… Read more »
Sorry late for the reply. When I’m home I use plant based milk but not when I’m out (which isn’t often and obviously don’t visit shops every time I’m out but like I said, I would be lying if I said never). It’s impossible I guess for these small shops to go plant based milk either cause they are ignorant of the facts about cows milk or the clients are so used to it, this is my guess. To be honest I also feel that cause I buy the plant based milk from supermarkets I’m not sure I get the best or that it’s not a lie. How can I know what they put inside and It’s rather stupid to rely on the ‘ingredients’ info… Read more »
You can easily make your own plant milks. It’s actually cheaper.
The pic of the cow with that device on its eyes is so horrifyingly cruel and feels intrinsically wrong/inhumane. What has this world come to, that we can take nature and its innocent beings and turn them into some sci-fi version of what we’d like them to be/how we’d like them to behave?
Thanks for shining a light on this. I have some “devices” of my own I’d
like to subject these cow-tamperers with. But really, inside, they’re already dead.
Excellent show. Talk “radio” at its best. You both seem to knock it out of the park the hardest when you’re tired. Thanks for what you do.
Very strange coincidence: 1962 pedo movie “Lolita” – check out lead actor’s name:
How’d they get away with this?!!
Is the “major hotpot” guy one of Eric Dubay’s in-laws? 😉